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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 11, 2011

I just noticed an app called „mein Schatz“ (German for „my darling“ or „my precious“) listed in the list of app that I can mute in a focus mode. The App doesnt even have an icon???

Thing is, there is no app installed like this, there never was one. It is not in any other list of available apps (not under notifications, not in settings etc) only in the list of apps that can be muted while in a focus mode.
I also double checked if there even is such an app on the app store and I dont think so. If I enter „mein Schatz“ in the search I cant find anything that fits 100%. And even more; All apps shown in the search show the „download now“ icon. IF I had ever downloaded one of them in the past the appstore would show the „cloud download (again)“ icon. None does.

Is this my friendly FBI agent?


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