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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 7, 2005
My desk is positioned in the corner of my room, so i have a triangle-like space behind it. I was at my desk and my brother kept joking around by walking into my room when i told him not i pretended to get mad and pushed off the desk to get my wheely chair out and the iMac just fell right back, screen-first, on the corner of my Sub....Now there is an area on the screen that is kinda darker, like it has been pushed to hard.

is this covered???what can i do?:confused: :confused: :confused:
AppleCare doesn't cover accidental damage. That's all I know, sorry. :eek:
AlmightyG5 said:
I'm not sure....I'm just 16, but I think my parents have that. Does anyone know?

You'll need to ask your parents if its covered under home insurance, that's the only way of going about this I'm afraid. If you're wanting to fix it yourself it'll probably cost a fortune. Faulty iMacs do appear on ebay every now and again. Last week I saw a rev A 1.6 that had a faulty logic board and cracked casing (put fine screen) went for £160 so about $280.
It doesn't look broken. Give it a few days to a week, man. I'm pretty sure it'll go away. It looks like when you poke an LCD and it stays that way for like 2 days, then goes away.

Good luck, though!
ITASOR said:
It doesn't look broken. Give it a few days to a week, man. I'm pretty sure it'll go away. It looks like when you poke an LCD and it stays that way for like 2 days, then goes away.

Good luck, though!
That is what I'm hoping....your right, It just looks like it was poked and didn't go back to normal....I'm going to ask my parents about that insurence. what will they do if it is covered? Get me a brand new computer or fix it?
AlmightyG5 said:
That is what I'm hoping....your right, It just looks like it was poked and didn't go back to normal....I'm going to ask my parents about that insurence. what will they do if it is covered? Get me a brand new computer or fix it?

Hard to tell. Some insurance companies prefer to fix, others prefer to replace and then sell the parts - lots of insurance companies sell things on ebay like that, crazy as it sounds. You'll have to check the insurance policy to see if its new-for-old or like-for-like. If its new-for-old then you could possibly get a new iMac out of it at the cost of your insurance premiums going up but I wouldn't count on it.
Spanky Deluxe said:
Hard to tell. Some insurance companies prefer to fix, others prefer to replace and then sell the parts - lots of insurance companies sell things on ebay like that, crazy as it sounds. You'll have to check the insurance policy to see if its new-for-old or like-for-like. If its new-for-old then you could possibly get a new iMac out of it at the cost of your insurance premiums going up but I wouldn't count on it.
So youre saying they could give me a new iMac...(Intel?)....But our insurance prices will go up?
AlmightyG5 said:
So youre saying they could give me a new iMac...(Intel?)....But our insurance prices will go up?

If its just the LCD just part it out, you will probably get enough money to buy an intel iMac
mikeyredk said:
If its just the LCD just part it out, you will probably get enough money to buy an intel iMac
No one is going to buy this for at least $1299 with a messed up screen.
If you have a new-for-old insurance policy and they class the iMac as a write off (unlikely though unless it drops off the desk again and *really* damages) then you will probably get a new iMac. It'd either be a last model G5 or new Core Duo model. If they try to give you a G5 instead of a Core Duo you could argue with them about it because the 17" G5 has a slower speed processor than your model, keep that in mind.
I don't know how much your premiums will go up, it depends how much has been claimed before. Give it a few days to see if it clears up, if it doesn't its probably time to call the insurers.
AlmightyG5 said:
No one is going to buy this for at least $1299 with a messed up screen.

umm, what's being said there is what the insurAnce (note the spelling) company would pay out - the cost to replace the screen.
Spanky Deluxe said:
If you have a new-for-old insurance policy and they class the iMac as a write off (unlikely though unless it drops off the desk again and *really* damages) then you will probably get a new iMac. It'd either be a last model G5 or new Core Duo model. If they try to give you a G5 instead of a Core Duo you could argue with them about it because the 17" G5 has a slower speed processor than your model, keep that in mind.
I don't know how much your premiums will go up, it depends how much has been claimed before. Give it a few days to see if it clears up, if it doesn't its probably time to call the insurers.
I have a 17" G5, not a core the core duo is faster than my G5, opposite what you said. So if they opt to get a new iMac, will it be the latesest core duo, or my same model refurbished? My dad probably won't even let me get it fixed/replaced through our insurance because he hates when the premiums go up. I think the last time we used the insurance was when a tree fell on our garage a year ago.
Put a rag on the screen and try rubbing it gently in a circular massaging motion.
Don't forget that you will probably also have to pay a deductible for the home insurance policy to kick in. My home insurance deductible is $1000, so it probably would not be worth it in that case, especially if they only pay current value (which is certainly less than the $1000 deductible).
AlmightyG5 said:
I have a 17" G5, not a core the core duo is faster than my G5, opposite what you said. So if they opt to get a new iMac, will it be the latesest core duo, or my same model refurbished? My dad probably won't even let me get it fixed/replaced through our insurance because he hates when the premiums go up. I think the last time we used the insurance was when a tree fell on our garage a year ago.

No, you misunderstood me. What I meant was that the last 17" iMac that was sold only came with a 1.9Ghz processor, yours is faster than that. The reason I said that was because I thought the 20" iMac G5 was the one that had sold out but I just checked and its the 17" one. So if they did new-for-old they'd probably give you a Core Duo. There's a chance they'd get a Rev C from somewhere but you could probably complain and say its a lower spec than the one you had due to the slower processor speed in which case they'd probably bump you up.
I think they're much more likely to simply get it repaired. You might want to call Apple up and ask them anonymously how much it'd cost to have a new screen fitted into a (Rev B, isn't it?) 17" G5 iMac.
You guys are giving him false hopes in regards to home insurance fixing this. When I still lived with my parents we had a power surge, and the ONLY reason my computers were covered is because they had added a rider on their insurance specifically insuring my desktop and laptop... Even then the deductible was so high that I only ended up getting a couple hundred bucks out of the deal. Electronics aren't generally included in your average homeowner's policy... And even then, being a moron probably isn't covered.

Looks like the lesson learned here is don't be an idiot around things that you can't afford to replace.
All of my electronics are covered under my home insurance in fact any personal item of mine up to a value of £2000 is covered even when I take it out from home. If I were him I'd give it a week to see if the screen recovers, calling up Apple in the mean time to find out how much it'd cost to replace the screen. Then I'd keep my eyes open for any iMac LCDs going on ebay.
If its broken then its broken and you either have the option of flogging the parts on ebay or going through the insurance companies. They cover accidental damage (being a moron) and if they don't then you've been suckered in by the wrong insurance company.
io_burn said:
Electronics aren't generally included in your average homeowner's policy...

I'm sorry, but that's not true. I didn't specifically add coverage for electronics, but called my agent and was told that I'm insured for up to $5000 for mishaps like this. Obviously my deductible would still apply, but may policies do indeed cover electronics without additional riders.
io_burn said:
You guys are giving him false hopes in regards to home insurance fixing this.

It really depends on your insurance. Everything in my house is covered under new for old and I don't have to pay a deducatable to claim. So instead of us debating it the OP should talk to his parents and see what their situation is.
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