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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
If there's no announcement during the event, I think you guys can finally write off Aperture as abandonware. Sure you can keep using it, but LR will have more features out of the box.
Your vendetta against Aperture...continues.

Whereabouts did you dig up logic that dictates photography software be introduced during the keynote for a conference focused on developers? Or did you just have a reminder setup in your calendar to refresh your vendetta?
/"\/oo\/"\;17347176 said:
Your vendetta against Aperture...continues.

Whereabouts did you dig up logic that dictates photography software be introduced during the keynote for a conference focused on developers? Or did you just have a reminder setup in your calendar to refresh your vendetta?

Both. :)

Besides, wouldn't Aperture be a "developer" product?
Besides, wouldn't Aperture be a "developer" product?

Not necessarily - or so it seems to me. 3rd party development for Aperture is limited to plug-ins isn't it?

More to the point, it occurs to me that this years WWDC will likely be focused on streaming music services and AppleTV - both touted big new venture areas for Apple.

Like most Aperture users I'm eager to know what, if any, Apple's plans are - but the lack of an announcement at this month's WWDC doesn't seem to me to be a clear indication one way or the other.
Considering that previous releases weren't tied to WWDC, I can't see the logic in calling it abandonware if there is no announcement at WWDC this year.
Considering that Apple continues to provide camera RAW updates, has provided regular dot updates that address bugs and add features, and has been adding software engineers to the Aperture, iLife and iWork teams, Aperture isn't abandonware.

As to LR having more features out of the box, the Develop module is excellent. Beyond that, LR has no iCloud integration, it's e-mail feature is convoluted, FB and Twitter support pale in comparison to Aperture, and it only has one book publisher (who's quality is questionable).
LR has no iCloud integration, it's e-mail feature is convoluted, FB and Twitter support pale in comparison to Aperture, and it only has one book publisher (who's quality is questionable).

Couldn't care less about any of that.
If there's no announcement during the event, I think you guys can finally write off Aperture as abandonware. Sure you can keep using it, but LR will have more features out of the box.

How the hell is software that had it's last update on April 16, 2013 "abandonware"?

You might want to look up the definition of abandonware before you make ridiculous claims like that.

(Hint: "Abandonware is a product, typically a software, ignored by its owner and manufacturer, and for which no product support is available.")

A product that had it's last update merely 45 days ago and is clearly still supported by the manufacturer could not possibly be called abandonware.

Furthermore, WWDC is a developers conference. They rarely release new software at the developer's conference unless it's tied to a new hardware product release.

And although they haven't released a "full" version update in a couple of years, they've added many new features in the dot releases.

For example, Aperture 3.3 (June 11, 2012) added all these features:
New unified photo library for both iPhoto (v9.3 or later) and Aperture; no import/export required; Faces, Places, slideshows, albums and web sharing work across both applications. Support for AVCHD video has been added. Aperture now lets you use camera-generated previews for faster browsing of RAW files immediately after import. Highlights & Shadows tool has been updated to deliver higher-quality results and work with extended range data. A new Auto Enhance button has been added to the Adjustments panel. White Balance tool now includes Skin Tone and Natural Gray modes to simplify color balance. Auto button has been added to the White Balance tool for one-click color balancing. Set Desktop command has been added to Share menu so you can set a desktop background from within Aperture. A new Manual option allows you to drag and drop projects to customize sort order in the Projects view. New preference allows you to set the background brightness of the full screen browser. Facebook, Flickr, and MobileMe albums are now displayed as thumbnails in the main window when accounts are selected in the source list. Minor terminology changes, including "Original" instead of "Master" and "Info" instead of "Metadata." Source list includes a new "Recent" section, showing Last Import and recently-viewed projects. Raw Fine Tuning is no longer displayed in the Adjustments panel by default. Faces can now be named by dragging them from the Unnamed Faces browser to existing snapshots on the corkboard. The Faces corkboard now includes a menu that allows you to set the order of face snapshots. Newly designed monochrome source list and toolbar icons. Addresses numerous issues related to overall performance and stability.[14]

But yeah, it's definitely "abandonware". And you must be on Adobe's payroll. :rolleyes:
I'm a Aperture user and love it, but I downloaded the Lightroom 5 Beta and I think the develop part of it is better. Aperture is nicer to work in full screen for sure though. The main thing that I'd love to see in Aperture is the lens profile corrections. If Aperture isn't updated with lens profiles and I think I'm going to switch to Lightroom because it annoys me not having the lens profiles :( come on Apple!
If there's no announcement during the event, I think you guys can finally write off Aperture as abandonware. Sure you can keep using it, but LR will have more features out of the box.
Why don't you give it a rest? Did Aperture personally offend you or something? There are plenty of reasons to use Lightroom over Aperture, and certainly you seem to be happier with it. We get it. But please stop trolling the forums.

Aperture continues to receive updates (it has received 9 updates in 2012, including an all-new RAW converter), and while Adobe has a faster cadence than Apple, Aperture is by no means abandonware. Secondly, there is no way Apple will announce new pro media software on the development-focused WWDC, it doesn't even make sense to expect that they would.
While it would be nice to see a Aperture 4, the current version is working for me. No need to rail against Aperture. If you don't like it don't use it.

I found it better for my workflow the LR. LightRoom is not a bad product but Aperture fits better.

I hope we'll see an upgrade but to be honest I highly doubt they'll announce anything on June 10th. Apple's itinerary for the day seems rather packed with MacPro, iOS, OSX (and probably MBP) announcements.
In all honesty unless an updated version of Aperture is announced by the time Lightroom 5 ships I'm probably jumping ship. Aperture is too far behind right now :(
I love Aperture, I think it's user interface is terrific and is a prime example of how Apple can just as easily make pro software as easy to use as its entry level software.
It has its shortcomings but I believe good things come to those who wait :p

I doubt that time will be WWDC though.
Considering that Apple continues to provide camera RAW updates, has provided regular dot updates that address bugs and add features, and has been adding software engineers to the Aperture, iLife and iWork teams, Aperture isn't abandonware.

As to LR having more features out of the box, the Develop module is excellent. Beyond that, LR has no iCloud integration, it's e-mail feature is convoluted, FB and Twitter support pale in comparison to Aperture, and it only has one book publisher (who's quality is questionable).

Frankly I'd be happier if they axed every one of those "benefits" in favor of simply giving the program a marginal speed boost. As a working pro of 5 years now, I have not used one of those features beyond the initial checking them out. Except for the books when I need a quick photo book.

I love tge aperture flow and ui, I just wish they would include useful things like lens correction instead of useless fluff like "twitter support".

If I were not so deeply ingrained into the aperture workflow I would have jumped over when the last LR came out. As an aperture user ill readily admit that LR is further pulling ahead in most important areas.
Personally, I would hope for a slightly more streamlined interface (think Final Cut Pro X), lens/perspective corrections, better noise reduction and a way to make third-party plugins non-destructive. Moreover, they should fix the bugs in the book creator (layering and copying & pasting between different pages no longer work). I am very, very happy with the general UI and hate Adobe's idea to split functionality into modules with a vengeance. I can edit a book, select a photo and change the exposure so that it matches to brightness of the other photos on the same double page, stuff like that.
Abandonware? Then how come there's an update today?

I think you guys seriously confuse software suppport vs an upgrade.

Tell me, how are those camera/lens profile corrections working for you?
How's that new RAW processing engine working out?

Let's talk REAL features being added, not some iOS supporting update or updates that are just "improving stability and crashes". :rolleyes:

What's New in Version 3.4.5

- Addresses an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when deleting items from a camera or memory card after import
- Memory cards are now ejected correctly when using the Delete Items option after import
- Includes stability improvements

Razeus - we get it. We understand that you think that anyone that prefers Aperture's project based management, iLife/iWork and iOS integration are total idiots, and we should be banished forever.

LR4's (and LR5 beta) strongest feature is the Develop module. That said, aside from lens correction, for 90% of the images that I've shot with my D200, D7000 and D7100, I can achieve the same results in both.

LR isn't without its shortcomings. They have only one book publisher, the slideshow module pales to what Aperture can do, and doesn't integrate with Adobe Premier (Aperture and FCP work well together). I'm not saying LR sucks (although its workflow frustrates the crap out of me, vs. Aperture). It is a good DAM
I think you guys can finally write off Aperture as abandonware.

I think you guys seriously confuse software suppport vs an upgrade.

It seems you are the one who is confused. Trying to stir the post and claim apple has abandoned Aperture. Unfortuntely you have rotten timing since apple udpated Aperture shortly after you posted this. If it were true abandonware, then apple would not update it.

Abandonware definition
Abandonware is a product, typically a software, ignored by its owner and manufacturer, and for which no product support is available. It is differentiated from a discontinued product because the manufacturer has not issued an official notice of discontinuance, instead, the manufacturer is simply ignoring the product. Although such software is usually still under copyright, the owner may not be tracking or enforcing copyright violations.
I think you guys seriously confuse software suppport vs an upgrade.

Tell me, how are those camera/lens profile corrections working for you?
Great, thanks! I'm a fan of PTLens and find the results at least as good, and often better, than LR for what I do.

How's that new RAW processing engine working out?
RAW is not bad. Not bad at all, actually. I use C1 for anything that is too tough, or, to be fair, ACR (for all my talk ;)).
I use both the Nik and OnOne plug-in suites; to my way of thinking, neither are destructive in that both generate another version of the image being edited.
When you edit a photo with a plugin, Aperture renders all settings to a tiff file that is then forwarded to the plugin. That's what I meant.
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