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macrumors newbie
Nov 5, 2021
Is everyone who is having this issue also using Rosetta? I've noticed on my 16" M1 Pro that even if a single Intel program is open that it can cause popping issues in the sound, no matter what app the sound is coming from. The problem is exceptionally worse if I am running specific Intel games or programs. If I am using the Music app and try to compile a game in Unity at the same time, the popping sounds are horrible. I could be totally wrong on this, but all signs are pointing to Rosetta and Intel based apps for me.
Screen Shot 2021-11-06 at 4.57.59 PM.png

As above, it is Intel apps that I have noticed specifically causing my issues. With Rosetta installed, it appears that Apple Music has some of its own Intel processes that run in the background. Forcing these to close solves the issue for me. Also, if you use Steam, note that ipcserver will continue to run even after you close Steam unless you explicitly kill the process (you may have to do this to get the process to quit "launchctl remove com.valvesoftware.steam.ipctool"). With all Intel processes closed, I have no popping sound issues.

The popping sounds appear to be random when listening to Apple Music. I can't seem to recreate them. However, there is one game on Steam that consistently causes the issue, and it happens specifically as the level reloads. See video of Milli and Greg. Note: I also tried this game with headphones and there is no popping sound. It only happens when using the speakers built into the MacBook.

Also, there seems to be a severity level to these popping sounds. Sometimes they are very loud and sometimes they are barely audible. Again, no clue why.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 15, 2008
New York City
Interesting find, about the Intel apps. I have the latest Microsoft Office installed, are those Intel/Rosetta apps? If so, and I open Excel, would that make the popping sounds on affected machines?


macrumors newbie
Nov 5, 2021
Interesting find, about the Intel apps. I have the latest Microsoft Office installed, are those Intel/Rosetta apps? If so, and I open Excel, would that make the popping sounds on affected machines?
You can check if apps are Intel in Activity Monitor under the CPU tab and checking the "kind" column.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 15, 2008
New York City
You can check if apps are Intel in Activity Monitor under the CPU tab and checking the "kind" column.
I just sorted by 'kind' and it looks like I only have these 3 Intel processes running right now. So far no popping via the Apple Music app (playing locally saved files), but will keep an ear open for it.

Screen Shot 2021-11-06 at 10.25.56 PM.png

I don't know if the added bass on these new MacBooks is what I am not used to and I think I am hearing things, but some audio sounds too bassy, so I am wondering if that's creating a popping sound with some speakers on some new MacBooks.

And I don't know if this is due to the new speakers, but I could swear that I hear some of the music/instruments behind me or on the side of my head even though the MacBook is in front of me. It's kind of cool, but kind of surprised me too, so I am not sure if this is intentional, or if I took one too many CBD drops this evening...

3SQ Machine

macrumors 6502
Dec 8, 2019
If you have Logic Pro change the audio buffer down to 64 and bang on some chords with the alchemy default patch. Thats the easiest way I’ve found to reproduce it. Normal use doesn’t happen.
Just tried this at 32 on a complex project that I ran hot. Nothing! I'm both relieved but also wondering if I just haven't hit the right "notes" yet. Recorded with my iPhone 13, although oddly the video doesn't seem to be showing on here. Speaking of which, notice lots of crackles and pops playing podcasts on the native podcast app on my 13 -- but those crackles are on every device so I just blamed the source recording.

Only had the 16" a week and primarily for Logic Pro, so I'm bound to find if it's an issue on mine--at least when I'm not using my audio interface. Admittedly, still been getting it set up so haven't done a heavy music session yet so jury still out.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 31, 2021
This will be fixed in a software update just as it was on the 2018 models. They shipped with the same bug.

Right now it's a Monterey thing and I saw the bug appear on the 2020 M1. It wasn't on Big Sur.

On the Max I haven't heard any noticeable popping.


macrumors newbie
Oct 27, 2021
I have this same problem with the speakers when watching Youtube video. I just received the MBP 16 yesterday don't know if i should return it.


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
This will be fixed in a software update just as it was on the 2018 models. They shipped with the same bug.
Sorry, nothing's been fixed with the old models. It's still there. With the old models I never had that issue in the beginning, then it showed up, then went away, then came back. I can still reproduce it firing up old machines running the latest version of Big Sur. I've yet to witness this on the new 14" and 16" machines... (knock on wood).
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macrumors 6502
Apr 22, 2005
I just heard back from an Apple senior support analyst. She said that Apple has received multiple reports of this happening and believes it to be a software issue that will be fixed by an upcoming update. Fingers crossed.
Yes, I remember hearing the same thing with my Intel 16"..


macrumors 6502
Nov 15, 2015

Right now on my Intel 16" I am currently running macOS Monterey 12.1 latest beta and popping sounds are occurring in Firefox while playing Youtube videos.

Jára Tyky

macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2020
Damn I was going to return M1Max which had no problem with popping sound for M1Pro.
Now I am worried to change it and get some faulty macbook.. :/


macrumors 6502a
Oct 31, 2021
Sorry, nothing's been fixed with the old models. It's still there.

It's a software thing. The 2018 were very bad in the beginning. They are completely fixed now.

The M1 13" was perfect with Big Sur. It has a bit of popping now with Monterey.

It's software. It's not some hardware malfunction. How to make speakers has been known for years, you know.


macrumors 68020
Nov 15, 2016
It's a software thing. The 2018 were very bad in the beginning. They are completely fixed now.

The M1 13" was perfect with Big Sur. It has a bit of popping now with Monterey.

It's software. It's not some hardware malfunction. How to make speakers has been known for years, you know.
And yet they have not fixed it. ?‍♂️
It could very well be a combination of software and hardware, as the T2 chips are used for DAC control. I honestly don't care, I want them to fix stuff.


macrumors newbie
Nov 18, 2021
I have a new 14" MacBook Pro and the exact same thing was happening to me. I called Apple support, and the person I talked to had no idea what I was talking about and recommended that I take it into the Genius Bar, lol. I really wish Apple support people were consistent.

However! It's randomly gone away for me. I got annoyed enough with the crackling that I plugged in some external speakers for a couple of hours, and since unplugging them, I haven't heard a single crackle or pop. It's been a few days and it's like my speakers are perfect again. Strange, but I'll take it.


macrumors G4
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
Been having the same issue!
I see your still plugging away at the problem with Apple via link to your post. Hope its software, seeing it not related to SMC or MIDI 48 kHz setting.

The guy said that they have an open ticket about the issue and engineers will investigate. If you have this issue, I would suggest reporting it to Apple, as a greater number of reports will hopefully give it a priority. I have also submitted a bug report for unexpected behaviour with Core Audio API. The feedback number is FB9776363, so creating duplicates might also be helpful, in case it turns out to be a software bug.


macrumors newbie
Nov 18, 2021
Mine is back to crackling and popping again. I've been talking with an Apple support person who is escalating it and looking into it so I guess we will see what happens. Looks like they definitely know it's a thing at this point, which is a refreshing change from when I have an issue that 1000 people online have also reported, and the support person pretends I am the first person to have told them about it haha ?


macrumors regular
Jun 2, 2014
New M1 Pro 16” here.. also have the popping sounds especially when the system is initializing an audio related app. It seems more prominent sometimes than others. I truly hope it can be fixed with a software update because I love everything else about this computer.


macrumors 65816
Apr 10, 2017
Wow how disappointing. This was a thing back in 2018 for the MBPs. It barely got attention and was never fixed for some. And for others it took about 2 years for the fix. Goodluck!
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 25, 2021
M1 16" MacOS 12.0.1 arrived and and thus far no issues playing what ever music I play. Not using Rosetta yet either. Either I got a good one or I'm missing something.


macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2016
Wow how disappointing. This was a thing back in 2018 for the MBPs. It barely got attention and was never fixed for some. And for others it took about 2 years for the fix. Goodluck!
Was a thing in 2016, when it was bad enough sometimes to damage speakers. Got plenty of attention here, and some elsewhere, but most people either never had a problem with it or never noticed it.
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Jára Tyky

macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2020
Is there someone who has problem on M1Max? It looks like that popping sound issue is only associated with M1Pro version 16”. Thx
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