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I just downloaded the NES 3.0 from Cydia. I am running 3.0 on a 2G jailbroken iphone.

When I start the app, the mid screen is white with the All Games and Settings in the top banner area. I also see some options in the dock. The problem is that it crashes back the springboard.

Is this a known issue? Is there a solution? I paid $5.99 for this with the thought that paid app meant working app.

Does anyone know a support line or forum? I can't seem to find any support info for this product.
There was one thread on here a few months back showing how to get the emulator for free and how to ssh it onto my iphone. Man, am I glad I copy and pasted it into a word doc and saved it, mwhahahahaaaa :D

Though, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to pay the $6
I was shocked to see the 3.0 version of the NES app is now charging $5.99 to download via cydia app store. I use to love the app, but come on. It is an emulator that was very buggy.
SEGA opened this can o' worms, wth their sub-par Sonic, Golden Axe & Streets Of Rage ports. Now everyone thinks they can charge for the same quality. :D
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