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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 3, 2006
Nottingham, England
Getting slightly annoyed at my local apple KRCS reseller now as I ordered on the 31st of July and they are telling me it's STILL being manufactured - but should be shipping soon. I'm actually selling my PC at the moment to someone in order to pay for the iMac (they've already paid me) - so i'm starting to sound like a broken record telling them when they'll finally get their hands on my PC.

The apple reseller tells me it's due to a massive lack of parts - but surely someone like Apple would've sorted this out by now?

Thought this would be the best place to post as i've just read the 12th of September rumours - I can only wish eh!!!
New iMacs in production could be a possible explanantion for your delay.
Since the 31st of July? That sounds pretty suspect to me. Sounds like the store you ordered it from is slacking off! Phone them up! It's not like the iMac was just released.
tell them you are thinking of cancelling the order. then you will see how fast they move.
matttrick said:
tell them you are thinking of cancelling the order. then you will see how fast they move.

Tell them that if it is not IN YOUR HANDS in 3 days you are cancelling and going with whoever their competition is.
Felldownthewell said:
Tell them that if it is not IN YOUR HANDS in 3 days you are cancelling and going with whoever their competition is.

yep. i am all for being understanding with minor inconveniences, but a month and a half? no way. if this was even apple themselves im sure you would have a $50-100 credit for this.
Yes... you have a right to a product shipped to you if this store has taken money from you. They should either cancel your order or get you a tracking number. Although the person *you* took money from also is entitled to your completion of the sale...and has been more understanding than I would've been.... I loathe them :) (Don't get me started on Scotsys though :mad: ) When my iMac was delayed by Apple when they were launched in January it was delayed for two weeks (and then was faulty), the second one was another two weeks away. For the inconvenience they gave me £100. Pester KRCS, they'll give in I'm sure :)

Yup - a month so far, rang up - laid down the law.. shouted and pointed out that I know several people that have had their iMacs within a week or on the day from surrounding areas and that I found it was ridiculous for them to take this long processing the order.

What do they do? Check the order 3 times a day for me and update me on the status when it changes (which of course, is a fob off)

I'm going to give it another week (sounds silly I know).. and if I don't see my iMac being shipped then I'll be demanding a full refund of my deposit and placing my order somewhere like the meadow hall or the bullring which would more than likely provide it ALOT faster than they can.
lol are you screwed:eek: :D . Threaten APPLE with cancellation then see those bastards work like monkeys
I would never wait more then 1 week, if they cant get what i want in a week i would go somewere else, always worked great for me.
j-huskisson said:
I'm going to give it another week (sounds silly I know).. and if I don't see my iMac being shipped then I'll be demanding a full refund of my deposit and placing my order somewhere like the meadow hall or the bullring which would more than likely provide it ALOT faster than they can.

You paid a DEPOSIT?? Did they tell you in advance that you'd have to wait? Why didn't you order via the Apple online store?
Yes, unfortunately I did pay a deposit

Didn't order online as I wanted to get a student discount added to the order - which for the £85 I saved, I might as well have ordered online.

I can always try to grab to the 0.000001% hope that it's the new model line, but would Apple even bother to back date THAT much length of time into a new model? Next to impossible...

I'll be going into the store on Monday, and I'll be ringing trading standards for some legal advice as to my rights on retrieving my deposit/getting a discount on the product.
j-huskisson said:
Yes, unfortunately I did pay a deposit

I'll be going into the store on Monday, and I'll be ringing trading standards for some legal advice as to my rights on retrieving my deposit/getting a discount on the product.

Call them on a cell from the store. Talk very loud.
Upgrade protection
If you place an order for any Apple branded product and Apple subsequently releases an upgraded version before your order has shipped, we will, at no extra cost to you, update your order to ensure you receive the latest version.

Since my order hasn't shipped yet - then I should be covered by this (I presume)
j-huskisson said:
Yes, unfortunately I did pay a deposit

Didn't order online as I wanted to get a student discount added to the order - which for the £85 I saved, I might as well have ordered online.

You should have done that long ago: Send them a written notice (registered) that you give them a (reasonable, i.e., at least 2 weeks) deadline to deliver your iMac, and that you want them to give you your money back if they are unable to comply.
I'm not sure how the reseller's are policed, would it not be worth sending an emailing to apple telling them the quality of service from one of their resellers is this bad. :confused:
MacSA said:
New iMacs in production could be a possible explanantion for your delay.

If this is the explanation - is it really KRCS's fault? The 12th is a long way off, but from the rumours i'm reading all the new models are set to ship off on the 5th in MASSIVE shipments.. (they'd have to, if they've backdated 5 weeks of orders..)

So if my mac isn't being shipped on the 5th to the 7th... then it's clear that it's their fault.. that's the way I see it

And if it is true (The new iMac upgrade on the 12th, backlog updating etc.) - considering I ordered on the 31st of July, i'll have one of the first out that factory
j-huskisson said:
And if it is true (The new iMac upgrade on the 12th, backlog updating etc.) - considering I ordered on the 31st of July, i'll have one of the first out that factory

If you can based the amount of time it takes for a mac to hit us on ipod shipping times this may be helpful:

Based on reports by macool:

To give you a little idea of when these containers will end up in your Apple Store. It will take a day to get past the boarder into Hong Kong or to the ports in China. There the containers will be stacked waiting for their ship to come in. They will then be load which will tick away about 3 days or more days on the clock. Once the ship’s engine is cracked up it will take 20 or more days to dock and then a few days from unload, to customs and then to a distribution ware house and then to the store which will be proceeded by all the fan fair advertising of the arrival
j-huskisson said:
Yes, unfortunately I did pay a deposit

Didn't order online as I wanted to get a student discount added to the order - which for the £85 I saved, I might as well have ordered online.

I can always try to grab to the 0.000001% hope that it's the new model line, but would Apple even bother to back date THAT much length of time into a new model? Next to impossible...

I'll be going into the store on Monday, and I'll be ringing trading standards for some legal advice as to my rights on retrieving my deposit/getting a discount on the product.

1. You can get student discount direct from apple with will save u around 14% depending on ur Uni.

2. Why did u pay a deposit??

3. They are takin the pi*$ I agree that you have to be patient, but a MONTH . Thats a joke I don't care if there are shortages, u should never have to wait a month.

4. Why do u need advice from trading standards, doesn't matter who is at fault demand your money back, make a fuss if u have too. They are just fobbing you off with crap excuses!
LastBreath - that'll be to the US, i'm in the UK

My order's status was at "still being built" or "In Production" for the last 3 weeks... now it's apparently ready to ship.. but hasn't shipped yet (last 4-5 days)

So we'll see I guess.. as I said before - i'm going in on Monday to have a few words

Deposit is required in KRCS stores unfortunatly, it's none refundable.. but it actually says on their website I can return my iMac within 7 days (still boxed) providing I haven't opened the software package (whatever that is)... so if I do infact get a 'current gen' iMac and the new ones come out.. I can return mine without question and order a new one with a full refund.
j-huskisson said:
LastBreath - that'll be to the US, i'm in the UK

My order's status was at "still being built" or "In Production" for the last 3 weeks... now it's apparently ready to ship.. but hasn't shipped yet (last 4-5 days)

So we'll see I guess.. as I said before - i'm going in on Monday to have a few words

Deposit is required in KRCS stores unfortunatly, it's none refundable.. but it actually says on their website I can return my iMac within 7 days (still boxed) providing I haven't opened the software package (whatever that is)... so if I do infact get a 'current gen' iMac and the new ones come out.. I can return mine without question and order a new one with a full refund.

I'm in the UK to, having read PCW magazine there are tips in there as what to do in similar situations to yours.

I think I am right in saying that the deposit you paid was for a service/product which has not been delivered in a reasonable amount of time. Surely u have the right to cancel the order and get ur money back.

Did u manage to get in touch with trading standards??

Good luck hope you sort it all out
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