I received my iMac yesterday and I have that horrible feeling of paranoia that my Mac has a serious problem.
I was watching ABC.com's full episode player of a show in HD quality.... it froze halfway through.
I played in WoW battlegrounds on max settings. It froze every 5-10 minutes.
I played WoW on "medium" settings and set my max fps to 30. It improved, but froze every 20 minutes.
There's also a dead pixel in the upper right hand corner, next to the Macintosh HD icon, which is an area I click on daily, obviously.
By "freeze" I mean the cursor stops. The screen freezes. And the sound.... it's a rhythmic sound loop that repeats what I've heard directly before the freeze.
It appears to be a direct duplicate of this:
"Mac freezes blamed on graphics woes" - http://www.cnet.com.au/mac-freezes-blamed-on-graphics-woes-339282662.htm
though dated from 2007, that's exactly what it appears to be. In the article, it mentions apple was aware, but never released a fix (as of the publication) . I'm not sure if they actually every did, maybe someone here knows?
Anyways, I was willing to live with the dead pixel (though I know I really shouldn't), but the freezing is frightening me. I'm usually a man about things, but every time my computer freezes, I feel like I want to cry.
I thought it was singled due to WoW, but when the exact same freeze occurred in another graphic-intensive activity, that's when I decided to make this thread.
I feel convinced enough to give Apple a call tomorrow. Anyone know what they might tell me, based on what I've shared with you so far?
I was watching ABC.com's full episode player of a show in HD quality.... it froze halfway through.
I played in WoW battlegrounds on max settings. It froze every 5-10 minutes.
I played WoW on "medium" settings and set my max fps to 30. It improved, but froze every 20 minutes.
There's also a dead pixel in the upper right hand corner, next to the Macintosh HD icon, which is an area I click on daily, obviously.
By "freeze" I mean the cursor stops. The screen freezes. And the sound.... it's a rhythmic sound loop that repeats what I've heard directly before the freeze.
It appears to be a direct duplicate of this:
"Mac freezes blamed on graphics woes" - http://www.cnet.com.au/mac-freezes-blamed-on-graphics-woes-339282662.htm
though dated from 2007, that's exactly what it appears to be. In the article, it mentions apple was aware, but never released a fix (as of the publication) . I'm not sure if they actually every did, maybe someone here knows?
Anyways, I was willing to live with the dead pixel (though I know I really shouldn't), but the freezing is frightening me. I'm usually a man about things, but every time my computer freezes, I feel like I want to cry.
I thought it was singled due to WoW, but when the exact same freeze occurred in another graphic-intensive activity, that's when I decided to make this thread.
I feel convinced enough to give Apple a call tomorrow. Anyone know what they might tell me, based on what I've shared with you so far?