The EU has great return policies protected by law but...... only when you buy online. If not content you can jut return it within two weeks. If defect within half a year you are entitled to a brand new product and you don't need to accept repairs. Guarantee must be given in balance with the price and to what 'may be expected of such a product'. So no strict term of so and so many days. Not all retailers know these terms by the way......
And you don't need to accept a repair in the guarantee period with used parts.
But to
@VitoBotta I would say: If it is really important buy the one that you like and is most useful. Accept the extra costs and if you make money with your work, put it on the balance of your company / work. It will be deductible and will lower your income. This means less tax. And with about 40 percent tax it might cost you in the end €150
But before all of this look also at and see what they are willing to pay.