Yesterday I finally decided to join the jailbreaking party, better late than never! For what it's worth I thought I'd post my opinions and thoughts.
I have a 1st gen 8gb iphone. I used Quickpwn. It took 3 attempts for the process to work, even though I did exactly the same thing each time, so maybe not the best of starts. If I'm really honest, & I know everyone is entitled to their opinion & won't share mine(!), but I'm a little disappointed...I spent quite a few hours looking in Cydia at what I could download. There's loads of stuff to change the themes of your phone, but for me that isn't too high on my prioritity list. I've found a few great apps so far, Backgrounder which allows me to run my instant messenger (or any other app) in the background, Cycorder for video recording and Snapture giving a zoom to the camera. Of course, had I a 3G phone then XGPS would be invaluable. Apart from that, so far I havn't come across much that exites me. It has sort of made me feel a little better about the official Appstore...
Despite what I have said, it is a slightly double edged sword...even just finding the apps above has made me wonder why on earth Apple hasn't either implemented them themselves, or allowed them in the Appstore (I know the rules around the SDK, but Apple decide the rules & can change or bend them !). I know many of us are asking the same question, but I just cant for the life of me understand their reasoning behind it. OK, running apps in the background will cause the battery to run down even quicker, but surely if they make that clear we are able to make an informed decision and choice? Lack of an official video app when it is clearly possible, you know, why, what possible reason is there for that ? For 3g owners, turn by turn voice guideance is there, now, working. Why block it from the masses when it would be a huge moneymaker for them ?
Anyway, that's my thoughts! I'd love some pointers at other jailbreakers apps that they like, or if I'm missing something massive please let me know...I assume cydia is the place to find all the available apps ?
Thanks everyone.
I have a 1st gen 8gb iphone. I used Quickpwn. It took 3 attempts for the process to work, even though I did exactly the same thing each time, so maybe not the best of starts. If I'm really honest, & I know everyone is entitled to their opinion & won't share mine(!), but I'm a little disappointed...I spent quite a few hours looking in Cydia at what I could download. There's loads of stuff to change the themes of your phone, but for me that isn't too high on my prioritity list. I've found a few great apps so far, Backgrounder which allows me to run my instant messenger (or any other app) in the background, Cycorder for video recording and Snapture giving a zoom to the camera. Of course, had I a 3G phone then XGPS would be invaluable. Apart from that, so far I havn't come across much that exites me. It has sort of made me feel a little better about the official Appstore...
Despite what I have said, it is a slightly double edged sword...even just finding the apps above has made me wonder why on earth Apple hasn't either implemented them themselves, or allowed them in the Appstore (I know the rules around the SDK, but Apple decide the rules & can change or bend them !). I know many of us are asking the same question, but I just cant for the life of me understand their reasoning behind it. OK, running apps in the background will cause the battery to run down even quicker, but surely if they make that clear we are able to make an informed decision and choice? Lack of an official video app when it is clearly possible, you know, why, what possible reason is there for that ? For 3g owners, turn by turn voice guideance is there, now, working. Why block it from the masses when it would be a huge moneymaker for them ?
Anyway, that's my thoughts! I'd love some pointers at other jailbreakers apps that they like, or if I'm missing something massive please let me know...I assume cydia is the place to find all the available apps ?
Thanks everyone.