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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 17, 2007
Well.... Short Story
I let her take my iPad to wait in a 4 hour iphone line in Lehigh PA , She went to move her chair and dropped my 2 week old ipad right on the corner.

I was livid. Thankfully it didnt break the screen. It landed on the cement and it was in a marware case but that doesnt keep it safe.
My wife is very 'careless' with tech stuff too, and it's frustrating. "Livid" might be somewhat of an overreaction, though. She didn't do it on purpose. She's your equal, not your child. Don't treat her like one.

She gave it to my 5 year old to hold and he dropped it.
No more kids using it , unless they are on the bed , surrounded by pillows.

Well.... Short Story
I let her take my iPad to wait in a 4 hour iphone line in Lehigh PA , She went to move her chair and dropped my 2 week old ipad right on the corner.

I was livid. Thank Fully it didnt break the screen. It landed on the cement and it was in a marware case but that doesnt keep it safe.

Who's Fully?
The screen didn't break and it was in a case. I don't get it - was it damaged in some way?
while waiting in line for the iphone yesterday, there was a dad pushing his baby around in a stroller. the baby was using a freakin ipad. hilarious.
ItsThatKush said:
i dont let anyone touch my electronics. yes i am married. she knows better :)

I bet she tells her friends the same about you and her knickers. :)

my girl isnt a techie at ALL. she stands by her samsung black jack 2 and its build quality (and even then she hates that compared to her original black jack 1 but had to settle on 2 when they stopped making the first one.) she drops her phone almost every time she gets out of our suv, and KNOWS she shouldnt use my ipad unless shes in our carpeted apt near the bed or couch, or has it grounded on a table while we're at work (we work together.) good girl. she scares me sometimes. ffffuuu im drunk. /rant.
There are a few posts in this thread that use LOL when the words written are not funny. Have others noticeed this trend?

It doesn't sound like the iPad was damaged.
A 4 Hour line?

Well.... Short Story
I let her take my iPad to wait in a 4 hour iphone line in Lehigh PA , She went to move her chair and dropped my 2 week old ipad right on the corner.

I was livid. Thankfully it didnt break the screen. It landed on the cement and it was in a marware case but that doesnt keep it safe.

I was at the same location but my line took 10 1/2 hours to purchase my iP4 and the group around me were waving our iPads every time the line moved, we used our Vuvuzella App to encouage those new purchaserers and maybe our surrounding waiters were "livid" after 10 hrs in the heat and wished our batteries had died hours before.
As for others using our tech stuff I have eight grandkids 20mo to 12 years and they all get to play with Grandpas toys almost since birth (TickleMe App) and only the 11 & 12 year old are allowed to use the iBowl and Lightsabre Apps. When I take the opportunity to watch a families worth of Grandkids almost the first thing out of their mouths is Grandpa "May we play on your iPhone / iPad" then the TV goes off and some sit and read some of my Gutenburg books while the younger ones do numbers, shapes, colors, math and other educational games (they're learning but think they're playing a great game) the kids asked to read before doing iHunt or CroMag realize that it's learning not just iPxx fun time. As for the wife it's still up in the air if she'll take and use my old Gen 1 iPhone and finally dump her 5 yr old Nokia. I had bought her a 4Gig unit in 2007 as they were being discontinued fit that Christmas but she had me sell it and said she wasn't interested. So goes tech in my family.
I was at the same location but my line took 10 1/2 hours to purchase my iP4 and the group around me were waving our iPads every time the line moved, we used our Vuvuzella App to encouage those new purchaserers...

That sounds like a living nightmare... and the 10.5 hour queue couldn't have been much fun either ;p
I will let my wife use mine, but she knows how I am about my tech toys, so she is always very careful. Our kids however, are completely off limits unless they are in my lap...and even then I'm too nervous to ever let them have more than a couple minutes on it.
She gave it to my 5 year old to hold and he dropped it.
No more kids using it , unless they are on the bed , surrounded by pillows.


Sometimes we know the risks of sharing our expensive things, but we assume nothing will happen because after all, nothing has happened yet. When something DOES happen, we're like "Doh!"

I too let someone ride an expensive transportation thing I have (guided, but she diverted and went off on her own), and she rode it directly into a wall, mildly damaging the wall and tire. My days of allowing people to use that plus my iPhone and iPad are over.

If they think you're being stingy, well, they have to understand that at the end of the day, after they break something, they say "sorry," but you have to pay for it.
Mom Learns the iPhone is Not a Toy

I bought my mom an iPhone 3G in '08. As it was a gift, I don't think she ever realized the value. I even had to guide her to get a case.

Fast-forward over time. She babysits my cousin's baby. One day I asked my mom to look at something I'd sent on her iPhone. She said that the baby had been playing with it, so she didn't know where it was!! She eventually found it, but I had to let her know that if she was ineligible for an upgrade, a replacement would cost a LOT of money, and therefor was not a toy!!!

She has since stopped letting the kid play with it, and is also getting the iPhone 4.
OP: That's what you get for being married.
"Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same."---Oscar Wilde
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