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They also said Netflix would be WiFi only.

That WOULD be consistent with the way they stream videos now. I have Netflix streaming to my TIVO, my Wii and my PS3.

Speaking of 3G, though, I really should download the Slingplayer app...Need to make more use of this Slingbox.
I could still be wrong. If it's not I'm all for it! Not complaining, just thought it was WiFi only!

Ya might wanna watch it one more time bro! :p

Its Wifi and 3g ... It was stated in the keynote that it would work on 3G!

Netflix will add to its App Store offerings later this summer, when it releases a new app for the iPhone. Previewed during Monday’s Worldwide Developers Conference keynote, the movie rental service’s app will provide the full Netflix experience: you can stream video (over Wi-Fi and 3G), view recommendations, browse genres, and access your queue.

The iPhone app will provide the “same service on your TV, iPad, or laptop,” Netflix CEO Reed Hastings said Monday.
Ya might wanna watch it one more time bro! :p

Its Wifi and 3g ... It was stated in the keynote that it would work on 3G!

Netflix will add to its App Store offerings later this summer, when it releases a new app for the iPhone. Previewed during Monday’s Worldwide Developers Conference keynote, the movie rental service’s app will provide the full Netflix experience: you can stream video (over Wi-Fi and 3G), view recommendations, browse genres, and access your queue.

The iPhone app will provide the “same service on your TV, iPad, or laptop,” Netflix CEO Reed Hastings said Monday.

That's a lot better. I'll REALLY get my money's worth out of my Netflix membership...
"Netflix, Inc" comes up in the App Store search preview when you start to type it out, but there is no match. So we must be very close to it coming out.
Hopefully it's more dependable than the iPad version. Read the reviews for that version on iTunes.

I haven't had any problems with the iPad version. Love it, 'cept it should be easier to manage your queue. You can't drag around the titles, just move to top or number order them. But the streaming aspect is all good.
Hopefully it's more dependable than the iPad version. Read the reviews for that version on iTunes.

The iPad netflix app is very reliable. I've read most of the reviews and while their is legitimacy to the app being rather slow when scrolling up and down, video streaming is nearly flawless and the resolution is fantastic to say the least. So the app, in my opinion, is extremely reliable.
Netflix app

So where is the netflix app, any idea on when it will be released.
Netflix will be a big part of my iPhone 4 usage. I don't want to wait too much longer, though. It's pretty great to be able to stream thousands of hours of content whenever you want without storing it on your device when one 720p episode takes up 700MB of space. Chances are my fairly high 3G speeds won't be used to their fullest extent, so I'll probably have to jailbreak my iPhone 4 if only to make Netflix think it's running off of a low-speed wifi connection than a 3G connection because the app will then try to make the most of the former rather than probably have limits set by AT&T for the former.
I have Netflix on my Wii, 360, iPad, & TiVo. I don't see myself using it for the iPhone much, though, even if I'm a total junkie. :p The screen is just way too small for it to be enjoyable.
so if you have the 2gb data plan, Im assuming that only Edge/3G data counts towards taht correct?
Correct. I'm so glad I kept my unlimited data plan, though :). I can jailbreak to trick Netflix to stream higher quality video without worrying if a 22 minute episode of The Office uses 400MB.
I have Netflix on my Wii, 360, iPad, & TiVo. I don't see myself using it for the iPhone much, though, even if I'm a total junkie. :p The screen is just way too small for it to be enjoyable.

i understand why you would feel this way but this is not what netflix on the iphone is meant for.

Netflix on the iphone was never meant to be the first option. No one expects anyone to choose watching on the iphone when it's available on their HDTV. This app will be meant as an extra option or convenience when you're not at home with a tv or you don't have your laptop with you. it's when you have 10 minutes at the bus stop, an hour layover at the airport, or for the kids in the backseat of the car on a road trip. if any video on the iphone is enjoyable at all (digital copies of movies, youtube, whatever) than netflix will be just as enjoyable as the others, despite the small screen. it's just one more option.
Sounds cool, but my current 2GB data plan doesn't sound like it would work well for iPhone 4. But of course, that also depends on what kind of data rate they plan to push over the 3G on the iPhone. If they have some option to drop to a somewhat lower display resolution, perhaps it'll keep the transfer sizes down.

Otherwise, I'd probably stick to Wi-fi and the iPad.
Sounds cool, but my current 2GB data plan doesn't sound like it would work well for iPhone 4. But of course, that also depends on what kind of data rate they plan to push over the 3G on the iPhone. If they have some option to drop to a somewhat lower display resolution, perhaps it'll keep the transfer sizes down.

Otherwise, I'd probably stick to Wi-fi and the iPad.

Netflix Video takes 300-400 MB per hour over 3G on the iPad, at least in my experience. Assuming it will be about that same, that could give you ~5-7 hours of video.

I have Netflix on my Wii, 360, iPad, & TiVo. I don't see myself using it for the iPhone much, though, even if I'm a total junkie. :p The screen is just way too small for it to be enjoyable.

Makefunnyfaces, meet Apple VGA Adapter. VGA adapter, meet Makefunnyfaces

Netflix Video takes 300-400 MB per hour over 3G on the iPad, at least in my experience. Assuming it will be about that same, that could give you ~5-7 hours of video.

I bet it'll be a little less than that. Here's why:

iPad Resolution: 1024 × 768
iPhone 4 Resolution: 640 x 960

To achieve the same picture quality at a lower resolution, less data would need to be transferred.

Granted, it shouldn't be all that less. However, I'd hope to see something along the lines of 250-300 MB per hour. That should give 6-8 hours for 2GB worth of data.
I bet it'll be a little less than that. Here's why:

iPad Resolution: 1024 × 768
iPhone 4 Resolution: 640 x 960

To achieve the same picture quality at a lower resolution, less data would need to be transferred.

Granted, it shouldn't be all that less. However, I'd hope to see something along the lines of 250-300 MB per hour. That should give 6-8 hours for 2GB worth of data.

It depends whether the shows/movies you are streaming are in HD or not. I'm not sure if the iPad version even streams in HD, though [for shows/movies that are available in HD].
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