Not a fan of Canon. Every canon product we've had "two printers and a small point N shoot camera" have all been pretty poor and broke just out of warranty.
Maybe I'm just being brand loyal, but I love my Nikon DSLR. The two year standard warranty is also a plus. Nikon tend to also specialise in high end optics as they make microscopes amongst other imagining systems. Every Canon I've used has also felt awakrd unergonomic for myself, well I am a lefty. The shape of a Nikon seems to grip better for me.
I'm not sure whats better for Video, as all the Canon DSLR's I've used have been rather difficult to use, I guess I'm just too use to Nikon equipment now xD. Nikon where the first to release a DSLR with video function, which was the D90.
My D90's video quality isn't anything mega, but its adequate Well it was the first with video. I use my iPhone or camcorder for video really. As I care more about photographic quality.
My main camera is a 40D that has upwards of 60,000 clicks on it and it works absolutely flawlessly. It's going on 6 years old and runs like a champ. I just got my girlfriend a 20D which is over 8 years old and also runs perfectly. I've never had any issues with Canon equipment at all.