This is good to know! I even logged on to Macrumors at the Apple Store today and it was very slow loading there as well. I can see why the servers are overloaded... there's so much great info here for Mac users. I still don't understand why Dell doesn't open a Dell store like Apple did. If they did, they'd sell a TON more computers than they do now. If people got to play with ALL their machines and see everything in person, they'd feel more comfortable, like I did, and buy more Dell product.
Oh well, their loss. I also don't understand why less than 10% of computer users use Macs. They seem so much better to me. I guess it can be explained with an email a friend sent me today "The hardest thing about a new operating system is that you have relearn all the routine tasks. That would drive me crazy. I am sure you are up to the task. Good luck."
People are afraid of change, I guess. I sent him tons of articles about how Macs are so great ,but he STILL is going to buy the top of the line, Win 7, new Sony Vaio all in one machine for a lot more than I paid for mine.
Steve R