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i think i prefer the ports (eg headphone, dock, Hold switch) on the shorter sides. It fits in your pocket better.

Also, I think two cameras is overkill. If any is needed, a rotating cam would be better.

That said, its a very good mockup!
You are right about 2 cameras being overkill, but having a rotating camera on such a thin screen casing would be kind of weird. I'm not sure the headphone jack and hold switch being on the side would be a problem, it's far to large as-is to fit in your standard pocket at all.
Nice mockup but I feel that it isn't 'Apple.' I can't see Apple bothering with a full keyboard, camera etc when they dont even put radio in.
Xcat said:
Good, but the keyboard/scroll wheel/number pad is way overcrowded in my opinion. I would think Apple would simplify things a little more than that. That just looks overly complicated.

Agreed. Way too many tiny buttons there.
Apple would never put that many keys in that interface, too complicated. Suggest that you lose click wheel and the other keys in the area (L/R click is redundant since you have a touchscreen), make the QWERTY set span the entire width of the iPod. The click wheel should be virtual since that was what most other mockups use. I can understand the two cameras but it kinda is overkill (pushes the limits, which Apple is known to do). I would drop either iChat or photography along with the corresponding camera. Also, the dock connector would be better on the side to go with current dock offerings.

Overall, very very very good for a WIP and for a person your age. Im just worried that this iPod would be too UMPC and would compete with current Mac products, try placing an emphasis on viewing media and instead of editing or creating them. Bluetooth I like very much, but WiFi=web browsing and that would not be practical on such a small screen.
Alright, thanks everyone for your wonderful suggestions, I've decided in my next version to trash the 'function' keys mainly because they're really small and serve nearly no purpose on a small unit that wouldn't have Expose, etc. I'll get rid of the left and right click, the click wheel might stay and will most likely replace the left and right click buttons. The screen is now OLED and I really have to downsize the ports because I made them lifesize relative to my iPod and this iPod is a fair bit larger.

I'm thinking I might enter it in iLounges mockup competition under my parents name because I'm under-age. Good idea? :confused:
pknz said:
Nice mockup but I feel that it isn't 'Apple.' I can't see Apple bothering with a full keyboard, camera etc when they dont even put radio in.

Radio? Didn't podcasts replace that a year or so back?


Nice mockup btw. I'd love a device along those lines.
Well done. Very impressive. Especially for a 13 year old. I couldn't do anything that nice. I probably couldn't even think of something that nice, let alone get a mock up of it. Excellent.
Where can I place my order? ;) I say move the scroll wheel up onto the screen and make the keyboard part larger. (take a look at any of the HTC wizard's for a good idea of minimum size)

Excellent work. I especially like the vertical oriented ichat audio interface and then the horizontal video chat one.
what I think would be really cool is a "touch screen" iPod...the whole front is a view screen and you just touch the face and, voila, the controls pop up. Be a lot cooler for viewing video/movies, though the screen would get awfully smudgy...
More things to add:
-Widen keyboard (Not so much that they're rectangles)
-Rearrange placement of images
-add cellphone features (Ho boy....)
-Virtual click wheel (Could be turned off in system prefrences)

I personally don't really like the virtual click wheel mainly because on a screen so small you should utilize the space as best as possible to display content, not controls. Full controls on screen will come in another mockup. ;)
tominated said:
how 'bout handwriting recognition. and an onscreen click wheel would be better
Hmm.. thanks for reminding me.
More to add:

Speaking of which, could someone give me some screenshots of Inkwell that would fit well? :D

Arip said:
absolute amazing!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

keep the excelent job! the world need more creative ppl like you!!!

Ah, thank you. I thought everyone would criticize me for using a Macbook keyboard.
wwooden said:
Only other thing I don't like is the size of the scroll wheel. Maybe keep the keyboard where it is and remove all the stuff around the wheel and make it bigger.
Hehe I listened to you. Any more suggestions?
Kingsly said:
Looks great, but I dont think Apple will ever include a slide out keyboard. They've put too much R&D into touch interfaces and such. Besides, I don't think Ive wold allow it.

In other words, I'd love to see a mock up with the quarter-circle-semi-transparent-touch-keyboard that was patented recently.


Nice. I do wonder though if Apple will strike in time for Christmas with a new iPod. Seems like a good time to make money.
I think they will. Christimas is the time for enormous sales, and Apple hasn't updated their iPods in nearly a year. Time for something revolutionary. To destroy the Zunes hopes of ever making it to the assembly line. :cool:
Rickay726 said:
cool designs i like them alot
Thanks everyone for your great feedback, I didn't expect anyone to like it that much. I've entered it in iLounges iPod contest. There's one that's similar, but has a HTC thumboard and slides by means of what looks like 2 iPod Nanos on top of eachother. So don't mistake that one for mine. :p
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