I am in need of a little bit of help so hopefully I can get some advice. I just ordered a Mini, so it should be here sometime next week. I also last week ordered a Happauge HD PVR and a SiliconDust HDHomerun which just arrived. I need help in determining if I need both devices for what I want to do.
My main iMac and Airport Extreme are in our office down the hall and away from our main area where my HDTV is. The Mini will be connected to the HDTV. My first need is just to be able to record certain programs like sporting events and favorite shows.
That is where the HD PVR comes in. I will hook that up to the Mini and to my HD DVR (only one in the house). I plan on adding the Mini to my network via wireless, and I have an Airport Express nearby for signal boosting.
All this being said, will this work and allow me to record programs to save on my Mini/external harddrive? Once there, I assume I can stream them to my iMac if need be?
Next comes the HDHomerun. I believe I understand fully what it does(maybe I don't), and maybe I can find it useful, but I have spent alot so far so maybe this is an extra unnecessary in the bunch?
I don't have to be able to watch TV on my iMac (might be nice), and if my above idea works as intended it might be overkill. I know the HDHomerun can record wirelessly over the network to my iMac, but if I can record with the HD PVR to the Mini and then get it over the network to my iMac, is the HDHomerun unneccessary?
I hope I am making sense here. I have researched this for a while, and meanbrew's post is one I found that got me thinking of how to do it. If anyone can add any insight on this all, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!