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Does anyone know where to download a Manual for Navigon MobileNavigator?
I have downloaded all the Manuals available on the Navigon website but none of them seem to relate to this product.
Also I have contacted Navigon but on past experience it will be slow, rather time consuming and possibly quite difficult, if not impossible, to get an answer.
Reading that last sentence again it seems not unlike - attempting to stir a bowl of cold porridge with a straw whilst standing at the North Pole?

The UK only version is in use, but the manual will probably cover Europe, North America and UK, unless there are major differences other than the Maps.
My searches have only revealed another's plea for this information but that appears to have gone unanswered probably due to the volume of all the other information being exchanged in that particular Thread:

Also, is there a manual for this thing yet? I checked Navigon's site, but all the user guides I saw was for stand alone units. I may have missed it, of course. I just wanted to know exactly what the difference is between fast and optimum in the route profile and exactly what the routing AI does for 'scenic' route vs. the other modes.

Thanks for reading this, all input gratefully received.
N MN is a Fantastic App - I just want to get the best from it.

Hi Pika :)

I wholeheartedly agree with you regarding the ability of N MN to be used straight away without recourse to dipping into the Options and having to tweak and adjust everything in sight.
I downloaded the App and was undertaking my first Sat Nav guided long trip within a few hours. Most of the latter loading the vehicle and not 'playing' with the 'new toy'.

However I stand by what I have said above, I also expect Navigon to deliver what they have promised [i.e. download the Manual from.......].
Perhaps not everyone wants to spend time 'experimenting' to find out what does what and why?
Also not all users are likely to be 'techno' savvy' and may welcome any help on offer?
If Navigon get switched on to customer needs and expectations they might see fit to include a PDF version of the Manual in the download. and perhaps Apple should actively encourage Developers to do this where appropriate?
I concur. There have been a few things that I've discovered along the way that would have been nice to have known. (e.g., toggling your MPH/Distance/ETA by tapping)
NAVIGON Support CRM:00510846‏
From: 6�A (
Sent: Fri 7/31/09 7:46 AM

Thank you for your inquiry.

The responsibilities between Apple and Navigon are clearly divided. Navigon is just responsible for the development of the Software, the AppStore is responsible for the marketing and the hardware. So if you want to ask for a refunbd, please contact your retailer.

Unfortunately right now there is no manual. We cannot say, if ther will be a manual in nearer future.

Please check, that you have saved the address under your home address, not under any other address. If you click on "Save destination", you are able to chose that.


p.p. Christian Josopait
NAVIGON Support Team

If you have further questions, please attach previous e-mails

hope this helps. I concur with you they should have some kind of quick reference card lets keep our fingers crossed
You'd think a corporate customer service rep would have better grammar and spelling.

I agree. When I see that kind of lack of attention to the most basic communication skills it really makes me wonder about how carefully they assemble their programming.
curly14 it seems like you have been there and got the 'T' shirt to prove it?

Was the quoted message sent to you and if so what date did you submit your query?

I honestly cannot say I was surprised by this response as I half expect a similar reply to my request.
Language does seem to be a problem. When I could not register Navigon MobileNavigator for the iPhone using the appropriate Navigon web page, because it repeatedly rejected my input, I advised them of the problem.
The response was "Why would you try to register your iPhone with Navigon?"
I agree that minor language issues are not a major concern, but it is starting to look as if Navigon are using this as a shield to hide behind.
I say this because of the wording of the quoted response supplied by curly14.
It is difficult to see what Apple's responsibilities for Marketing and Hardware have got to do with preventing Navigon producing a Manual for N MN software. Navigon have produced this type of documentation for many of their systems, why should this one be different? Or perhaps is it because they were tripping over themselves to get the product out ahead of competitors a decision was made to leave administration tasks until later?

I wanted Sat Nav immediately, what I got has worked extremely well for me despite not having various fairly old road improvements up to date.
IMHO it is good value for a relatively small outlay AND it avoids having one more gizmo brick to tote.
That said we need to keep in mind that there are a lot of Navigon decisions to be resolved which will affect its continued usefulness, no doubt these are hanging in the balance until N MN App returns appropriate profits.
I agree. When I see that kind of lack of attention to the most basic communication skills it really makes me wonder about how carefully they assemble their programming.

Really? That's ridiculous. So you think the CSR's handle the programming? Or that a programmer should have good customer service skills? And that these skills would be a good indication that the programming is solid?
My biggest issue about navigon is this:

My biggest issue about navigon is this:


Like I said in another thread, every GPS app released so far has it's own set of weaknesses. For Navigon -- IMHO -- it's 2 biggest cons that need immediate fixing are 1) it takes (in comparison to it's competitors) an inordinate amount of time to lock onto that first, initial GPS signal (I've seen it take as long as 2 minutes) and 2) Routing issues: not all the time, but it does have a tendency to send you on trips/routes that are needlessly longer and more inefficient than necessary.
Like I said in another thread, every GPS app released so far has it's own set of weaknesses. For Navigon -- IMHO -- it's 2 biggest cons that need immediate fixing are 1) it takes (in comparison to it's competitors) an inordinate amount of time to lock onto that first, initial GPS signal (I've seen it take as long as 2 minutes) and 2) Routing issues: not all the time, but it does have a tendency to send you on trips/routes that are needlessly longer and more inefficient than necessary.

My experience is the exact opposite (purchased Navigon the day after it's launch on the App store). I've never had Navigon take more than 5 seconds to lock on (or reacquire) the GPS signal, that is, when in my vehicle in a mount, and moving about rural and metroplex areas of TX. Routing is also spot on to routes that I've already figured out on my own to be the fastest (been in the TX and DFW metroplex area over 25 years). It's almost uncanny that it suggests the same routes I already take.

I also don't really have a need for a manual. Some games on the App store are order of magnitudes more complex with play/setup! (Guess that shows I'm no gamer) :eek: Navigon only has a few settings to work with, and they are self explanatory, at least, IMHO.
I know, theres only like 6-7 settings you can change in the app and thats about it.
What manual, it should be self explanatory.

Agreed, it should, but it isn't always. But if you don't need one perhaps you can explain how to add a destination when the address is pretty vague and you need to locate the spot precisely on the map. For example, I have friends who live in rural France and their address is simply their house name followed by the postal code and the name of the nearest village. If I enter the postal code and village I get close to where they live but I can't find any way of then locating their lane and pinning it as a destination or a favourite. The only way I have been able to do it is to start with the map of Europe, and then zoom in until I find their location which works but is rather a clumsy way of doing it. It would be useful if there was manual to tell me how to do this properly, or else confirm that the way I am doing it is the only way.

Can anyone help?
Really? That's ridiculous. So you think the CSR's handle the programming? Or that a programmer should have good customer service skills? And that these skills would be a good indication that the programming is solid?

You think it's ridiculous that a company marketing software in a highly competitive environment not have a corporate policy of quality and integrity all up and down the company ladder?

I think that a company with lousy communication skills shows a lack of interest in some areas of their business. If so, what makes you think they take their programming skills any more seriously?

Why would you trust them to take customer concerns seriously enough to incorporate suggestions and future directions of their software if their corporate policy is 'oh, that's good enough' when dealing with the paying public?

Now, it may be that the two are unconnected, but a well run company would not generally allow their representatives to be so inarticulate...just bad company optics.

If you don't think corporate slopiness spills over into different areas, you've been a lucky customer so far.
It would be useful if there was manual to tell me how to do this properly, or else confirm that the way I am doing it is the only way.

Can anyone help?

I had this with a rural address in Texas yesterday. I did it by following the process of entering a nearby city, then just choosing a street, and then a cross road. Got me close enough.

It would be cool if you could just direct enter the Latitude Longitude info.
You think it's ridiculous that a company marketing software in a highly competitive environment not have a corporate policy of quality and integrity all up and down the company ladder?

No, that's something different than what you had said. And how often does that work out?

I think that a company with lousy communication skills shows a lack of interest in some areas of their business. If so, what makes you think they take their programming skills any more seriously?

The program.

Why would you trust them to take customer concerns seriously enough to incorporate suggestions and future directions of their software if their corporate policy is 'oh, that's good enough' when dealing with the paying public?

Who, me? I said this? They said this? You're making assumptions based on something you just read from a virtual stranger on the internet.
curly14 it seems like you have been there and got the 'T' shirt to prove it?

Was the quoted message sent to you and if so what date did you submit your query? COLOR]I honestly cannot say I was surprised by this response as I half expect a similar reply to my request.
Language does seem to be a problem. When I could not register Navigon MobileNavigator for the iPhone using the appropriate Navigon web page, because it repeatedly rejected my input, I advised them of the problem.
The response was "Why would you try to register your iPhone with Navigon?"
I agree that minor language issues are not a major concern, but it is starting to look as if Navigon are using this as a shield to hide behind.
I say this because of the wording of the quoted response supplied by curly14.
It is difficult to see what Apple's responsibilities for Marketing and Hardware have got to do with preventing Navigon producing a Manual for N MN software. Navigon have produced this type of documentation for many of their systems, why should this one be different? Or perhaps is it because they were tripping over themselves to get the product out ahead of competitors a decision was made to leave administration tasks until later?

I wanted Sat Nav immediately, what I got has worked extremely well for me despite not having various fairly old road improvements up to date.
IMHO it is good value for a relatively small outlay AND it avoids having one more gizmo brick to tote.
That said we need to keep in mind that there are a lot of Navigon decisions to be resolved which will affect its continued usefulness, no doubt these are hanging in the balance until N MN App returns appropriate profits.

I sent it on July 29 and they responded on the 31st... I was looking for refund and asked why i could not get my home address to stay in the take me home profile...have since figure that out and i will keep the app...since seems like all sales are final per apple/navigon...
My experience is the exact opposite (purchased Navigon the day after it's launch on the App store). I've never had Navigon take more than 5 seconds to lock on (or reacquire) the GPS signal, that is, when in my vehicle in a mount, and moving about rural and metroplex areas of TX. Routing is also spot on to routes that I've already figured out on my own to be the fastest (been in the TX and DFW metroplex area over 25 years). It's almost uncanny that it suggests the same routes I already take.

I also don't really have a need for a manual. Some games on the App store are order of magnitudes more complex with play/setup! (Guess that shows I'm no gamer) :eek: Navigon only has a few settings to work with, and they are self explanatory, at least, IMHO.

Jesus, you are LUCKY buddy. I want you to pick up your iPhone and kiss it, cause it's a good one. I am in the Plano/Frisco/Mckinney area and have been using Navigon on a 3G and two 3GS units. All of them take a minute to lock on, and tend to lose signal (has that red bar at the top). Alot of times the GPS defers to the cell tower triangulation. Very annoying. You wanna trade? haha
Jesus, you are LUCKY buddy. I want you to pick up your iPhone and kiss it, cause it's a good one. I am in the Plano/Frisco/Mckinney area and have been using Navigon on a 3G and two 3GS units. All of them take a minute to lock on, and tend to lose signal (has that red bar at the top). Alot of times the GPS defers to the cell tower triangulation. Very annoying. You wanna trade? haha

Well, kissing it? That's a bit much. :D

Anyways, do you have problems if you aren't in your car? Do you have any of them in a case?
I dont think thats a GPS problem, you'd have the same issue with any GPS program you'll use.
They'll obviously wont have your friends house name and zip code as a valid address.

Agreed, it should, but it isn't always. But if you don't need one perhaps you can explain how to add a destination when the address is pretty vague and you need to locate the spot precisely on the map. For example, I have friends who live in rural France and their address is simply their house name followed by the postal code and the name of the nearest village. If I enter the postal code and village I get close to where they live but I can't find any way of then locating their lane and pinning it as a destination or a favourite. The only way I have been able to do it is to start with the map of Europe, and then zoom in until I find their location which works but is rather a clumsy way of doing it. It would be useful if there was manual to tell me how to do this properly, or else confirm that the way I am doing it is the only way.

Can anyone help?
No, absolutely no cases. And even standing outside of the vehicle it still takes a minute to lock in to GPS. Sometimes not at all. I'm not sure if it is a 3.0 issue, a Navigon issue, or upgrading the backup file from 2.0 to 3.0.
I've read several other threads around with other people having issues with GPS too and Maps overriding with cell tower locations.
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