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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 7, 2009
I just made a quick video that is showing my iMac at different angles, and so far, I'm not really sure what to look for to be honest, as I really don't notice a thing, so I felt I'd just ask some of you guys to take a look for me.

I'm more than satisfied with my iMac but at the same time, I'd like to know if mine has that popular defect or not. I used various test as well, so I'm waiting to hear back from the majority here.

Youtube video: :)
(Watch In HD)
EDIT: Didn't view the whole video, I see you used the right backgrounds, sorry mate. But I still stand behind what I say, if you can't see anything then that's all that should matter. If some people see the yellow tint on your video, that shouldn't make you pack up the iMac and send it back.
Okay, 2 things. First you really should be using a solid background such as the white or medium grey colored background. It's impossible to analyze your screen using the default Apple space background. Secondly, if you don't see anything then that should be all that matters, it's nobody else's call that your screen is flawed, your eyes should be the only judge. But if you need confirmation I suggest you change to a solid light color background and repost the video.

Did you even take the time to look at the whole video before posting this? Using the default background isn't the only thing I tested. Please relook at the video fully, as I used the recommended yellow screen test from the iMac. website.
Did you even take the time to look at the whole video before posting this? Using the default background isn't the only thing I tested. Please relook at the video fully, as I used the recommended yellow screen test from the iMac. website.
I watched the whole thing and it looked fine to me. Others may have a different opinion but to me it looked just fine. Do you think you have a problem with the yellow tint?
Well, IMO, the screen looks good. Yes, I now have viewed the whole video, sorry again. If you have to look that hard, it ain't there.
I watched the whole thing and it looked fine to me. Others may have a different opinion but to me it looked just fine. Do you think you have a problem with the yellow tint?

Great, and yes and no to your question. I simply did not know what to look for to be honest, and what was normal and what isn't normal. One cannot help but to be a little worried when so many complaints have been filed on this model, adding to my reason for making this post here.

I find my eyes playing tricks on me from time to time, convincing me to see "yellow" lol, and I'm sure a lot of people who have taken theirs back do the same.

In all, I just wanted to know basically, but it looks alright, but I still want to know, just me :)

It's kind of like, when you make an "A" on a test, and studied your tail off, but still cannot believe you made that A and have to look a couple of times because you are so happy and can't believe it...and just need someone to confirm it.
Look at the nearest light bulb for twenty seconds.
See the orange tinge around the outside?
Look again.
It's there, I assure you.
See it now? Great!
It shouldn't be there.
Take it back immediately and exchange it.
And post a picture of it here so others can see it too and return theirs.

If I repeat this enough, for every five genuinely defective light bulbs out there, I can convince a hundred people to return theirs. I love forums!
I don't know if its a good thing or not, seems like the wallpaper is yellow at the bottom slightly where it should be white. I don't know though, and I can barely notice mine.
Look at the nearest light bulb for twenty seconds.
See the orange tinge around the outside?
Look again.
It's there, I assure you.
See it now? Great!
It shouldn't be there.
Take it back immediately and exchange it.
And post a picture of it here so others can see it too and return theirs.

If I repeat this enough, for every five genuinely defective light bulbs out there, I can convince a hundred people to return theirs. I love forums!

Can you point out the time frame, as I have no idea what scene you are referring to?
Open your fridge.
Look at the light source for twenty seconds.
Does the milk look yellow after a while?
No.? Look again.
It has some yellow, I assure you.
See it now? Great!
It's off. It might not taste off, but it is.
Take it back to the grocer and exchange it.
And post a picture of it here so others can see it too and return theirs.

For every five real flying saucer or poltergeist sightings, you can be sure there will be 100 people who think they've seen them when they haven't. The only thing worse than that is NOT seeing them but actually going looking for them!
Open your fridge.
Look at the light source for twenty seconds.
Does the milk look yellow after a while?
No.? Look again.
It has some yellow, I assure you.
See it now? Great!
It's off. It might not taste off, but it is.
Take it back to the grocer and exchange it.
And post a picture of it here so others can see it too and return theirs.

Ah I see your sarcastic point now :D . There actually is a light bulb in the video that you can see from the glare, so I thought you were referring to that.

Thanks for your "wonderful" help! :rolleyes:
Look at the nearest light bulb for twenty seconds.
See the orange tinge around the outside?
Look again.
It's there, I assure you.
See it now? Great!
It shouldn't be there.
Take it back immediately and exchange it.
And post a picture of it here so others can see it too and return theirs.

If I repeat this enough, for every five genuinely defective light bulbs out there, I can convince a hundred people to return theirs. I love forums!

Ah I see your sarcastic point now :D

Well, at least try to remember you are looking DIRECTLY at a light source when you are judging these things. And light plays tricks on the best of us.
Anyone who has ever used a large lightbox for looking at transparencies knows how you see color tinges unless you look away every now and then.
Well, at least try to remember you are looking DIRECTLY at a light source when you are judging these things. And light plays tricks on the best of us.

Of course and that's my main reason for opening this thread as I didn't find a great enough example on how to detect this flaw. Should you look from an anagle, from the top, side, bottom..:rolleyes: :)

And I agree as stated in a few post above that your eyes tend to play tricks on you. It's like when you are in your bed at night and staring at different objects (such as a chair, or coat hanging over the door) the objects start to look like other things your mind tricks you into thinking. For me they turn into "monsters (one just starring at you) :p " since I was always scared one would come and take me away (note: when I was younger) :eek:
It's like when you are in your bed at night and staring at different objects (such as a chair, or coat hanging over the door) the objects start to look like other things your mind tricks you into thinking. For me they turn into "monsters (one just starring at you) :p " since I was always scared one would come and take me away (note: when I was younger) :eek:

My advice to you is to pull the blanket up over your head and don't look out at the monsters roaming here at night who would like to convince you there is a yellow tinge coming after you.
When you wake up in the morning, the screen will be crisp and white, just as it was before you visited here and all will be well.
But... if you are tempted to look here again... the yellow tingers will get you... they always do... unless you shun them.
My advice to you is to pull the blanket up over your head and don't look out at the monsters roaming here at night who would like to convince you there is a yellow tinge coming after you.
When you wake up in the morning, the screen will be crisp and white, just as it was before you visited here and all will be well.
But... if you are tempted to look here again... the yellow tingers will get you... they always do... unless you shun them.

But what if you wake up in the middle of the night and notice 2 or 3 monsters starring at you? :eek: I usually just stare back, as if you move, they'll know you are awake and take you and your iMac away :(
My advice to you is to pull the blanket up over your head and don't look out at the monsters roaming here at night who would like to convince you there is a yellow tinge coming after you.
When you wake up in the morning, the screen will be crisp and white, just as it was before you visited here and all will be well.
But... if you are tempted to look here again... the yellow tingers will get you... they always do... unless you shun them.

Man, Dont say this. The only solution for this issue is Someone needs to show how the uniform screen with no yellow tinge look like. (Of course It should really have no yellow issue) So those suffering people can compare it with their own iMac. Since you keep telling that yours has no yellow problem, why don't you just post your screen shots and say "Heh, this is the screen with no yellow issue. Use this to compare your own iMac"

If you do that, and most people agree about your screen, nobody will complaint or scold at you but compliment. Like Robotkiller, the poster of No more yellow thread who are brave enough to post his iMac screen and say "I think my iMac screen has no yellow tinge".

As far as I knew, I dont see any comments like "You fool, the yellow is just right there" or "Stupid, Can't you see yours has the yellow problem too" all I can see is "I wish mine is the same as you" or "This thread puts me in a good mood"

If you dont want to help those suffering people by posting yours and you have no faith in yours, just be quiet.

To OP, If you dont see the yellow tint on your screen, then it's fine. Moreover, It looks just fine to me. I would be happy if mine is similar to yours.
Man, Dont say this. The only solution for this issue is Someone needs to show how the uniform screen with no yellow tinge look like. (Of course It should really have no yellow issue) So those suffering people can compare it with their own iMac. Since you keep telling that yours has no yellow problem, why don't you just post your screen shots and say "Heh, this is the screen with no yellow issue. Use this to compare your own iMac"

If you do that, and most people agree about your screen, nobody will complaint or scold at you but compliment. Like Robotkiller, the poster of No more yellow thread who are brave enough to post his iMac screen and say "I think my iMac screen has no yellow tinge".

As far as I knew, I dont see any comments like "You fool, the yellow is just right there" or "Stupid, Can't you see yours has the yellow problem too" all I can see is "I wish mine is the same as you" or "This thread puts me in a good mood"

If you dont want to help those suffering people by posting yours and you have no faith in yours, just be quiet.

To OP, If you dont see the yellow tint on your screen, then it's fine. Moreoverm It looks just fine to me. I would be happy if mine is similar to yours.

I agree completely, and hopefully others wondering if their screen has the problem, they can relate to this thread.
My advice to you is to pull the blanket up over your head and don't look out at the monsters roaming here at night who would like to convince you there is a yellow tinge coming after you.
When you wake up in the morning, the screen will be crisp and white, just as it was before you visited here and all will be well.
But... if you are tempted to look here again... the yellow tingers will get you... they always do... unless you shun them.

It's been my observation that no one here is trying to convince or trick people into seeing yellow as much as your trying to discredit or down play people with actual yellowish screens. Sad.

Sorry for feeding the troll.

rs14smith, if you have to hunt for it, it is not there. If it is obviously yellow, deal with the issue how you'd like. I watched your video, and your screen looks nice. At times, the whole bottom part of the screen seems a tad lighter, but that's not bad considering the amount of motion and offset coming from the camera. Do you have any back-lighting bleeding through on the bottom?
It's been my observation that no one here is trying to convince or trick people into seeing yellow as much as your trying to discredit or down play people with actual yellowish screens

I have not downplayed anyone with "actual yellowish screens". For a start, this thread is by someone who says HE CAN SEE NO TINGE at all, actual or imaginary.
But at least he has an iMac in front of him.
Several of the most persistent posters about yellow tinge on this site have, by their own admission, not even owned a single iMac or tested one, let alone have "actual yellowish" screens. Yet their time is spent telling others that every machine has it, based on appalling photographs of negligible value, and that anyone claiming a good screen is a liar or has a dull eye. Indeed, they are the ones who insult those with actual problems because they are clearly enjoying maximizing the unease on the forum as part of an agenda of their own.
There are those on this board who will automatically tell the OP he has serious screen problems whether they exist or not. THOSE are the devious people a new visitor needs to be aware of and question their judgment and motives.
If someone has a yellow screen (as I did at one stage), they need to trust their own eyes and get it fixed or exchanged, pure and simple. Whether you, I, or anyone else says someone else's screen is yellow based on any "evidence" here is worth not a jot, unless you live life like a lemming.
i watched the video more then 5 times and i can see a bit yellow on the bottom right corner about 2..3 inches high going down to next to nothing towards the bottom left corner, i first thought there was something in the top left corner but there is nothing , but that could also be caused by the angle you hold the camera and the quality of the camera and light that falls onto
the screen ,maybe from one of these orange light bulbs someone was mentioning , ok i see yellow but its not the point if i see it , lots of people like the yellow tinge now and keep them despite yellow ,and i guess maybe apple started a new trend and in a couple years the yellow tinged ones will become collector items
yellow tinted screens a new trend , now i confused myself
I'm no expert but I couldn't see anything wrong with the screen. The only disconcerting thing was when you pointed it at the bottom bezel but I assume that is the camera compensating for the light reflected from the aluminium bezel. :)
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