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My advice to you is to pull the blanket up over your head and don't look out at the monsters roaming here at night who would like to convince you there is a yellow tinge coming after you.
When you wake up in the morning, the screen will be crisp and white, just as it was before you visited here and all will be well.
But... if you are tempted to look here again... the yellow tingers will get you... they always do... unless you shun them.

Is this coming from the same person who swore up and down that the yellow tinge issue was just rubbish and completely made up and then posted later on that he had the same issue?
Wish I could be sure to get a screen like that! Have been waiting for a month stalking this forum! Ready to buy a full spec i7 iMac :D
I voted yes.

Your screen looks like mine. I see the same gradation change between the upper and lower gray bars. They should be the same. My iMac is a week 46.

That being said, my 'yellowing' is barely noticeable and no one but myself notices it (thanks MR) nor has anyone ever commented on it. And on top of that, no flickering, a quiet 1TB Seagate HD all equals a keeper. Knock on wood.
I have not downplayed anyone with "actual yellowish screens". For a start, this thread is by someone who says HE CAN SEE NO TINGE at all, actual or imaginary.
But at least he has an iMac in front of him.
Several of the most persistent posters about yellow tinge on this site have, by their own admission, not even owned a single iMac or tested one, let alone have "actual yellowish" screens. Yet their time is spent telling others that every machine has it, based on appalling photographs of negligible value, and that anyone claiming a good screen is a liar or has a dull eye. Indeed, they are the ones who insult those with actual problems because they are clearly enjoying maximizing the unease on the forum as part of an agenda of their own.
There are those on this board who will automatically tell the OP he has serious screen problems whether they exist or not. THOSE are the devious people a new visitor needs to be aware of and question their judgment and motives.
If someone has a yellow screen (as I did at one stage), they need to trust their own eyes and get it fixed or exchanged, pure and simple. Whether you, I, or anyone else says someone else's screen is yellow based on any "evidence" here is worth not a jot, unless you live life like a lemming.

Whatever you said or the way you have been talking and posting just makes things worse. So stop talking ill to anybody even for those people you claim that their time is to spend telling others that every machine has yellow tinge because you dont know thier real intention(To be precise, How come would you know?). They might want to point out and tell the OP how to check the yellow tinge correctly (not more than that) Is this not the original intention of this yellow tinge issue thread in the first place?

Moreover, You just have to answer or comments the question of OP that he/she is looking for.

For example, OP : Do you see any yellow tinge on my Screen?

You should say "No, I dont see it. lucky you" or "Your screen looks just fine to me " You can even say this "I'm afraid I can see it " That's is, but not like this

"Look at the nearest light bulb for twenty seconds.
See the orange tinge around the outside?
Look again.
It's there, I assure you.
See it now? Great!
It shouldn't be there.
Take it back immediately and exchange it.
And post a picture of it here so others can see it too and return theirs.

If I repeat this enough, for every five genuinely defective light bulbs out there, I can convince a hundred people to return theirs. I love forums! "


"My advice to you is to pull the blanket up over your head and don't look out at the monsters roaming here at night who would like to convince you there is a yellow tinge coming after you.
When you wake up in the morning, the screen will be crisp and white, just as it was before you visited here and all will be well.
But... if you are tempted to look here again... the yellow tingers will get you... they always do... unless you shun them. "

It's not immature dude? (how old are you anyway?) and your statement statements above are telling me there are a lot of the bad guys in this forum,whihc is not.

OP has set up the servey about this thread and he is getting the positive result, about 86% says his iMac doesn't have the yellow issue. According to , if whatever you said in your statements above is real, the OP should have gotten the negative results already with the comments like "You fool., Can't you see it? " or "Send it back," Where are they?
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