I dont think thats a GPS problem, you'd have the same issue with any GPS program you'll use.
They'll obviously wont have your friends house name and zip code as a valid address.
No, absolutely no cases. And even standing outside of the vehicle it still takes a minute to lock in to GPS. Sometimes not at all. I'm not sure if it is a 3.0 issue, a Navigon issue, or upgrading the backup file from 2.0 to 3.0.
I've read several other threads around with other people having issues with GPS too and Maps overriding with cell tower locations.
a free update? heres hoping
Is there a way to have it announce street names?
Hi Pika
I wholeheartedly agree with you regarding the ability of N MN to be used straight away without recourse to dipping into the Options and having to tweak and adjust everything in sight.
I downloaded the App and was undertaking my first Sat Nav guided long trip within a few hours. Most of the latter loading the vehicle and not 'playing' with the 'new toy'.
However I stand by what I have said above, I also expect Navigon to deliver what they have promised [i.e. download the Manual from.......].
Perhaps not everyone wants to spend time 'experimenting' to find out what does what and why?
Also not all users are likely to be 'techno' savvy' and may welcome any help on offer?
If Navigon get switched on to customer needs and expectations they might see fit to include a PDF version of the Manual in the download. and perhaps Apple should actively encourage Developers to do this where appropriate?
Does anyone know where to download a Manual for Navigon MobileNavigator?
I have downloaded all the Manuals available on the Navigon website but none of them seem to relate to this product.
Also I have contacted Navigon but on past experience it will be slow, rather time consuming and possibly quite difficult, if not impossible, to get an answer.
Reading that last sentence again it seems not unlike - attempting to stir a bowl of cold porridge with a straw whilst standing at the North Pole?
The UK only version is in use, but the manual will probably cover Europe, North America and UK, unless there are major differences other than the Maps.
My searches have only revealed another's plea for this information but that appears to have gone unanswered probably due to the volume of all the other information being exchanged in that particular Thread:
Thanks for reading this, all input gratefully received.
Hi patoleas
Many thanks for the link.
I usually only traverse routes that are familiar these days so the information was a great way to bring myself up to speed with all the developments.
The current pricing makes this app a really good deal.
I have a couple of questions:
Does anyone know whether Traffic Live is a subscription service, e.g. the charge being for a limited time and thereafter renewable or is it a for life fee?
Also does anyone know when the last Navigon Newsletter was published, I cannot remember ever receiving a copy?
Thanks again patoleas.
Seems like the RAC Traffic App at 59p [UK obviously] is a good move until Navigon build up steam?
It will not integrate with NM but at that price it can be dumped if and when Navigon deliver the goods.
I downloaded Panoramic View 3D, bit of a messy process eventually produced a page with a Downloading button that with a greyed out appearance. It was not clickable and seemed totally devoid of life.
This simply remained on the iPhone screen until after a couple of hours I checked my connection and found everything in order and pressed the Extras button.
From the list of Extras I chose Panorama 3D and it returned me to the downloading page but now the Downloading button had changed to Uninstall.
Panorama 3D was found to have installed, pity about the clumsy process necessary to achieve this.
Unfortunately this seems to be par for the course for Navigon?
The only need for me to use the manual is so I can understand what the three route colours mean (orange, green and blue).
Anyone care to enlighten me?
MyRoutes function, the system gradually gets used to the driver's habits to automatically suggest the route you're likely to find the most suitable.
Orange = fastest
Green = shortest
Blue = least traffic
* Orange or Green route could be the longest time to distance with congested traffic (Traffic Live) based on my experiences. Sort the traffic information by Distance (other options are Road and Delay) and show traffic information by "Route Related" (other option is All traffic information).