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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 30, 2009
Well there it is,the ever so anticipated iPad. Now that its here what do we think about it? At 1st I was not impressed, It really was just a large iPod Touch. Nothing that made me go WOW I want one. Then came the Price, for 499$ it started to make sense.
There are 2 main markets for this product in my opinion.
The broader market is for the tech loving household. I can see my self waking up and walking to the living room and instead of walking to my Laptop with my coffee and cereal, I can sit on the couch and flick through my email on the iPad. If I feel like reading my favorite blogs or going on to my twitter I can do that right from there, and I can view the usual news websites and traffic updates right from that. The same story when I get back, it will be nice to have it laying around the living room to do those little routine tasks. The added bonus is the video, pictures and youtube. Its nice to flick through old iPhoto album and see some old home movies or even watch some youtube clips on while laying back on the couch. So is 499$ a good price for this lifestyle device? I think yes! How ever- if you already own an iPod touch or iPhone this 499$ may seem a bit… unnessasary.. All these things can be done very well with a product you already have.. so there starts the dilemma.
The second niche this product aims for is the commuter/traveler/business traveler what ever you want to call him/her. I can imagine a person carrying this around reading the morning news paper, a watching a TV episode they missed.It does make sense but this means the price goes up significantly by at least another 130$ PLUS the added 30$ a month for the data. This is where the hole in this product shows. If this person is the type to be reading a news paper,ebook or watch content online in a subway,coach,or back of a car, the chances are that he/she already owns a iPhone/BlackBerry/Android/or any other smart phone and be paying a mobile subscription for it. It just wont make sense to pay a extra 30$* a month and carry this thing around and have the added weight. The kindle does the same job with news papers and books for half the cost and zero monthly fees.
So the bottom line on the iPad is that its a good device, aimed at a very specific audience.
1) the Tech loving 20-30 some thing Male to use at home and 2) The commuter who needs to catch up on the email and web or watch some media on route and may be view some iWork presentations or spreadsheets during the day.
The negative points of the devise are-
1) Lack of* Multitasking. If I’m watching a YouTube clip and I get a mail it would be nice to read that while the clip plays in the background.
2)No Card reader/USB- This is a very bad point if they wish to market this as a media device. I always plug my SD card from the camera and view pics on the laptop, it would be a pain to carry the iPad to the laptop and copy the pics each time I want to see some pics on it.* NO I don’t want to pay for a ugly plug in ad-on.
3)No Camera- It would be nice to be able to snap a picture or make a movie and save it to the albums.
4) FLASH! Please please c’mon this is trivial!
I guess this would be a great buy for any one looking to buy in to an apple product without cashing out a large amount of money, 499$ is a relatively affordable price for most people.How ever, it wont be as appealing for any one who already owns an iPod touch or an iPhone and or an iMac or MacBook.
All in all I am guessing it wont be a failure, but it wont be a greatly loved and adored device either. It has many holes in its logic. After a few updates ( Card Reader,Camera,Multitasking) and more apps it may be worth consideration.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
tl;dr, I can't see you reviewing a product that no one has been able to hold outside those under an NDA and paragraphs are available on the all new iPad. ;)


macrumors 65816
Nov 4, 2008
HUGE wall of text so of course I didn't read it. But a bigger iphone isn't that interesting to me so I'll pass on the iPad. Plus it's not like my macbook is so terribly heavy and bulky that I can't put it in my backpack and carry it around with me.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 30, 2009
Atleast I tried

I am sorry if you didn't like it
it's my personal opinion of it from what I have seen heard and read about ipad
that's what I think
I could be 100% wrong


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
and I have to wonder since there's an ipad discussion section on this message board why threads like this exist here? People do realize the iPad and the iPhone are difference devices. Well in naming at least ;)


macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2010
This is a bloody good article..
a bit too long for my liking.

pad in my language means FART :p


macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2010
tl;dr, I can't see you reviewing a product that no one has been able to hold outside those under an NDA and paragraphs are available on the all new iPad. ;)

No multitasking, no USB for storage or universal connectivity… rather disabled product when you get down to it, it makes netbooks look pretty powerful.


macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2010
Apple Taking The Piss

After reading this information about the iPad . You could ujderstand easly thats it is and will be a FAILURE !!
iPad = No flash! No multitasking! No camera! No phone! Very huge and it the screen will crack easly! High priced! Very ugly!

Seriously apple wtf is going on ? It is useless , buy an iphone or an itouch way better than this **** ipad !


macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2010
I am disappointed. What good is something to surf the web with no flash support? No multitasking, camera, phone, new OS or background apps? This isn’t going to replace a laptop… so what good is it! What a bust! Guess I have to reconsider my unwillingness to jailbreak my mini-iPad. Glad I didn’t buy apple stock in anticipation!


macrumors regular
Jan 19, 2009
North Carolina
I agree with what the OP said except for one thing ... point #1 made reference to tech-loving males. I am highly offended by this, :p as I am a tech-loving female. :D

Other than that ... yeah, I agree. I'm glad they mentioned it being unlocked in terms of wireless carriers because this, to me, indicates they may be moving that way with the iPhone. But at the same time, I fear that AT&T will see this device as another excuse to not offer tethering in the forseeable future for the iPhone, or if they do, price it ridiculously and use the excuse "well get an iPad and it will be cheaper for you in the long run."

I'm also very disappointed about the lack of iPhone stuff in the event. Everyone knew it was going to be centered around the giant iPhone/iPod Touch, but I still had it in my mind that we would see something of iPhone OS 3.2 or a developer beta of 4.0. THAT is what I was excited about for today.

And what's up with the [Max]iPad running iPhone OS 3.2 when the iPhone doesn't (and my interpretation from the developer site is that it won't ever)??? It doesn't make sense to me ... It appears to be different enough from the iPhone & iPod Touch as to not be able to run the exact same OS as they both run, so it seems to me that it would have it's own set of numbers, even if they leave the "iPhone" tag on there because that's what it's based on. Ug ...

Oh yeah ... and the lack of Flash -- STILL?!?!? Come on!


macrumors 6502a
Oct 23, 2003
I think it might be good to try one out before drawing conclusions. The posts above remind me of what people said about the iPod when it was first announced -- how it didn't do anything other music players already did, etc, etc. People made the similar arguments about the iPhone, and predicted it would be a failure too, but of course these two devices have proved to be tremendously popular.

I haven't seen it yet either, so I don't know, but Apple may have done with this thing exactly what they're good at: take an existing device type and make one so fun and easy to use that it becomes the device of choice for its function, even if it doesn't do anything radically new and even if it lacks some features of other devices. Time will tell...


macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2010
I am disappointed. What good is something to surf the web with no flash support? No multitasking, camera, phone, new OS or background apps? This isn’t going to replace a laptop… so what good is it! What a bust! Guess I have to reconsider my unwillingness to jailbreak my mini-iPad. Glad I didn’t buy apple stock in anticipation!

I think you will see multi-tasking on this, what people should realise is Apple likes to hold stuff back and especially for a launch device.

If they put multi-tasking in on day one, they wouldn't have been able to claim 10 hour batter life


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 30, 2009
I think it might be good to try one out before drawing conclusions. The posts above remind me of what people said about the iPod when it was first announced -- how it didn't do anything other music players already did, etc, etc. People made the similar arguments about the iPhone, and predicted it would be a failure too, but of course these two devices have proved to be tremendously popular.

I dont remember seeing soo many apple fanboys angry over a new apple product.
usually its the apple haters who start calling new apple devices failure..
this is the first time i have seen soo many people just really pissed off

I agree with what the OP said except for one thing ... point #1 made reference to tech-loving males. I am highly offended by this, :p as I am a tech-loving female. :D

Sorry :eek:


macrumors 68000
Nov 2, 2009
Ironically I think this device is for the less technically inclined than the more technically inclined.

I think about people like my 68 yr old mom. Her computer usage is pretty much limited to simple games, surfing the net and reading publications. Fighting through all the hassels of Windows 7 with constant updates, threats of viruses and ton of junkware is overkill. A Mac is too costly.

But she'd be all over a stable device that would be user friendly at the right price.

Most tech savvy people will be fine with an iPhone or a laptop. And with PC laptops literally being $500 right now, they are cheaper than the iPad.

But the iPad is a great tool for non-technical people to get the best of the web/media at a reasonable price.


macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2009
My initial reaction was m'eh, but thinking about it I could see getting an iPad when my current PC notebook finally gives up the ghost. The computing I do at home is usually just browsing or word processing, so I don't need much power. Nor do I really need multitasking. Indeed, if I could control my Mac at work using an iPad over the net, it might be cheaper than getting a notebook as fast as my work machine.

The one main disadvantage that I can see in the iPad's design is that there is no protection for the screen (or at least that's the way it seems from what I have seen online so far). Imagine accidentally knocking an iPad off a table, or putting it in and out of a backpack full of stuff.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 30, 2009
The one main disadvantage that I can see in the iPad's design is that there is no protection for the screen (or at least that's the way it seems from what I have seen online so far). Imagine accidentally knocking an iPad off a table, or putting it in and out of a backpack full of stuff.

I think this is an epic fail ?????


macrumors 6502a
Feb 26, 2008
"Well there it is,the ever so anticipated iPad. Now that its here what do we think about it? At 1st I was not impressed, It really was just a large iPod Touch. Nothing that made me go WOW I want one. Then came the Price, for 499$ it started to make sense.

There are 2 main markets for this product in my opinion. The broader market is for the tech loving household. I can see my self waking up and walking to the living room and instead of walking to my Laptop with my coffee and cereal, I can sit on the couch and flick through my email on the iPad. If I feel like reading my favorite blogs or going on to my twitter I can do that right from there, and I can view the usual news websites and traffic updates right from that.

The same story when I get back, it will be nice to have it laying around the living room to do those little routine tasks. The added bonus is the video, pictures and youtube. Its nice to flick through old iPhoto album and see some old home movies or even watch some youtube clips on while laying back on the couch. So is 499$ a good price for this lifestyle device? I think yes! How ever- if you already own an iPod touch or iPhone this 499$ may seem a bit… unnessasary.. All these things can be done very well with a product you already have.. so there starts the dilemma.

The second niche this product aims for is the commuter/traveler/business traveler what ever you want to call him/her. I can imagine a person carrying this around reading the morning news paper, a watching a TV episode they missed.It does make sense but this means the price goes up significantly by at least another 130$ PLUS the added 30$ a month for the data. This is where the hole in this product shows.

If this person is the type to be reading a news paper,ebook or watch content online in a subway, coach, or back of a car, the chances are that he/she already owns a iPhone/BlackBerry/Android/or any other smart phone and be paying a mobile subscription for it. It just wont make sense to pay a extra 30$* a month and carry this thing around and have the added weight. The kindle does the same job with news papers and books for half the cost and zero monthly fees.

So the bottom line on the iPad is that its a good device, aimed at a very specific audience.

1) The Tech loving 20-30 some thing Male to use at home and

2) The commuter who needs to catch up on the email and web or watch some media on route and may be view some iWork presentations or spreadsheets during the day.

The negative points of the device are:

1) Lack of Multitasking. If I’m watching a YouTube clip and I get a mail it would be nice to read that while the clip plays in the background.

2) No Card reader/USB- This is a very bad point if they wish to market this as a media device. I always plug my SD card from the camera and view pics on the laptop, it would be a pain to carry the iPad to the laptop and copy the pics each time I want to see some pics on it.* NO I don’t want to pay for a ugly plug in ad-on.

3) No Camera- It would be nice to be able to snap a picture or make a movie and save it to the albums.

4) FLASH! Please please c’mon this is trivial! (I don't need flash for browsing the web LAWLALWLLWLWLWLWL)

I guess this would be a great buy for any one looking to buy in to an apple product without cashing out a large amount of money, 499$ is a relatively affordable price for most people.How ever, it wont be as appealing for any one who already owns an iPod touch or an iPhone and or an iMac or MacBook.
All in all I am guessing it wont be a failure, but it wont be a greatly loved and adored device either. It has many holes in its logic. After a few updates ( Card Reader,Camera,Multitasking) and more apps it may be worth consideration."


Also learn to f:apple:ckin format.

I absolutely deplore people like you.

You make good points, but people have a difficult time reading due to your horrid formatting.


macrumors 65816
Nov 2, 2008
it's called a PREVIEW. why should i care what you think if you haven't even touched the thing or seen it in person?
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