ah, so you ARE a child. just as I thought. hopefully, you'll grow up someday and become a real man with real life skills
The walking dead has just been added to Netflix
Very good show
No thanks reminds me of work too much.
I have found my self using torrents as my DVR, I will pick up last nights episode of Office, modern family etc.. And use HB and iDentify to dump it into iTunes so wecan watch when we have time.
Does HB support Pass Thru?
Just heard on the news, Netflix is not splitting up into two separate services. No more "Qwikster".... But the price increase remains...thats BS if you ask me.
from the Netflix website:
"It is clear that for many of our members two websites would make things more difficult, so we are going to keep Netflix as one place to go for streaming and DVDs," CEO Reed Hastings wrote in Monday's announcement. "This means no change: one website, one account, one password in other words, no Qwikster."
My original plan gave me 2 DVD's and unlimited streaming....I dropped my streaming because of this change and price increase.
Pass Thru audio? Yes, this has been supported for a while now. Pass Thru video? No, but there's no reason to imo if you have the right quality settings in the h264 encoder. Of course, if you want pass thru video quality in a different container, you can always see if the video streams in the file (assuming it's an mkv, this shouldn't be too difficult) are compatible with the m4v container and remux everything.
It has just been easier for me to just dump in HB ( use the que and do several once) use the ATV 2 preset and let it do it's thing.
The whole process (torrent, HB and iDentify) takes about an hour for three 30 min shows.