Here are the settings that I use for those who would like to set up their VPN at the router level.
1. Check the address of your main ADSL modem that connects to the internet. Usually it is something like or (for the settings below, I will assume that you have
2. Do not connect your dd-wrt router to your modem just yet. Connect to it with your computer and reset the router to defaults. Then go to the Setup->Basic Setup. On that page do the following:
(a) Under Wan Connection Type chose "Disabled"
(b) Under optional settings just chose any name of your router, leave the rest blank and MTU on Auto
(c) Under Network Setup you need to put the following:
-Local IP address (if your main modem is different then just make sure the first 3 numbers are the same and the last number is the next increment, i.e. if your modem is then your dd-wrt router needs to be
-Subnet Mask
-Gateway (or whatever IP is your modem)
-Local DNS (or whatever IP is your modem)
(d) DHCP
- DHCP Type: DHCP Server
- DHCP Server: chose Disable
- Leave the rest blank, except for Static DNS (use any DNS provider; I use google's and and tick all 3 boxes for DNSMasq and DHCP-Authoritative
(e) Leave NTP Client as is
3. You can now connect your dd-wrt router to your modem with a cable. Make sure you connect them via standard LAN ports and do not use a WAN port. once you connect it, you should have internet working when you are connected to dd-wrt router.
4. Now setup your VPN Client in dd-wrt router by following instructions from post #3 from here except do not use the command given in step 6 and use the command provided in post#69 on page 3 of that thread.
5. Once VPN settings are there, reboot the router.
6. Now, the final part of making this work is to configure your PC, Mac, iPad or Apple TV to use your dd-wrt router as gateway. For Apple TV it is very easy: Go to settings and connect to the dd-wrt router. Once connected it will ask you to either setup DHCP automatically or setup TCP/IP manually. Chose manually and enter the settings manually. IP address (if your modem and router address have different first 3 numbers, you need to use those, i.e. Subnet Mask DNS Gateway (or whatever IP address you gave your dd-wrt router in step 2(c)).
You should now be connected to the internet via VPN. I usually check it on the iPhone by connecting to dd-wrt router and entering the same settings (press blue arrow and setup static IP). Then just go to and it should show your US IP.
Fraud needs to contain an element of economic loss to be actionable so no, this is not fraud.