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This really will be a quandry for many folks. The 24" 2.66 dropped another $200 yesterday to $1099 at the Apple Refurb Store. A great deal since last week I was prepared to get one for the $1299.

exactly where my head is at. I am between that and the new 21 - just can't decide if I want new or the big 24 - I always liked that machine.
I'm leaning towards buying a Macbook Pro as well as a 24" Apple Display then once I graduate college buy a Mac Pro. Seems like it might work better down the road for me instead of just having an iMac.
hey I just got back from the Apple Store and am so impressed with the new models. It's hard to tell that the 21.5 is smaller than the 24. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. You have to see them to believe how good the new models look. I was thinking of getting a refurb until I went and saw them in person.
Which one did you go to? There is an Apple in my hometown in Austin, but I'm in Corpus Christi. No Apple store here.
my story

On the 25th sept 09 i orderd a 24inch imac from the online store in london.The order was placed after i questioned if this imac which was realeased in march 2009 was to be replaced in the near future.My answer was this is the 2009 model also there was no reduction in price £1200.The imac arrived on 30th sept 09 at which point starts a 14 calender day period of grace.the computer worked fine untill the 20th oct when i found out about the new imacs the 27inch .If i had known this i would never hav bought the 24 inch imac at this point i was 6days over the 14 day period.So i contacted apple at once to be told there was no chance i could upgrade to the 27 inch imac so after just 3 weeks im left with an old model i know longer want.Thats my first experence of apple.any suggestion not sarcasm.

I asked for help not sarcasm.The point is i did not know ther was a new model about to be realeased.BRO
I went and played with the 27" yesterday at Bestbuy. I am now in love with it :p
Who are we i know you dont know what youre talking about BRO.

awe bro, there's no reason to get all bent out of shape. This stuff happens. There had been rumors for a while that a newly designed iMac were coming out soon. Well before you made your purchase, next time you'll know to pay attention. I don't know what you want from us. Did your computer stop working when the new one came out? No. Just enjoy your machine.


What were you trying to say? First off, that's not a sentence. Second, put an apostrophe in that "youre" up there.
Buying right before a new model comes out (and being unable to upgrade) is indeed a bummer. However, it is absolutely true that there were heavy rumors (including on this site) that new iMacs were imminent. And the buyer's guide also on this site indicated that the current models were at or near end-of-life. So the information was out there.

If it was Apple you asked, then, well, what do you expect. Apple *never* tells *anyone*, *period*, about what's coming or when. This is also information what was certainly out there if you looked.

But the bottom line is: you wanted your machine a month ago, and now suddenly it no longer serves your needs? I can understand having lust after the new machines, but that doesn't mean that your machine has suddenly become worthless.

And on that front, if you really want to trade for a new one, then sell your current one. You'll take only a relatively small hit on it I'd think, and that would be your modest penalty for not having done adequate research beforehand.

So, to summarize:
1) You could have known this was coming
2) You still have a good machine
3) If you want to upgrade to a new one, sell your current one.

And that's about all there is to say about that.

awe bro, there's no reason to get all bent out of shape. This stuff happens. There had been rumors for a while that a newly designed iMac were coming out soon. Well before you made your purchase, next time you'll know to pay attention. I don't know what you want from us. Did your computer stop working when the new one came out? No. Just enjoy your machine.


What were you trying to say? First off, that's not a sentence. Second, put an apostrophe in that "youre" up there.

These roumurs are they based in portland oregon .My postings started with asking for help with my imac problem but it seems this is a mac lovers site.So i never even got a sensible reply.As for my diction it was never going to be up to the high standard. of you americans. By the way im english so if i get some of my langauge wrong its my langauge to get wrong.
Buying right before a new model comes out (and being unable to upgrade) is indeed a bummer. However, it is absolutely true that there were heavy rumors (including on this site) that new iMacs were imminent. And the buyer's guide also on this site indicated that the current models were at or near end-of-life. So the information was out there.

If it was Apple you asked, then, well, what do you expect. Apple *never* tells *anyone*, *period*, about what's coming or when. This is also information what was certainly out there if you looked.

But the bottom line is: you wanted your machine a month ago, and now suddenly it no longer serves your needs? I can understand having lust after the new machines, but that doesn't mean that your machine has suddenly become worthless.

And on that front, if you really want to trade for a new one, then sell your current one. You'll take only a relatively small hit on it I'd think, and that would be your modest penalty for not having done adequate research beforehand.

So, to summarize:
1) You could have known this was coming
2) You still have a good machine
3) If you want to upgrade to a new one, sell your current one.

And that's about all there is to say about that.
Point 3 would you like to buy the imac its yours for 1200 english pounds.
Go for the 24". I reckon its big enough =) I used to have a 24" and it was just the right size. Though now its being repired and I have to use a 15" iMac G3 lol...

By the way, to the people who said "why buy a 24" when you can get a 27" not everyone wants or needs a screen that big. I use a iMac G3 with a 15" screen, after using that as your main computer you'll know what small is lol!
Not to mention the fans are always at max, and its as slow as a a 1983 Macintosh!
Start your own thread if you want to sell your crap. Don't come hijack mine you limey bastard.
oh another thing I want to add to the OP, like a previous poster said, the difference between 21.5" is not that big like you expect, also, the new models have superior display as compared to the old one.

So you can never go wrong with 4 slots of Ram and better display, plus a 3.0ghz core 2 duo chip :D if you're going for base machine
Start your own thread if you want to sell your crap. Don't come hijack mine you limey bastard.

What is a limey bastard,is it people who invented the computer also the internet,aswell as electricity .Is that what you mean by a limey bastard um you yankie wanker.
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