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I said this in another thread and I'll say it again here: He was specifically and intentionally asked about Aperture 3.5. This was not a mistake; it has the approval of Apple PR all over it. Nowhere has he said that what was shown in the video was Aperture 4 or 3.5.

I'm not saying Aperture 4 actually exists; I have no idea. But it is clear that Aperture is not dead; there's no way Apple would give any version of it this much spotlight if that were the case. It's a matter of when, not if. It will come, randomly and quietly.

Completely agree that aperture is not dead - I certainly wasn't trying to suggest that it was. The continued updates show that Apple are committed to the software.

I saw your post on the previous thread, although I'd already made my post above before that other thread began. My intention was not to suggest there's no chance that Aperture 4 will come out in the near future - I'm just remaining realistic about what was actually said both by Phil Schiller at the event, and by the photographer in the interview.

I wonder, if there's this "apparent" book written for Aperture 4, I would think, it might indicate Aperture 4 is "in the works"? :)

Links here:

I don't want to dash your hopes, but publishers advertise non existent books online all the time. I read an article by an author about a year ago explaining how amazon were advertising an Aperture4 book by him that he knew absolutely nothing about. Apparently the publishers of his previous Aperture3 book had registered the new book title to get a SKU code or something and Amazon had picked up on it (even though not a single word of the book had been written).

I wish I could find the article again as it was an interesting read. If anyone else knows what I'm talking about, please share the link.

I think we can say with a degree of certainty that a new version number of Aperture will come eventually. And in this instance the book could turn out to be very real. However I definitely don't think the title's appearance indicates anything that we didn't already know (which sadly isn't very much).

All we can do is wait & see.
Completely agree that aperture is not dead - I certainly wasn't trying to suggest that it was. The continued updates show that Apple are committed to the software.

I saw your post on the previous thread, although I'd already made my post above before that other thread began. My intention was not to suggest there's no chance that Aperture 4 will come out in the near future - I'm just remaining realistic about what was actually said both by Phil Schiller at the event, and by the photographer in the interview.


I got ya. I mostly found it very interesting how carefully Lucas' questions and answers were worded. My gut has no doubt that he was in fact using a newer version than 3.5 and that it was no accident that it was "leaked". They know users are questioning if Aperture is EOL or not.

I also somehow doubt that a point release would be sufficient to truly optimize for the new Mac Pro.

Let's see what happens!
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Apple must be saving Apeture 4 for the finale.

As I see it, ALL of Apple's software has been updated to new versions this year, accept Aperture. The step child of the bunch.
Something that occurred to me and that is important to point out is that while we're all clamouring for a new Aperture, what is no doubt coming is something dramatically different than what we're used to. Be careful what you wish for folks.

Some people have been fearful that we're on the verge of an iWork like feature cull. I don't think so. iWork for Mac was simplified to bring iOS and iCloud to feature parity and all three platforms will grow together from here on. There's no Aperture for iOS and Apple has maintained the consumer app companions for FCP (iMovie), Logic (Garageband) and Aperture (iPhoto).

While I fully expect X to be dramatically different, I don't believe that it'll lose features that we've come to rely on. Apple certainly learned from FCP as was seen with Logic which retained its functionality and was praised by audio pros. In fact, the lengthy wait probably has a lot to do with rebuilding Aperture from the ground up while delaying the release until it can be launched with all of its features retained and added to.

I welcome a new paradigm and trust that Apple knows what they're doing. They've got the best in the business working on this and have been known to consult high profile pros in the field. They did so with FCP and Logic and that 3.5 was previewed by a pro is comforting that they're doing the same with Aperture X. I was on the verge of giving up and moving to Lightroom until I saw what they did with Final Cut Pro X. Unlike many, I actually loved what I saw and got excited for a similar revolution for Aperture. Then Logic came and I was further assured that something big was coming.

Where Apple has failed in a dramatic fashion is in their lack of communication with the Pro community. Secrecy works in the consumer market but professionals need to know that their tools that they depend on for their livelihood aren't going to be abandoned. If it's going to be much longer, Apple should at least make a controlled leak through recognized professionals in the field or come out straightforward: We're working on something big for you and it's going to be worth the wait. They wouldn't be giving Adobe any competitive edge, they wouldn't discuss features, the UI or even reveal that it's a completely new paradigm and photographers could rest assured that they could remain invested in Apple's product.
I wonder if it will be Aperture or iPhoto pro :rolleyes:

I would really like to see this enter in ahead of Lightroom but Adobe are just so on the ball with their software and Apple seems to be less motivated with the pro software these days (compared to what they used to be)
I wonder if it will be Aperture or iPhoto pro :rolleyes:

I would really like to see this enter in ahead of Lightroom but Adobe are just so on the ball with their software and Apple seems to be less motivated with the pro software these days (compared to what they used to be)

I think it depends on what you mean by "ahead". If you want it to be a "Lightroom-like experience, only created by Apple", you'll likely be disappointed. If you want it to be a sophisticated bit of kit that is useful to both amateurs and professionals, you might stand a better chance of being happy.

Yes, I'd be willing to bet that there will be some level of convergence between an Aperture X and iPhoto, given their history with their other professional apps. But that's not such a bad thing, in my opinion. But also like those other apps, they may challenge your sensibilities on workflow, UI design, and the like. It won't all be like Adobe's either :).

I love Photoshop and ACR, but I'm far less enamored with LR. Yes, they've continued to have what they refer to as "major releases" which gives users a sense of forward movement. They also occasionally add useful new functionality, some variant of which I'd love to see in Aperture as part of a non-plugin workflow. But I find the UI to be horrible and for me, the module concept gets in my way. To each his own.

My dream environment would be an Aperture X + Pixelmator world. We'll see if both companies can actually make that happen :D.
I think it depends on what you mean by "ahead". If you want it to be a "Lightroom-like experience, only created by Apple", you'll likely be disappointed. If you want it to be a sophisticated bit of kit that is useful to both amateurs and professionals, you might stand a better chance of being happy.

Yes, I'd be willing to bet that there will be some level of convergence between an Aperture X and iPhoto, given their history with their other professional apps. But that's not such a bad thing, in my opinion. But also like those other apps, they may challenge your sensibilities on workflow, UI design, and the like. It won't all be like Adobe's either :).

I love Photoshop and ACR, but I'm far less enamored with LR. Yes, they've continued to have what they refer to as "major releases" which gives users a sense of forward movement. They also occasionally add useful new functionality, some variant of which I'd love to see in Aperture as part of a non-plugin workflow. But I find the UI to be horrible and for me, the module concept gets in my way. To each his own.

My dream environment would be an Aperture X + Pixelmator world. We'll see if both companies can actually make that happen :D.

Ah yes, the Lightroom UI is horrible in my books too. Pixelmator is a really nice stable, snappy and quite powerful piece of software though right now it doesn't have everything I need. I do own it though for some reason haha
Something that occurred to me and that is important to point out is that while we're all clamouring for a new Aperture, what is no doubt coming is something dramatically different than what we're used to. Be careful what you wish for folks.

How did you come to this conclusion? Why do you think it must be "dramatically" different?
I would really like to see this enter in ahead of Lightroom but Adobe are just so on the ball with their software and Apple seems to be less motivated with the pro software these days (compared to what they used to be)

Apple is now an IOS company first and a Mac company second. Just compare the revenue from phones and pads to all of the Mac models. Money talks. Think we will see Aperture for IOS?
How did you come to this conclusion? Why do you think it must be "dramatically" different?

Final Cut Pro X was a tectonic shift away from the old method of cutting video. Logic Pro X also received a completely built from scratch new UI.

The amount of time (3 years) since the release of a new full version of Aperture while still servicing the existing one with minor and sometimes major updates demonstrates that they're taking their time with whatever they're preparing and it won't be another point update. It's going to be dramatically different. I trust Apple that it will be for the better but I'm getting anxious about the length of time we've waited and continue to wait.
But remember, Apple developed Aperture in house as a new product when v1 was released, it was not a bought in product. If I understand correctly both FCP and Logic were based on bought in products. Therefore there is far less legacy with Aperture, and I suspect, far less grunt work that needs to be done for the next version. I think there will be changes, but nothing as radical as FCP and Logic.
But remember, Apple developed Aperture in house as a new product when v1 was released, it was not a bought in product. If I understand correctly both FCP and Logic were based on bought in products. Therefore there is far less legacy with Aperture, and I suspect, far less grunt work that needs to be done for the next version. I think there will be changes, but nothing as radical as FCP and Logic.

And Aperture is also already 64 bit, whereas Final Cut Pro needed significant recode to port to 64 bit.
Any news yet for an upcoming major update for Aperture? If not, what do you believe, do we get a new version in the near future? Maybe with the new Mac Pro? We all know now that the version which Schiller showed up on stage was 3.5 (source: Interview with photographer Lucas Gilman, one of the only pros already using Apple’s next-gen Mac Pro).

What do you think about this?

A combination of logic as well as signs and portents indicate a new version. The logic part being that the other professional media applications (Logic, FCP) have received "X" updates, signs and portents being hiring for Aperture and patent work. An additional semi-sign being they used 3.5 to highlight the new Mac Pro so development is still happening and they think enough of it to use it to highlight a major new product.

But whether logic, signs and portents turn into Aperture X (or 4 or...), we'll have to see :).
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