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I bought my mom an iPhone 3G in '08. As it was a gift, I don't think she ever realized the value. I even had to guide her to get a case.

Fast-forward over time. She babysits my cousin's baby. One day I asked my mom to look at something I'd sent on her iPhone. She said that the baby had been playing with it, so she didn't know where it was!! She eventually found it, but I had to let her know that if she was ineligible for an upgrade, a replacement would cost a LOT of money, and therefor was not a toy!!!

She has since stopped letting the kid play with it, and is also getting the iPhone 4.

Sometimes we know the risks of sharing our expensive things, but we assume nothing will happen because after all, nothing has happened yet. When something DOES happen, we're like "Doh!"

I too let someone ride an expensive transportation thing I have (guided, but she diverted and went off on her own), and she rode it directly into a wall, mildly damaging the wall and tire. My days of allowing people to use that plus my iPhone and iPad are over.

If they think you're being stingy, well, they have to understand that at the end of the day, after they break something, they say "sorry," but you have to pay for it.

Somebody made two post in a row...

You're gonna get your pee pee slapped. Nananana!!! :p:p:p

Welcome to the club. (did ya get your warning yet??);)

Sorry I just had to...
Is just a gadget what an exaggeration

This is too much... Typical American overreaction...
My wife and I also have iP4s and an iPad, my 3 yr old watch movies and plays w them all the time, I see nothing wrong with that, ask the friend/wife/kid to be careful and supervise them.

If a gadget falls and breaks, it's not the end of the world, it's an accident, its just a gadget, no lives are lost or endangered, and that's the end of the story!!! It gets fixed or replaced!

Being accidents, if things are handled w care the odds of a mishap are low.

For those not letting access your gadgets to family and friends: I respect your opinion, but entirely disagree w it, if someone tells me that I can not hold or use a piece of electronics just because a person thinks that I'm so stupid that I could break it, I'd feel really offended. Specially if it comes from a family member or a wife/husband etc...

DISCLAIMER 1: I'm American, but there are some cultural handicaps that I just hate:

DISCAIMER 2: writing this on an iPad while my precious 3yr old who is as smart as any kid of her age plays w my iP4, and no pillows or bubble wrap is used to protect the stupid phone.
"Livid" might be somewhat of an overreaction, though. She didn't do it on purpose. She's your equal, not your child. Don't treat her like one.

She gave it to my 5 year old to hold and he dropped it.
No more kids using it , unless they are on the bed , surrounded by pillows.


Yes, if she drops it on purpose, be livid.

And be livid with your children.

Be livid with anyone who is not your equal.
This is too much... Typical American overreaction...
My wife and I also have iP4s and an iPad, my 3 yr old watch movies and plays w them all the time, I see nothing wrong with that, ask the friend/wife/kid to be careful and supervise them.

If a gadget falls and breaks, it's not the end of the world, it's an accident, its just a gadget, no lives are lost or endangered, and that's the end of the story!!! It gets fixed or replaced!

Being accidents, if things are handled w care the odds of a mishap are low.

For those not letting access your gadgets to family and friends: I respect your opinion, but entirely disagree w it, if someone tells me that I can not hold or use a piece of electronics just because a person thinks that I'm so stupid that I could break it, I'd feel really offended. Specially if it comes from a family member or a wife/husband etc...

DISCLAIMER 1: I'm American, but there are some cultural handicaps that I just hate:

DISCAIMER 2: writing this on an iPad while my precious 3yr old who is as smart as any kid of her age plays w my iP4, and no pillows or bubble wrap is used to protect the stupid phone.

Typical American under-reaction.
This is too much... Typical American overreaction...
My wife and I also have iP4s and an iPad, my 3 yr old watch movies and plays w them all the time, I see nothing wrong with that, ask the friend/wife/kid to be careful and supervise them.

If a gadget falls and breaks, it's not the end of the world, it's an accident, its just a gadget, no lives are lost or endangered, and that's the end of the story!!! It gets fixed or replaced!

Being accidents, if things are handled w care the odds of a mishap are low.

For those not letting access your gadgets to family and friends: I respect your opinion, but entirely disagree w it, if someone tells me that I can not hold or use a piece of electronics just because a person thinks that I'm so stupid that I could break it, I'd feel really offended. Specially if it comes from a family member or a wife/husband etc...

DISCLAIMER 1: I'm American, but there are some cultural handicaps that I just hate:

DISCAIMER 2: writing this on an iPad while my precious 3yr old who is as smart as any kid of her age plays w my iP4, and no pillows or bubble wrap is used to protect the stupid phone.

I agree it was a gross over-reaction, but I'm not sure why you feel this is an American thing... If she did that in some "less enlightened" countries, they might kill her - not a joke!
my girlfriend hasnt dropped mine (to my knowledge) but she always gives it back to me with the dirtiest screen ever. seems like im cleaning the thing more then using it. I dunno wtf shes eating well using it haha.
This is too much... Typical American overreaction...
My wife and I also have iP4s and an iPad, my 3 yr old watch movies and plays w them all the time, I see nothing wrong with that, ask the friend/wife/kid to be careful and supervise them.

If a gadget falls and breaks, it's not the end of the world, it's an accident, its just a gadget, no lives are lost or endangered, and that's the end of the story!!! It gets fixed or replaced!

Being accidents, if things are handled w care the odds of a mishap are low.

For those not letting access your gadgets to family and friends: I respect your opinion, but entirely disagree w it, if someone tells me that I can not hold or use a piece of electronics just because a person thinks that I'm so stupid that I could break it, I'd feel really offended. Specially if it comes from a family
member or a wife/husband etc...

DISCLAIMER 1: I'm American, but there are some cultural handicaps that I just hate:

2: writing this on an iPad while my precious 3yr old who is as smart as any kid of her age plays w my iP4, and no pillows or bubble wrap is used to protect the stupid phone.

Meh I'm not offended in the least. I'm not as anal as my husband, and instead of sharing, he got me my own 3G for that reason even though he didn't come out and say it. Works for me. Now I can let my dog, who's as smart as Eddie, watch Benji on my iPad and because it has the screen protector, she might want to lick the screen without the pressure of an over reactive American breathing down her neck.
Well.... Short Story
I let her take my iPad to wait in a 4 hour iphone line in Lehigh PA , She went to move her chair and dropped my 2 week old ipad right on the corner.

I was livid. Thankfully it didnt break the screen. It landed on the cement and it was in a marware case but that doesnt keep it safe.

It is amazing that people feel the need to make a thread about the minutiae that us everyday life in a family. What's next, my kid almost spilled milk next to my ipad? Please do give us a blow by blow of the life of your ipad, or get a blog, which would be more appropriate.
I dont let people touch my iPad or my MBP at all anymore because the times ive let people use my MBP and 1 of my MBs, they came back with dents and scratches. The ipad has been kept in the case and no screen protector and still looks new because i watch it like a hawk. Same for my EVO 4G now to. I barly let my GF touch it at all to since she put a giant dent in my MBP.
My wife is very 'careless' with tech stuff too, and it's frustrating. "Livid" might be somewhat of an overreaction, though. She didn't do it on purpose. She's your equal, not your child. Don't treat her like one.

Another reason why marriage is hurting guys. Women are destroying our gadgets.
This is too much... Typical American overreaction...
My wife and I also have iP4s and an iPad, my 3 yr old watch movies and plays w them all the time, I see nothing wrong with that, ask the friend/wife/kid to be careful and supervise them.

If a gadget falls and breaks, it's not the end of the world, it's an accident, its just a gadget, no lives are lost or endangered, and that's the end of the story!!! It gets fixed or replaced!

Being accidents, if things are handled w care the odds of a mishap are low.

For those not letting access your gadgets to family and friends: I respect your opinion, but entirely disagree w it, if someone tells me that I can not hold or use a piece of electronics just because a person thinks that I'm so stupid that I could break it, I'd feel really offended. Specially if it comes from a family member or a wife/husband etc...

DISCLAIMER 1: I'm American, but there are some cultural handicaps that I just hate:

DISCAIMER 2: writing this on an iPad while my precious 3yr old who is as smart as any kid of her age plays w my iP4, and no pillows or bubble wrap is used to protect the stupid phone.

that's funny because it's not just damn american sort of tech culture. it is applied to many countries, dude. I am Asian. I really take care of my gadget too. nobody touches mine at all. I don't understand why people just let somebody use laptop or ipad? there are important personal information on them. I don't want anybody to see that. do you want? even family. It can't be happened.
that's funny because it's not just damn american sort of tech culture. it is applied to many countries, dude. I am Asian. I really take care of my gadget too. nobody touches mine at all. I don't understand why people just let somebody use laptop or ipad? there are important personal information on them. I don't want anybody to see that. do you want? even family. It can't be happened.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I also don't want my mother finding my p0rn. :)
What evidence do you have that this is a 'Typical American overreaction' and that people from other cultures would behave differently if their expensive device was damaged?

Ahem, couple of guys damage that shiny gadget called World Trade Center and Iraq gets invaded ... where's Osama?
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