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I have had the buffering problem on a couple different occasions now. I had my ATV2 set up on my 5GHz N wireless network on my AEBS. I've never had any network problems before. Since the ATV is only about a foot from the router, i went ahead and plugged in a cable and the stuttering stopped immediately. I guess some tweaking is in order, because i would really like to be able to use wifi in case i move the router.
Mine plays excellent.....however being a new Netflix user...their selection suck butt.

Six months ago, their selections were a lot worse. They've gotten much better recently. I think they'll continue to get better.
Netflix playback over my ATV has been superior to both my PS3 and my Roku. All three run off of a Wi-Fi connection and only the ATV is free from frequent re-buffering.

In my experience over the years over network cabling and setting up networks, I've always had bad luck trying to use a laptop that close to a wireless router(1-5ft) it's always seemed to me the connection was better at a distance of 15-20ft.
In my experience over the years over network cabling and setting up networks, I've always had bad luck trying to use a laptop that close to a wireless router(1-5ft) it's always seemed to me the connection was better at a distance of 15-20ft.

Which is relevant to my comment how? I didn't say anything about a laptop or about the distance my devices are from my wireless router.
@OP, call your ISP and have them run some tests. check your channels to see if one is better than another.
I have had the buffering problem on a couple different occasions now. I had my ATV2 set up on my 5GHz N wireless network on my AEBS. I've never had any network problems before. Since the ATV is only about a foot from the router, i went ahead and plugged in a cable and the stuttering stopped immediately. I guess some tweaking is in order, because i would really like to be able to use wifi in case i move the router.

Exactly same setup, but no issues with wireless. I have the AEBS upstairs and AppleTV in the living room downstairs.
@OP - we have the same Internet speed 20mbps and I'm using netgear 3400.

Dedicate your ATV and mac to 5ghz then all your other wireless to 2.4ghz.

See what you find..

I am very happy with mine. Flawless and fast
Netflix has been rock solid for me on the new Apple TV. Much better than my Xbox 360, Sony BluRay or iPhone/iPad versions. I am using it with 802.11n on the 2.4 ghz band from a Time Capsule.
To report an update...

I did have a case where the Audio cut out for about 10 seconds last night on me but the video playback stayed fluid. Not sure why it happened. Could have been the video itself I guess. Otherwise that has never happened to me before on anything with Netflix streaming.
Have watched about 4-5 movies, and it has never studdered once. Maybe you have a defective apple TV or you need to play around with your settings a little.
I never saw any netflix quality issues with my new AppleTv setup.

802.11n 5GHZ connection.
18 meg uverse internet connection.
Yeh same here. Using ethernet not wireless and have a 50mbps TW Wideband.

On the quality issue, for what it is worth i showed my wife the same movie from 3 different sources appletv, standard browser and ps3. I asked her which looked the best. She said it the appletv was much clearer.

Personally i think the ps3 and appletv are close but appletv is better.

What I really like about it is how quick it loads up, both starting up and a movie. Id say starting netflix to get to the main screen takes 3 seconds and a few movies i tried took ~5 secs...but then again i have a great connection. Point is its damn seamless.
I have streamed Netflix through Xbox, Samsung Blu-ray, Wii, and ATV. IMO ATV is the snappiest and best picture.
Which is relevant to my comment how? I didn't say anything about a laptop or about the distance my devices are from my wireless router.

Sorry, that was meant for rusty1292 talking about only being a foot away from the router. I've never hooked any apple tv's up for work so I just used the laptop analogy.
Netflix Suck when on AppleTV

This is a huge problem getting more and more out of control.
It's like Netflix is purposely targeting AppleTV and other Apple products.
There isn't any other logical experimentation. Every other device streaming Netflix services isn't having as much of a connection issue as like the AppleTV 2 Generation devices. I stream YouTube videos fine and it's about average. I download and connect with rental content from Apple for movies and podcast videos and there isn't any connection issue with those services. I have notice that time to time I'll have connection issue with my iPhone with Netflix App. I've restarted and had often reset my router because of these semi random issues. So why Apple devices the only devices being targeted?
This is a huge problem getting more and more out of control.
It's like Netflix is purposely targeting AppleTV and other Apple products.
There isn't any other logical experimentation. Every other device streaming Netflix services isn't having as much of a connection issue as like the AppleTV 2 Generation devices. I stream YouTube videos fine and it's about average. I download and connect with rental content from Apple for movies and podcast videos and there isn't any connection issue with those services. I have notice that time to time I'll have connection issue with my iPhone with Netflix App. I've restarted and had often reset my router because of these semi random issues. So why Apple devices the only devices being targeted?

So you have EVERY type of device capable of streaming from Netflix and have tested all of them, comparing picture quality and connectivity, to be able to arrive at this conclusion? For every complaint you find online about the :apple:TV, i can probable find a dozen more about any number of other devices as well.

I have 6 different devices that can stream from Netflix (iPhone, iPad, Samsung Focus, Mac Mini through PLEX, Sony LCD TV, and :apple:TV) and among these devices, the :apple:TV is the most reliable--best picture quality, quickest connection and load time and is generally my go to choice when accessing Netflix.
Moved my ATV away from the TV

I fixed my playback issue by moving my ATV away from my TV and associated electronics. I have my ATV connected to the TV via a 12' HDMI cable and it connects to the internet via WIFI. :D
I had my first Netflix playback problem this past week. Watching some old "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" eps, and about 11 eps in, the audio and video are out of sync, and don't seem to resync.

Annoying, but it may just be the way those eps are.
I had my first Netflix playback problem this past week. Watching some old "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" eps, and about 11 eps in, the audio and video are out of sync, and don't seem to resync.

Annoying, but it may just be the way those eps are.

I've had nothing but problems this week. Last night I gave up watching via my MacBook and TV, with stupidly slow server performance (despite having 10mbps). However curiously the iPad did work flawlessly.
Well have been using my new Apple TV and the netflix playback is awful.

It keeps stopping and stuttering every couple of minutes.

My PS3 never has this issue and neither does my 360. I'm using a new airport extreme and comcast 20mb Internet.

Any solutions? I'd rather not use my ps3 even though it works the best.

It is flawless for me. Using ATV, Airport Extreme and FiOS 30 Mb/s.
I've had nothing but problems this week. Last night I gave up watching via my MacBook and TV, with stupidly slow server performance (despite having 10mbps). However curiously the iPad did work flawlessly.

For me, the weird thing is that other shows and movies seem unaffected. I watched a Season 1 BSG ep (the one where Kara crashes on that Venus-like planet with her oxygen running out), and "Enter the Dragon". No problems.
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