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has it been finalised yet? or is it still a draft? im waiting for 802.11y to hurry up :p

I think it was finalized sometime last year. I know my router was from the days of the draft version. Not sure if any changes were significant or not. Heck, I probably should update the firmware.
So, it sounds like the issue again goes back to your internet connection...

If it's fine on your Mac/PC whatever, but not on your wireless devices, either your wireless is really congested there, or something on the network is hogging the connection. Start ruling things out here.
Nothing was using the network at the time.
Also, you have an airport extreme and the iPad supports 802.11n, why not switch it to the less congested 5Ghz band and test that with your iPad?
I have the one that operates on duel frequencies, it should be on the 5GHz band.
802.11n is the culprit. Look for a firmware update for your router/modem. See if the details mention n reliability improvements. If there is no update, see if you can disable n altogether. G should be faster than your web connnection, and has been around much longer than N.
My AEBS (dual band) model is up to date, and I have this issue over 802.11g with my iPhone 3GS.

Any thoughts?
I have the one that operates on duel frequencies, it should be on the 5GHz band.

It "should" be on the 5GHz band? Normally when you turn that on in the Airport Extreme, it will automatically name the second network: Network Name (5GHz)

Did it do that? And are you using that network to connect to? (If you don't see two networks available, you don't have both on)

Also, Check speeds on all of your devices. They also have a free app for the iPhone/iPad etc.
It "should" be on the 5GHz band? Normally when you turn that on in the Airport Extreme, it will automatically name the second network: Network Name (5GHz)

Did it do that? And are you using that network to connect to? (If you don't see two networks available, you don't have both on)

Also, Check speeds on all of your devices. They also have a free app for the iPhone/iPad etc.
Not so, you have the option to have two different network names for the frequencies, but it automatically detects what one to use.
Turning off auto brightness helped me with slow YouTube problem

The following tip from another website helped me with my slow YouTube problem:

Turn off auto-brightness. If it didn’t work for so many users, we wouldn’t believe it ourselves. To do this, tap Settings, then select “Brightness & Wallpaper” from the left-hand pane. Slide the auto-brightness option to off.​

After I did this I watched five videos and in only one case did the buffering not stay ahead of the playback.

Previously I had tried rebooting my router and that hadn't helped.
Adjust brightness upward

I wanted to note that further testing has shown it is more effective for me to adjust brightness upward. From

Adjust brightness upward. Likewise, this issue can sometimes be resolved by simply adjusting the iPad’s brightness level upward and off the lowest setting. To do this, tap Settings, then select “Brightness & Wallpaper” from the left-hand pane. Slide the brightness bar upward, then wait 1-2 minutes and check for an improvement in signal strength.*Speculation holds that a power delivery issue associated with the screen brightness affects Wi-Fi.​
Thanks for your reply,

I've updated to 3.2.1 and have found that it goes much faster now, I'm very pleased with it.
Did it happen once or over a couple of days? Right now my internet is slow due to weather - so take that into mind (I use 802.11 draft n from d-link model DIR-655). On the other hand, how is the wifi speed on laptop? If same, consider what may be interrupting (another router maybe, wireless landline phones, etc).
I think a lot of it has to do with YT app defaulting to the HD version of videos. I've gotten to the point of just loading up the mobile version of I'm using an Airport Express router (older generation, wireless G) with an internet speed of 7 down 1.5 up.

If you live in an area with 3G then you can always switch to 3G which will force the YT app to load the SD version of videos.

And I get that the OP has seemed to figure out the problem so this is for people Googling or lurking sometime in the future. :)
Not for some anyway. I switched from an airport extreme to a linksys and have had much better wifi results. Saved about $60 too. :)

aahh fair call! i get very decent results on my ipad - and the biggest speed increase came from changing my DNS servers more then anything. you cant download much on the iPad so idc for speeds. but whatever works :)
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