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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 5, 2009
Well my day started out great, my imac wasn't supposed to be delivered until tomorrow but it came at 820am this morning. I was laying in bed wearing just the sheets and then a doorbell rang, I sprinted to the door to buzz them in and sprinted to my room to put some clothes on in 3.2 seconds lol, then up came my imac.

I was worried about DOA and every other problem I've read on here in the past few weeks. But everything worked perfect, no dents, no DOA, no screen issues. The setup took about 5-10 minutes.

My i7 has 8gb of ram. I've been running it for a couple hours now, I've never used a mac in my life for longer than 10 minutes but this could possibly be the greatest computer I've ever used. It's completely silent and so fast. I'm a web designer and I've been using a pc since 1998 so please forgive me for being this excited. I've moved from a 17 inch laptop to this 27 inch beauty, I can't believe how big the screen is but it's amazing. I highly recommend buying an imac if someone is thinking about switching, I'll never go back to pc.
congratulations on your purchase! I remember when I first switched to mac... it was a good feeling :p
I was laying in bed wearing just the sheets and then.... in 3.2 seconds.... I was worried....
You should be.

about 5-10 minutes.
That's better.

I've never... in my life for longer than 10 minutes....
Ummm... well...

so fast.... please forgive me for being this excited.
Look, it happens to a lot of people and we can understand this being your first Mac and all. Just try to relax and enjoy the experience. Congratulations :D
Congratulations! I can understand your excitement. I too was floored when I got my first Mac almost 4 years ago.

And the really cool part? It just keeps on getting better!

You should be.

That's better.

Ummm... well...

Look, it happens to a lot of people and we can understand this being your first Mac and all. Just try to relax and enjoy the experience. Congratulations :D

LMAO I see what you did thar! OP welcome to the Mac fold enjoy the ride.
:( I've had to return my imac, screen flickering issue started today.

LOLZ, sorry to hear that, but it seems every single 27" iMac has at least one of those well-known issues.

Apple failed hard on these 1st gen 27" iMacs, should just do a re-call on all.
congrats on your purchase, my first imac was 2007 and i also remember the first day i got it and the great feeling of swithcing from a pc to mac, and all the excitement came rushing back when i received my i7 last week its a great machine enjoy....
The good news is the new one will be shipping early next week and I should have it by Dec 3rd.
congratulations on your purchase! I remember when I first switched to mac... it was a good feeling :p

Yeah, I changed to a Macbook Pro last July, and it is like a total different experience. I know this has been said over and over again, but everything works as how you expect it to be.
I was never a PC user (my dad was a mid 80's adopter), so I never felt the joy of switching to a Mac. :(

I'm tempted to get a PC just so I can get frustrated and make the switch back!:D:cool:

Although...I do use a PC at work and miss my iMac at home all day it's kind of like switching every day on a small scale. :rolleyes:
I love it when I piss off the Windows
people that really have no business in
this forum. Gonna do that right now....

I remember the first time I switched to
a Mac. About the scariest thing I ever
did with my hard-earned money.

I was a devoted PC user for almost 20
years. You get brainwashed into thinking
Macs are the worst things you can buy.
Well, after my $4k custom built PC kept
dying over and over again I was able to
obtain a refund and I invested that $4k
into a Mac Pro.

First time I turned that Mac Pro on there
was about 15 minutes where I just stared
at the operating system not quite knowing
what to do next. However, within the hour
I was using the computer as if I had been
OS X all my life. It was THAT EASY to pick
up the subtle differences between Tiger
and XP.

I will never, ever, ever go back to a PC.
Horrid computers with registries that get
clogged up and programs that don't want
to play nice with each other.

Yeah, PC may finally have gotten it right
with Windows 7, but OS X had it right long
before that. My Mac doesn't crash. It just

You will never go back to a PC.
Congratulations!! :D

haha no one ever switches back to PC, kinda of a funny thing there.
I've actually never heard of a person hating their Mac so much they had to switch back to a PC.
However, PC users are switching to Macs like crazy now!

Anyway, I'm glad you love your iMac.
I am in the same boat you were. I use a 17" laptop with missing keys (brother broke the other keys). I just don't have enough money. The only solution I found was a blog with adsense.
Being that you're a web designer it's well worth being aware there is no hash key on Macs, which is incredibly useful when coding CSS.

Shortcut: Option+3 (Alt+3)

I realise you could search but hey, a heads up is always a bonus!
just got a mac mini and lets say wow even thou its just that i am really thinking my next laptop will be a macbook or macbook pro. i love it that now i can rip my dvd's with handbrake with out jumping through hurtles. my co workers know i am a computer geek sadly a windows only affair so any issues with there machines they come to me. so know with me having a mac i am telling some who are thinking of getting new machines go with a mac even if its a refurb as i can get my mac to do stuff that windows will do after you cuss it for a few hours mac just goes ok here you go.

the reason i rip my dvds is one for my ipod touch and second so i wont mess my dvds up even more know than they were i have had to replace a few as they got badly scratched which is my own fault
Being that you're a web designer it's well worth being aware there is no hash key on Macs, which is incredibly useful when coding CSS.

Shortcut: Option+3 (Alt+3)
You mean the '#' symbol? We Canadians call it 'number sign'. Americans call it 'pound sign'. For an actual pound sign '£', I type Option-3.

Isn't its absence just a feature of the UK keyboard, not of Macs in particular?
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