I think you are way off base here. I've been a moderator at DVinfo.net for almost 20 years. It has been an ongoing complaint that YouTube and Vimeo will take your video down if there is recognizable copyrighted music playing in the background. From what I've seen, they have gotten much more aggressive about doing this in recent years. And people who live-stream events have complained their streams get cut off when recognizable music is playing.
That may very well be the case, and since it is their platform, they can do that if they want. However, from a legal standpoint, it is acceptable if copyrighted music/material is playing in the background of a video/slive stream and is captured if the videographer would have no reasonable way of blocking out said background/ambient music/material.
So maybe the weak link is YouTube and Vimeo and not the lawyers from the record labels.
There are some services that sell licenses that allow you to use copyrighted music but there are complaints of YouTube/Vimeo taking videos down nonetheless.
Again, you may very well be correct about this.
And fwiw, this is yet another reason why in the long-term, I want to host my own videos, because I don't want Google/YouTube/Vimeo controlling my content (or profiting off of it).
I have no personal experience with this but have sure read a lot of first-hand reports.
I am sure you are right on this, and thanks for the heads up!
So give it a try and see what happens, but I think copyrighted music is copyrighted music regardless of how it gets into your video.
Well, as said above, what the courts say and what YouTube/Vimeo decide to do are separate things.
It will be interesting to see if I post my rodeo videos what happens to them, because I know that they were playing country songs in the background as the cowboys would chase the steers around, but then the music ended once the announcer comments on the last contestants and introduced the next ones.
Lisening in this country is a total FUBAR. And the record companies and copyright holders are IDIOTS in that they don't make it EASY for common people to be able to license music in vidoes, as it would likely be a windfall for the copyright owners.
There has been talk for a number of years that this will be coming soon, as it is the only practical way to protect copyrighted material and still generate revenue, but the propblem is that a glacier moves faster than the record companies and their lawyers.
As I learn more about edit and cinematography, I am sure I will find it easier to just use royalty-free music, or music where I can indeed buy the rights to use music in my videos, and I already know there are numerous sources out there that provide millions of songs that can be purchased for a reasonable price or subscription price and used indefinitely.
But alas, there is still no way to use "Surfin Safari" in a video unless you have LOTS of money AND if you can even agree to get the record labels to use it in your video, which is almost impossible to do.
Fortunately this entire topic is not a priority to me, and I probably have spent too much time idscussing it, but at least I am learning about sound and bass and Bluetooth speakers, and that has applications beyound putting music into my videos! So all of this is a good learning experience thanks to everyone here in this thread!