I already stated my favorite is Postage.. But I want to add that I just downloaded:
F.A.S.T. and it is an amazing arcade flight game.
Castle of Magic is an old school platformer that controls really well for onscreen d-pad. It kind of reminds me of an old game called Little Nemo from NES...
Hero of Sparta is a God of War type hack n slash. It controls just ok for me but it is a bargain for $1.99 on the app store...
I need to try the new Space Invaders and Zombieville since people say they are good...
Honestly it will be hard for me to justify getting any games for my DS when iPhone games are of such good quality and cheap... IMO, the best games on the apps store so far are Tiger Woods, Monkey Island, Real Racing, and F.A.S.T. They could easily be on the PSP...