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macrumors 68020
Jan 21, 2005
Everybody with a half a brain saw this coming, and Napster should have...


Moderator emeritus
Sep 2, 2004
The Centennial State
I wouldn't say the DRM was "cracked". To me, that means you could run some program to turn it off. What this solution is is more of a work around. The songs downloaded from Napster will still retain their DRM.

And why did this take seven days to discover? Sounds like a solution that was available even before Napster To Go went live and could be used to circumvent any DRM-protected music.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
So, by my calculations, ~200 coordinated users could, between them, download every Napster track, for free. Ah-ha-ha-ha.

But the Windows fanboys are right, though: Napster is better. 252 free full CDs of songs, downloaded legally, per available credit card number.


macrumors 68000
Sep 7, 2004
Salt Lake
That made my day!

Well since the original Napster was shut down, it just hasn't been Napster... I really hope that with this they'll finally go bankrupt and no one will come to save them with a life preserver made of benjamens...

Do the Math~ Apple is still Better!


macrumors 68030
Dec 17, 2003
Los Angeles, CA
To call this a 'crack' isn't really accurate at all, this is just plain common sense. I was thinking about it the other day, but I figured it might not be worth the trouble. But I didn't think of outputting straight to WAV (and then to CD), which eliminates signal degradation (besides original encoding to WMA of course.) You could also do this with RealRhapsody (if it uses decent bitrate.)

Someone will come up with a simple script to automatically re-encode files as the WAV files are generated, and copy the ID tag info from the original DRM'ed song. The sound quality will go down of course, but we're starting with compressed files to begin with. I wonder what the bit rate of the original files is?

This may really kill the subscription type service in the long run, if many people are joining Napster To Go for a free month, downloading 20 GB of songs, and then re-encoding to remove DRM...I'm sure they thought of this before, but I don't know how much 'theft' they anticipate from this sort of activity.


macrumors 68020
May 7, 2003
Saint Augustine, FL
Sure, it's the same kind of crack that affect iTMS, but the difference is, you have to give iTMS a buck first. Napster allows you to grab their whole library for $15 a month.

If you get 100 users to spend 2 months downloading 10,000 songs each, Napster gets $3,000, and (in time) we get all their stuff. To do that to iTMS would, of course, still be a buck-a-song.

...and yeah, the whole "Napster's Back" is total crap. There's nothing common but the legal right to the name.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 16, 2004
I don't like this, how is ITMS going to compete with this ? "Unlimited" number of songs that you can burn to CD and keep forever? :mad: I really hope RIAA is going to shut down this music renting crap ASAP!


macrumors regular
Apr 13, 2003
I think you are all overreacting. Have you actually read how it was cracked? Basically play your music, and record it. Replace Napster with iTunes, and the instructions would still remain valid. (but then the itunes drm was _really_ cracked, and it's easier to use hymn than to use the analogue loophole available to any drm scheme)

Personally I think that all the napster bashing is pretty sick.. The more competition, the better. I hate all monopolies, I don't care if it is a stylish monopoly.

Bah, maybe someday there will be a music download service that doesn't lock me in on their platform, that doesn't restrict me what I can do with _MY_ music, that gives me high quality music! A service that doesn't suck to put it bluntly. When we get there, it will be thanks to plain old competition in a free market. Nothing else.


Moderator emeritus
Sep 2, 2004
The Centennial State
Vonnie said:
Personally I think that all the napster bashing is pretty sick.. The more competition, the better. I hate all monopolies, I don't care if it is a stylish monopoly.

Bah, maybe someday there will be a music download service that doesn't lock me in on their platform, that doesn't restrict me what I can do with _MY_ music, that gives me high quality music! A service that doesn't suck to put it bluntly. When we get there, it will be thanks to plain old competition in a free market. Nothing else.

But that's just it. This new Napster service gets us no closer to that ideal. In fact, it's a step backward.


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
Finally, Napster and Real can finally both just die. End their misery once and for all. please!


macrumors 68000
Jun 9, 2004
Rochester, NY
Hehe... Getting what they deserve, I suppose... :rolleyes:

Not that they really deserve it, but it always warms my heart when I see an Apple put-downer be laid to rest :eek:


macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2004
Lisbon, Portugal
mainstreetmark said:
Sure, it's the same kind of crack that affect iTMS, but the difference is, you have to give iTMS a buck first. Napster allows you to grab their whole library for $15 a month.

If you get 100 users to spend 2 months downloading 10,000 songs each, Napster gets $3,000, and (in time) we get all their stuff. To do that to iTMS would, of course, still be a buck-a-song.

...and yeah, the whole "Napster's Back" is total crap. There's nothing common but the legal right to the name.

No, actually, if you *do the math*, what we're talking about here really sounds like "Napster's back, wooohooooo!!" :D


macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2004
Lisbon, Portugal
Vonnie said:
I think you are all overreacting. Have you actually read how it was cracked? Basically play your music, and record it. Replace Napster with iTunes, and the instructions would still remain valid. (but then the itunes drm was _really_ cracked, and it's easier to use hymn than to use the analogue loophole available to any drm scheme)

Personally I think that all the napster bashing is pretty sick.. The more competition, the better. I hate all monopolies, I don't care if it is a stylish monopoly.

Bah, maybe someday there will be a music download service that doesn't lock me in on their platform, that doesn't restrict me what I can do with _MY_ music, that gives me high quality music! A service that doesn't suck to put it bluntly. When we get there, it will be thanks to plain old competition in a free market. Nothing else.

True, the iTMS locks you in the iPod platform (even though that also includes Motorola phones :rolleyes: ), while Napster et al. lock you in the Wintel platform :eek:. However... "do the math" (how I hate this slogan), and tell me which is worse: being locked to a digital music player (über-cool, btw), or being locked to a (decaying) OS?

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
I wonder how long it takes Napster to upgrade their apps so they will no longer work when a common pirating tool is operating.


macrumors 6502
Jan 24, 2005
Getting iTunes tracks out of iTunes is really just burn it to a CD and rip! :D


macrumors regular
Feb 5, 2004
Sun Baked said:
I wonder how long it takes Napster to upgrade their apps so they will no longer work when a common pirating tool is operating.

If they want a reliable solution: five minutes
if they want one that works most of the time: forever.

The reliable solution: breaking their apps completely
unreliable: detecting the presence of certain tools.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 18, 2003
As I recall that Steve Jobs said, no DRM scheme will be secure forever and will ultimately be cracked. They're really only useful for helping honest people stay honest.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
Vonnie said:
Replace Napster with iTunes, and the instructions would still remain valid.
Not the same thing. If you replace Napster with iTunes, there is no 14-day free download-fest. Sure, you can burn 252 CDs from iTunes this way. But it'll cost you a lot more than nothing to get them.

Unless, of course, you're happy with half a minute of each song.


macrumors 68000
Jan 6, 2004
Cape Cod
So it really does only cost $15 to fill my iPod! I knew Napster was better! :rolleyes:

But I'm going to try this on my PC. Can't resist getting free music legally. :cool:


macrumors 68000
Jun 30, 2003
Motor City
WooHoo! as said, the REAL napster is back! Unlimited, free, pirated songs..where is my old Windoze box when I need it!

Seriously, this is far from a crack of the DRM, and something you can easily do on iTunes (I do it so I can strip DRM from my library so my Roku Soundbridge can play all my music) However, iTunes isnt giving me unlimited access. I wonder if the iTunes team thought of such things, or it is a fortunate side-effect of their choice of music service? long before someone eliminates the need to actually burn a CD to make this all work? :p
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