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I updated to v1.1 earlier this week. It was available for the EU version. I don't know if the GB or NA version is all ready on 1.1. I guess your iPhone warns you for the update when it's there when you connect it to iTunes?

Ok thanks I have the NA version and Navigon list it on there website that this summer it should have an update
I can comfirm iSimons post. When i want to listen to the radio i have to unplug the BT plug from the iPhone. So you hear the voice through the iPhone speaker which isnt a bad thing actually. On a long trip however you have to plug in again when the battery is about to die.

Sorry for the not so quick response Vin...

Thanks! That should work just fine. Installing Navigon now :)
From Navigon's FAQ:

Our software automatically turns off the battery saving function that turns off the screen. Should yet a new application start, like for instance an upcoming meeting, the function is turned on again. Therefore, please always confirm the pop-up to assure that the display isn't turned off.In isolated cases we have heard, that the screen turns dark allthough there wasn't a message or an other application. The cause for this are charging accessories that aren't certified for use with the iPhone 3G or the iPhone 3G S. We therefore would like to advise you to only use accessories that have been certified for use with the iPhone 3G or iPhone 3G S.

I have the iPhone 4 and the newest version of Navigon (not yet updated for the iPhone 4). I have a couple of issues that are VERY annoying:

1) I am experiencing the dimming issue. I had Pandora playing in the background (using the new feature in iOS4), and after a couple of minutes, the screen on the phone dimmed. I keep the phone up in front of my steering wheel by my RPM display (my MPH, etc. are up on the dash in my Civic). Up where my phone is is darker, and I think that the sensor on my phone thought that, and it dimmed the screen. The problem was I could not get the screen to undim even by exiting the app. I had to actually restart the phone fully. I did change my settings to not auto dim at all. I will test with that.

2) If you are listening to Pandora in the background, when the voice navigation comes on (Navigon PLEASE let us turn this off), the music attenuates during the voice command, then waits about 5 seconds before coming back on at full volume. If I am listening to the iPod functions through Navigon then the voice over just attenuates the music while speaking, and then the music comes right back up. If I try and lower the voice commands, and I am using the iPod function through Navigon, both go up and down with the slider in the Navigon Options screen. I will say it again Navigon PLEASE let us turn this off.

Overall it is a good app. It is in bad need of an update for iOS4, and the voice needs better control, like OFF.
I am also having the same issue, considering I just bought this app and did a test drive. It was a disaster when the screen dimmed on the remaining 2/3 of my trip since I really didn't know the location I've been driving by. I had to stop my car, park it, re-run the app (close multitasking) then it's back on normal brightness again. Any others experiencing this?

I am not using any iPod nor streaming Pandora like the poster above.
I experienced the screen dimming a fewe weeks ago but it was due to overheating, not the app or anything else.

If your screen is dimming and you can get it to undim then it's probably due to overheating. This is done ny the iOS
I experienced the screen dimming a fewe weeks ago but it was due to overheating, not the app or anything else.

If your screen is dimming and you can get it to undim then it's probably due to overheating. This is done ny the iOS

Oh that does make sense! I was driving while it was around 90ish something outside, and my iPhone was indeed warmer than supposed to be, while navigating and charging the same time. Ok, that clearly make sense now thanks!
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