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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 18, 2007
I was shocked to see the 3.0 version of the NES app is now charging $5.99 to download via cydia app store. I use to love the app, but come on. It is an emulator that was very buggy. I also noticed the author is different for this version. I totally get that developers of these apps should get something for their work but at the same time, its a nintendo emulator and the original was quite buggy. I don't know. Just thought I would post what I found in case anyone else wanted to comment. Maybe this verison runs smooth and without issues, but I highly doubt it. $5.99 ????
Where do you see the price at?

I dont see it anywhere and I also see there are two NES Emulators. But one of those, the NES 3 is highlighted in blue.
I was shocked to see the 3.0 version of the NES app is now charging $5.99 to download via cydia app store. I use to love the app, but come on. It is an emulator that was very buggy. I also noticed the author is different for this version. I totally get that developers of these apps should get something for their work but at the same time, its a nintendo emulator and the original was quite buggy. I don't know. Just thought I would post what I found in case anyone else wanted to comment. Maybe this verison runs smooth and without issues, but I highly doubt it. $5.99 ????

EDIT: Yeah, sorry the above link is the same guy but the older version.

Just wait around for Zotddt to make a 3.0 one.
yep, the one in blue is the new one that is suppose to work with 3.0 firmware. That is the one that costs money. The other one is the older one that the previous poster attached a link to. That was the one I use to use, but when I tried to use it with firmware 3.0, it crashed everytime. Hopefully they will update the older app to be compatible with firmware 3.0. I don't know if they are from two seperate developers or the same app just updated. The authors are different, but I didnt know if that was because a team developed the emulator and the new one was credited to a different member.

So I went to who is the author of the emulator maps and low and behold he has a link to one of his forum postings talking about this app. The forum talks about it being a bit suspicious and potentially illegal since its an emulator that is costing money. I dont know but it does give some insight and that is that the new NES emulator is from someone completely different. I'll just wait till the original is updated.
awesome, thanks for letting us know this i was just about to pay for it. id rather donate than forced to pay.

im gonna go ahead and get roms ready :)
Was just about to post this but someone already was there. Glad to see someone may be updating the free one for 3.0

Btw I'd edit your post lostfan916 before you get banned.
I hope they update the free one. That would suck if they didnt. My only worry is that the new paid app is sanctioned through big boss repository, so maybe they're switching over to that. It would take alot for me to pay for ANY iphone app (app store or cydia) because most are completely crap. Great idea, poor implementation. They crash and are soo buggy. The NES app was no different. Only a few I've found, work flawlessly. That's sad.
Looks like this paid app is going to be the only NES app on there unless someone else creates one. The original developer is just using a different name. Its the same person. Saurik has been pressured to remove the app since nervegas is charging for an emulator without proper licensing from nintendo which is illegal. They cite the turbografix emulator proposed for the app store but rejected by apple due to lack of proper licensing. There is growing animosity among die hard emulator fans about this, and some have contacted nerve gas about this. They questioned the legitimacy of his claim that he reverse engineered the NES gaming console and built this emulator from scratch. They said that if he used the publicly available codes, then he can't charge for it because they are owned by Nintendo. Nervegas says he doesnt care, will do what he pleases with this app, and nintendo has no rights to it.

Heres some tidbits from twitter and another forum from people who have talked to the developer

[12:34] <Optimo> hey
[12:34] <Optimo> emulator not illegal
[12:34] <Optimo> roms is
01[12:34] <@Blaqkie> Oh, hey opt
01[12:34] <@Blaqkie> Really?
[12:34] <Optimo> emulator is just reverse engineering
01[12:34] <@Blaqkie> But I thought emu's have to be licensed to be sold?
[12:34] <Optimo> thers no rules
01[12:34] <@Blaqkie> Ah, ok
01[12:34] <@Blaqkie> cool
[12:34] <Optimo> the copyright applies to software
01[12:34] <@Blaqkie> Ah ok


"I don't believe it. Optimo is wrong: make emulator is legal, distributing roms is illegal. But selling emulators is illegal.
Just to give you an example: ePSXe was made in 2000 and, in the contrary of other PSX emus, they made it possible to a 200MHz processor and small stuff like that with graphocs and sound similar to the Playstation. Sony wasn't happy at all but there was and there still is nothing that Sony can do about it: they're distributing the emulator for free (point 1), and they weren't giving the BIOS (point 2) so it was and still is legal for the ePSXe Team to make the emulator

In this case, NerveGas is selling the emulator, so it's illegal because it's a way of saying that he created the Application and the names and ROM reading which all are Registered to Nintendo."

BTW, The reviews are in and it runs the same as the older version. Sound is slow, video lags, and the app as a whole has bugs. Everyone break out your credit cards.
Legal issue

I believe that it is illegal to sell the emulator for money because you are using protected system information by nintendo and it is like copying DVDs it's ok to copy unless you are selling for a profit surik may have to forcfuly remove it because if it is illegal he can be held responisbule

plus I believe that in order so sell a product their are licenses that publish the "company" and make it legal because it needs to be taxed right like a store

So i gave in and purchased the's my first time jailbreaking my phone too. How can I add ROMS's through the app itself without using OpenSSH/FTP? There is a (+) sign that opens up a URL field.
I know I hate paying for it, but he updated it for it to work on 3.0. We got to show some support to the devs for updating it, because if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have updated apps or any at all.
I know I hate paying for it, but he updated it for it to work on 3.0. We got to show some support to the devs for updating it, because if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have updated apps or any at all.

I agree with you, I just don't think emulator apps should cost money. Every other app, I think if the developer wants to make money, then so be it. They should get something for their hard work, but with emulators - nothing doing. I was so bugged by this that I downloaded the codes for the NES and am going to make my own app to run NES games for the iphone. Sometimes if you want something done a certain way, you just have to do it yourself.
I agree with you, I just don't think emulator apps should cost money. Every other app, I think if the developer wants to make money, then so be it. They should get something for their hard work, but with emulators - nothing doing. I was so bugged by this that I downloaded the codes for the NES and am going to make my own app to run NES games for the iphone. Sometimes if you want something done a certain way, you just have to do it yourself.

NES became non copyrighted a few years ago. Anybody can make an NES system and sell it legally. I'm pretty sure selling the emulator for NES is legal too.
NES Problems

I added a ROMS library by adding different packages and sources through a tutorial on you tube. I should have just FTPed ROMS over, or use the iPhone browser app, but I didn't. I ended up installing NES ROMs Package 1 and got like 65 games. Now I can play games, but the sound and graphics "stutter." Is this a bug with the emulator, or did I install to many out of date sources and packages?
I added a ROMS library by adding different packages and sources through a tutorial on you tube. I should have just FTPed ROMS over, or use the iPhone browser app, but I didn't. I ended up installing NES ROMs Package 1 and got like 65 games. Now I can play games, but the sound and graphics "stutter." Is this a bug with the emulator, or did I install to many out of date sources and packages?

which nes emulator are you using? Nes or nes 3?the free nes isn't compatible with 3.0, but nes 3 is, someone updated it and is now charging 5.99 for it.
NES became non copyrighted a few years ago. Anybody can make an NES system and sell it legally. I'm pretty sure selling the emulator for NES is legal too.

Did not realize. Oh well, another cool idea that has been commercialized and capitalized on. I miss the old days when people within the programming community made cool things and shared them because it was about the ability to make something, prove they could do it, and not about making money off of every little thing. My two cents although I am a die hard capitalist and do understand someone trying to make money off of something they made. Can we say internal conflict? I have all the stuff to make this emulator. I will just make it myself and post it for free. Then we'll see how free market principles affect his earnings from this app.
which nes emulator are you using? Nes or nes 3?the free nes isn't compatible with 3.0, but nes 3 is, someone updated it and is now charging 5.99 for it.

I bought the new NES 3.4.2 app. One of the developer suggested I increase the sound buffers under settings.

No luck... all the games have a stutter / knee jerk feel to them.
I believe that it is illegal to sell the emulator for money because you are using protected system information by nintendo and it is like copying DVDs it's ok to copy unless you are selling for a profit surik may have to forcfuly remove it because if it is illegal he can be held responisbule

plus I believe that in order so sell a product their are licenses that publish the "company" and make it legal because it needs to be taxed right like a store

If the NES was still copyrighted (which it isn't) saurik would still not do anything no would he be able to because 1. The apps and soures that u install through cydia are your choice and cydia is just a means of downloading them (much like a p2p program) and 2. He would have no way to completely block it except by blocking the repo, which would just lead to others reuploading it under another repo
Did not realize. Oh well, another cool idea that has been commercialized and capitalized on. I miss the old days when people within the programming community made cool things and shared them because it was about the ability to make something, prove they could do it, and not about making money off of every little thing. My two cents although I am a die hard capitalist and do understand someone trying to make money off of something they made. Can we say internal conflict? I have all the stuff to make this emulator. I will just make it myself and post it for free. Then we'll see how free market principles affect his earnings from this app.

So how's that NES app of yours coming along? :D
3.0 crashing?

I just downloaded the NES 3.0 from Cydia. I am running 3.0 on a 2G jailbroken iphone.

When I start the app, the mid screen is white with the All Games and Settings in the top banner area. I also see some options in the dock. The problem is that it crashes back the springboard.

Is this a known issue? Is there a solution? I paid $5.99 for this with the thought that paid app meant working app.
To be fair I never used my NES emu much; however, I did pay up for gpSPhone. I figured I've used it for the past one and a half years so it was time to giv the dev my money.
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