The problem with endlessly complaining is that you miss out on the "behind the scenes" stuff.
iCloud is far beyond MobileMe in architecture and scope. Despite the lamentations of iOS having an undue influence on the Mac I disagree. The cross pollination between the two has yielded good fruit.
Lion has some UI gaffes but those are surface issues that should be easy to correct. I had the sense after 10.7.2 was released that Lion was already in maintenance mode. With the announcement of Mountain Lion my presumptions were confirmed. Basically Apple punted...they realized that the OS they wanted to deliver with iCloud done right wasn't going to be Lion.
I'm ok with that. With sync technology you really have to have product in the field to test it and then iterate.
I read one post that I thought made sense. Developers have been up in arms about losing the ability to write to some directories. Apple has hidden the Library from users as well. The blog post I read postulated that Apple's actions seem to point towards the ability to put much of your OS into the Cloud. If Apple breaks the assumption from the developer that they are writing to the user library on the HDD then it makes the system far more portable.
If Apple didn't care about OS X they wouldn't have finally developed an in-house
Volume Manager for storage.
With iCloud we're not seeing everything it can do already. Collaboration is likely coming, smarter routing (
LAN sync) is there.
I'm pretty sure we're just seeing the beginning. The UI stuff will be fixed in a couple of short revisions we'll see some pretty dramatic changes to how we use our computers.