Before Razeus chimes in, I'll be the first to admit that I'm disappointed that there wasn't any news on Aperture (nor anything for iLife).
I've used both Aperture, LR4 and LR5 Beta. Although LR's Develop module does an excellent job, the Folder/Collection based organization drives me bonkers. I really do prefer Aperture's Project-based management. Time to decide if I can hold out, or plunk down $80 (less with the NAPP discount) for the LR5 upgrage - which I still maintain is only a dot upgrade.
I have a buddy that uses both. He uses LR strictly for the develop module (and LR's round-trip capability for Photoshop). Then he exports a .tiff file and imports that into Aperture for all it's other features and simplicity. Sounds like a lot of work frankly, but that's his style.