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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 29, 2009
Just heard on the news, Netflix is not splitting up into two separate services. No more "Qwikster".... But the price increase remains...thats BS if you ask me.

from the Netflix website:
"It is clear that for many of our members two websites would make things more difficult, so we are going to keep Netflix as one place to go for streaming and DVDs," CEO Reed Hastings wrote in Monday's announcement. "This means no change: one website, one account, one password … in other words, no Qwikster."

My original plan gave me 2 DVD's and unlimited streaming....I dropped my streaming because of this change and price increase.
I canceled my service completely. I will only go back if they lower their prices or make some other concessions.
I reinstated my sub this afternoon, happy about NOT-qwikster, I can only use the DVD side so I'm sticking with 2 DVDs at a time. It's an okay price for my circumstances when I think about it. I don't want to be driving over mountains to return rentals, I buy downloads from iTunes but I dislike renting from them because half the time I like the movie and want to buy it, then the download seems too pricey tacking on what I already spent to watch it once. I like the grand sweep of what Netflix offers on the DVD side, the foreign films, the docus, the TV shows. I could not buy them all, nor would want to, but I like being able to watch them and I have no support here for streaming yet. On balance, $12 a month for the probably 4-6 discs I will spare time for per month seems fair. i wonder how long it will last. Postal rate hikes take their toll after awhile...
I canceled my service completely. I will only go back if they lower their prices or make some other concessions.

Seriously, how cheap are you? Can you (legally) go anywhere and get that many dvd rentals for the price Netflix wants to charge? A classic example of the danger of charging too little for your service and then trying to put a reasonable price on it later. Do people appreciate the time when they had it so cheap? Hell no.
Seriously, how cheap are you? Can you (legally) go anywhere and get that many dvd rentals for the price Netflix wants to charge? A classic example of the danger of charging too little for your service and then trying to put a reasonable price on it later. Do people appreciate the time when they had it so cheap? Hell no.

How dare Netflix do what every other company does and reasonably increase prices. Especially when they have a good reason - to invest in more streaming content. Netflix could use Apple's PR smarts, but aside from a couple PR missteps, they have incredible products at great prices. Especially when the best alternative involves driving to a red box that might have the movie you want to watch.
Seriously, how cheap are you? Can you (legally) go anywhere and get that many dvd rentals for the price Netflix wants to charge? A classic example of the danger of charging too little for your service and then trying to put a reasonable price on it later. Do people appreciate the time when they had it so cheap? Hell no.
Well, not everything is a matter of price. I can easily afford it but after the mismanagement we all saw over the last few months I decided that Netflix wasn't a company I wanted to support anymore. And, within a short while I got a nice email from my satellite provider, Dish Network, about this new relationship they have with Blockbuster. The service is very comparable to Netflix with dvd + streaming and its only $10 a month.

If Netflix lowers their prices I would be interested in switching back. But for the meantime I've got more then enough entertainment choices.


How dare Netflix do what every other company does and reasonably increase prices. Especially when they have a good reason - to invest in more streaming content. Netflix could use Apple's PR smarts, but aside from a couple PR missteps, they have incredible products at great prices. Especially when the best alternative involves driving to a red box that might have the movie you want to watch.
I didn't cancel after the price increase. I cancelled after the CEO sent me a moronic email. You know, the one that prompted the company to reverse their decision on Qwikster?

This market is too competitive to just stand around and let companies make decisions that are not in the interests of their customers.
Seriously, how cheap are you? Can you (legally) go anywhere and get that many dvd rentals for the price Netflix wants to charge? A classic example of the danger of charging too little for your service and then trying to put a reasonable price on it later. Do people appreciate the time when they had it so cheap? Hell no.

gee, calm down.

This is not about how much the Netflix service costs Netflix. It's about how much value it is to me. I'm using the DVD service almost never and the movies for download are very limited. So I simply don't get enough out of this subscription to make it worth it. I watch on average 2 movies a month from Netfilx and one of them I watch only halfway to kill time because there is simply nothing available for download that I really wanted to see. So I pay something like $10 per movie. Not worth it for my situation. Now I have download only and even then it's $8 for one and a half movie per month. I will cancel.
I kept the streaming, but I'm thinking about canceling because some of the stuff that was available before the price increase , like Babylon 5 and lots more, are only available on DVD now.
Well, not everything is a matter of price. I can easily afford it but after the mismanagement we all saw over the last few months I decided that Netflix wasn't a company I wanted to support anymore. And, within a short while I got a nice email from my satellite provider, Dish Network, about this new relationship they have with Blockbuster. The service is very comparable to Netflix with dvd + streaming and its only $10 a month.

I saw an ad for that the other day and thought it looked like a pretty good deal if you have Dish Network. We had Dish for many years and really loved it. But we decided to scale back our TV costs and viewing. Between Netflix and OTA we save bank - but we still end up watching just as much TV. (I still miss the DVR though.)

Blockbuster may be a viable alternative as a stand-alone service. I don't know anything about it.
Seriously, how cheap are you? Can you (legally) go anywhere and get that many dvd rentals for the price Netflix wants to charge? A classic example of the danger of charging too little for your service and then trying to put a reasonable price on it later. Do people appreciate the time when they had it so cheap? Hell no.

That's the big question:

Which is cheaper?
1. Spend time searching for the shows and movies you want via torrents, risking the wrath of the MPAA and RIAA, cease and desist letters, occasional bad quality, missing subtitles, having to convert formats.
2. Simply pay $15 a month and get what you want no hassles.

I don't think the piratecove or angelnoid are one click sites where you simply click once and the movie plays.:eek:
So far we have kept streaming and dvds but are strongly considering cancelling the dvds by mail to save a few $$. I don't know if we could do without the streaming unless we really had to.
I kept the streaming and dropped the Blu Ray's from two-at-a-time to one-at-a-time unlimited and my monthly rate went down. There are several Redboxes and Blockbuster kiosks near my house, but until they are packed with the latest Blu Rays, I'll keep renting from Netflix. For me, it's still worth it.
I can't believe people complain about Netflix. They are still the best game in town.
I really love their service. And the price, for what you get, is really good as well. I would have no problem paying $15-$20 just for streaming if they add some newer/high end content.

However, they do seem to be run by a drunken sailor recently.
I really love their service. And the price, for what you get, is really good as well. I would have no problem paying $15-$20 just for streaming if they add some newer/high end content.

However, they do seem to be run by a drunken sailor recently.

That's exactly what they are trying to do by raising the price to a reasonable level. Unfortunately, IMO, they are trying too hard to please unreasonable people by trying things and backpedalling when they complain which makes them look weak. They need to take a hard stance for the good of the people who want better choices in streaming and let the cheapsters find other venues to get cheap, good content (and find out there are none). In other words, they need to be more like Apple.
let the cheapsters find other venues to get cheap, good content (and find out there are none).

Oh there are MANY MANY venues for CHEAP, good content. SailerBay, AngelNoid are a couple of the companies that deliver DRM-free movies and TV shows at a fraction of the cost of Netflix.:D
Too bad the MPAA and the RIAA don't abide by our laws...

Ah, is that the BS excuse for breaking the law this week? Let me put it on the pile with the rest. Criminals always invent some reason for their bad behavior... THEY charge too much, it's not REALLY stealing, it doesn't hurt anybody, I'm teaching them a LESSON, boo hoo feel sorry for me. All crap and doesn't fly with honest people who have to deal with the consequences of what people like you do. Hmm, like pay more for movie rentals. Thanks for living up to your social contract.
Ah, is that the BS excuse for breaking the law this week? Let me put it on the pile with the rest. Criminals always invent some reason for their bad behavior... THEY charge too much, it's not REALLY stealing, it doesn't hurt anybody, I'm teaching them a LESSON, boo hoo feel sorry for me. All crap and doesn't fly with honest people who have to deal with the consequences of what people like you do. Hmm, like pay more for movie rentals. Thanks for living up to your social contract.

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