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Hi Michael

Nop. The app is $6.99 and always has been.

Best regards,
Version 1.2

Hi guys,

Just a quick update.
We've been working on version 1.2 and the new version should include the following:

1. export to OPML (we're trying to add FreeMind too);
2. export as Plain Text;
3. export as Rich Text Outline;
4. change background colour;
5. keyboard navigation and shortcuts as similar apps gave and as requested by users;
6. correction of the "apply themes" function;
7. more themes.

@JamesCraner: we're looking into your bug report and haven't managed to fix it yet. So far only with white background on text not fully-transparent. I'll keep you posted.

1.2 will be submitted to Apple for review by the end of this week.

Best regards
Miguel Campos

Thanks for the update, looks like you are making responsive changes from user feedback which is great. The ability to create png files with transparent backgrounds is an important one for me, but I know you are working on it.

Version 1.2 - Codenam Churchill

Hi guys

Just to keep you posted regarding the Delineato Mac Project.
Version 1.2 - codename Churchill - has finally been submitted.
We've compiled every users requests and implemented some several major changes, fixes and new features.

Here's the full list:

- Allows to change the type of shape anytime;
- New themes!
- Exports to OPML, RTF, TXT;
- Users can now choose a different background color, out of 7 different ones
(related to the new themes);
- Keyboard navigation!
- Select shapes left, right, above or below using Cmd+arrow keys;
- Select connected shapes using Cmd+K;
- Create child nodes using Option+Cmd+arrow keys;
- Create new shapes by using Cmd+1 (rectangle), Cmd+2 (ellipse), Cmd+3 (rounded
rectangle), etc.;
- Add new main node using Cmd+period;
- Add new main node by option-click anywhere on the canvas;
- Start or end editing a graphic by using Cmd+Enter;
- New alignment options (align left, right, top or bottom edges, horizontal and
vertical centres, make same width or height);
- Center the view on the currently selected shape (Cmd+Y);
- Fixes a bug when editing text;
- Fixes a bug in which some graphics were outside the print area when using the print dialog;
- Fixes several minor bugs;

Although we've made all these change, the essence of simplicity is still there.
As Jony Ive says:

“True simplicity is derived from so much more than the absence of clutter or ornamentation. It’s about bringing order to complexity.”

Sounds familiar?
Hope the review process goes well. Usually takes 2 weeks.

Hi guys

Just to keep you posted regarding the Delineato Mac Project.
Version 1.2 - codename Churchill - has finally been submitted.
We've compiled every users requests and implemented some several major changes, fixes and new features.

Here's the full list:

- Allows to change the type of shape anytime;
- New themes!
- Exports to OPML, RTF, TXT;
- Users can now choose a different background color, out of 7 different ones
(related to the new themes);
- Keyboard navigation!
- Select shapes left, right, above or below using Cmd+arrow keys;
- Select connected shapes using Cmd+K;
- Create child nodes using Option+Cmd+arrow keys;
- Create new shapes by using Cmd+1 (rectangle), Cmd+2 (ellipse), Cmd+3 (rounded
rectangle), etc.;
- Add new main node using Cmd+period;
- Add new main node by option-click anywhere on the canvas;
- Start or end editing a graphic by using Cmd+Enter;
- New alignment options (align left, right, top or bottom edges, horizontal and
vertical centres, make same width or height);
- Center the view on the currently selected shape (Cmd+Y);
- Fixes a bug when editing text;
- Fixes a bug in which some graphics were outside the print area when using the print dialog;
- Fixes several minor bugs;

Although we've made all these change, the essence of simplicity is still there.
As Jony Ive says:

“True simplicity is derived from so much more than the absence of clutter or ornamentation. It’s about bringing order to complexity.”

Sounds familiar?
Hope the review process goes well. Usually takes 2 weeks.


Sounds good - have you fixed the bug were exporting to transparent png file, if you have text on the arrows it some background shading rather than being transparent. Also exported graphics used to look a little soft - has this been fixed as well ?
Version 1.2 is out!

Hi guys!

Finally version 1.2 is out.
We've been giving some promo codes on the following forum.

There are still some minor issues that are being solved but we believe this new version brings some major new features that users have requested.

@James Craner: we're still struggling with those bugs. I've noticed that even pricy apps like OmniGraffle suffer from the same problem. It seems something related with how the rendering is done in MacOS X but we haven't managed to solve it. We'll keep pushing. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi guys!

Finally version 1.2 is out.
We've been giving some promo codes on the following forum.

There are still some minor issues that are being solved but we believe this new version brings some major new features that users have requested.

@James Craner: we're still struggling with those bugs. I've noticed that even pricy apps like OmniGraffle suffer from the same problem. It seems something related with how the rendering is done in MacOS X but we haven't managed to solve it. We'll keep pushing. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hello, this app was so nice I actually had to re-register here (been away for yeeeears and lost my old account). It's a very nice, intuitive design. But there are some things that would definitely make it much better.

Copy-node-style and paste-node-style functionality. Applying themes/styles on a node-by-node basis.

Keyboard shortcut manager (might work with the system wide one, though, haven't tried it).

When dragging the arrows for new nodes, sometimes it copies the text of the old node, often making it bigger than it needs to be. If the node could auto-resize to whatever you put in it that'd be great.

A text-only object. Just a text box with no frame (you can hack it by choosing a shape and then taking away the lines, but it's a bit cumbersome).

A keyboard command to change node shape. Something like cmd+alt+number (to correspond with the ones you already have).

Letting the "show palette" option be a toggle or adding a second option, so that it can be made to stay somewhere on the screen.

The ability to set a default text alignment.

Bezier-curve lines. Like where you can actually guide where it's going.

Might be a bit harsh since you just came out of 1.2 :p But hey, when I like something, I want to help make it perfect.
Just a recent convert to mac, avid user of visio / smart draw.

I would gladly pay for the app but I would love a trial to see if it fits my needs (brain storming & flow chart).

In any case please let me know if there is a trial version, thanks !
Document link insert

delineato: is it possible to insert links to documents in delineate pro?
I have just bought this program. My impression it's good, but i would like to write a couple of issues that would be great to have on futher versions (hopefully the next one).

1.- Grab hand to move easily the template (with space bar for example...or mouse, as it ocurrs in Photoshop).

2.- Zoom with the mouse wheel / magic mouse.

3.- Possibility of Multiple-object scalation at one time (select the desired objects and scale it).

4.- Possibiity of making groups of objects (for example... object that contain objects... and then must be all moved to another place)

5.- Arc-arrow tool (from one to another object, avoiding to cross over objects situated in between)

6.- Possibility of forcing the conector (arrows) to be placed on the middle of an object side... if there are 2 converging to one side, then forced to be situated at 1/3 from each corner.

7.- Zoom to extend at opening a previous file.

...and one important last issue.

The objects/arrow/forms menu sometimes freezes... and nothing can be choosen and placed on the board... then the program must be restarted to continue working... :(

Thanks!! :)
Just got Delineato to create an org chart for my division and have run into a snag.

I want to create a "forked line" see screen shot below. I can't see how to do this in this app and am afraid that it may not have that capability.

Can anybody help out with that?


One other note: if I right click to get the shape options box I can click on a shape and drag it onto the canvas, but when I let go, the shape floats back into the options box instead of appearing on the canvas. The only way I've gotten shapes to stay on the canvas is to add them through the pull-down menu > Tools > Add New Shape ...

Any ideas?


  • Screen Shot 2013-11-08 at 10.22.01 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2013-11-08 at 10.22.01 AM.png
    23.8 KB · Views: 131
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Hi guys!

I haven't been around the forum for a while due but I'll revise all your messages and reply asap.

I'm posting just to let you know that version 1.2.1 is now available as a free update. Check your Mac App Store!

Many users requested support for Mac OS X 10.6 for it so we’ve added it. Please find below all the new changes:

- Search box, especially useful for navigating through large diagrams;
- 10.9 support;
- 10.6 support;
- Alignment guides are also displayed when moving shapes using the keyboard;
- Paste without format;
- Duplicate command;
- Several bugs fixes

We’re now working on version 1.3 that will bring several awesome and requested new features!
Thank you.
Thanks so much!!!


Grab / Zoom function with mouse!!'s basic to make more friendly to use this great program.

New themes.... ¿Maybe possible blueprint? :D

Hi there,

I'm giving Delineato Pro another try after the updates. One problem I have (but I might be missing something) is that the borders of a node encroach on my text when I use an ellipse. Is this normal?
Hi there!

A new version of Delineato Pro for MacOS X is now out
bringing new additional soundtracks, fixing the zoom to center on users's point of view as requested by many of you and fixing some other bugs.

We keep developing the Mac version but we're also working on an iPad version (as requested by....hmmm...everyone?) that hopefully should be out late February.

Please find below some screenshots of the work in progress.



We'll be giving out some promo codes for the Mac version in the appropriate forum.

Thank you.
Kind regards
-Miguel Campos

P.S. - We're trying to attend and reply to all your features suggestions and bug reports but please bare in mind that we're a small team :)
Are you still working on improving the Mac app?

Some of the recent reviews have been pretty specific in their descriptions of issues with Delineato Pro. These include challenges in: getting connectors to connect to items in some predictable/rational way; getting placement of items and lines to reflect some recognition of where other items are already placed; formatting items as desired. Are you planning to address these issues sometime soon? I know you are a small team, and are working hard on developing an ipad app. But it would be nice to know if you are working on strengthening the Mac version.
iPad version now available

Hi guys!
Finally we've managed to release the iPad version of Delineato.
It has been a struggle specially with the new iCloud drive...


The iPad version is able to import/export delineato files with the Mac version howeever this one is currently waiting for review since 26th November (and they even granted us an expedite review!..go figure...)

We'll be posting promo codes in the appropriate section for you to enjoy so stay tuned.
I'll keep this thread focused on the Mac version.

After this release the team is going back to upgrading and making better the Mac version with your requests.

Don't forget to read the F.A.Q. on our website :)

Features List:
* Infinite canvas on 0,0 axis and retina-displays compatibility;
* Multiple shapes and connectors;
* Place image from camera roll;
* Edit directly, drag-and-drop shapes and connectors from a palette;
* Themes;
* Dark mysterious mood or Light grey stylish mood;
* Text on links with full customization;
* Grid and snap to grid;
* iCloud drive compatibility (import and export);
* Export to .pdf, image or by email as Delineato file to use as local document with your Mac version;
* Zen minimalistic design with ambiance musics;

now that ipad version is done ...

Still hoping for response on feedback and support questions re delineato pro.
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Hi @dumbhead

If you notice the version number of the Delineato Pro and history of the app you'll see that we keep updating and working on it.

The iPad version was really only developed because users fell in love with Delineato and kept requesting and sending emails for us to develop it and we had to take a lot of time to make it right so hopefully we can now look back at the Mac version and address any unsatisfied user or issues (we've been keeping a track list with the reports) and also implement some of the great features-request we've received.

If you look at the majority of the reviews you'll see that people love to use this app and I'm talking about the users themselves, not the reviews seen on MacWorld, etc.

This is an on-going project with a small team that it's trying their best.
I appreciate your efforts

It isn't possible to see the version changes and reviews since Delineato is not listed in the Mac app store right now. My recollection is that reviews were about 50:50, and that the less than entranced customers (and those that provided detailed reviews) had some very specific concerns. Hopefully you have addressed some of these in your upcoming release.

One concern that some of us had, in addition to a few functionality problem areas, is that messages to support went unanswered. Maybe now that you have completed the marathon effort to produce the ipad version your small team can respond to support messages.
The version currently waiting for review is 1.2.6 (basically the 1.2.5 with a critical bug fix for OS 10.9 and previous). Since we didn't wanted people with those systems to buy the app with such bug we removed it while Apple reviews and approves this quick fix.

It's been a journey since version 1.0 that was released in 2013. Most updates were to fix reported bugs and others to add requested features such as opml export

We try to reply and answer everyone and try to solve problems and implement requested features but if you notice in the app store (when the app is back online) besides those users that claim that we supposedly don't give support you may also easily find many users that praise our support and continuous development. There's also those users who give bad ratings and then innocently reference other apps...

"Continuous development ★★★★★
by OlivSoil - Version - 1.2.2 - Jan 31, 2014

Great to see that the developers keep improving the app! I’ve seen on their blog that an iPad version is coming alive. Hopefully as beautiful as this one?

"Grew into a gem ★★★★★
by - Version - 1.2 - Aug 13, 2013

Delineato has rapidly gone beyond its early issues and has become a real gem. This independent developer deserves a lot of support for creativity and responsiveness.

"Okay, nice update, getting good now ★★★★★
by shgreen123 - Version - 1.2 - Jul 8, 2013

Previously a bit rough around the edges, with too many disconects and one way streets, such as the inability to change shapes, formatting disconnects, etc., the latest update has turned Delineato into a serious contender.

"Fast & Useful: PARTIAL UPDATE ★★★★
by Jamaica Blue - Version - 1.2 - Sep 8, 2013

What it does - it does well. The methodology really doesn't get in your way! It does not mean that this is basic: The tools are really pretty well organized & you can dress up the charts easily. The tool is quite good & getting better. I can't say that I would use it for a lot of charts which may grow in scope, or need more whiz bang eye candy, but that is changing as the app development appears to be ongoing.

Above are just some examples but I guess that an app that has more than 64 reviews and ratings worldwide (mostly in US) and is given a solid 4 star-rating is not a bad, buggy, unuseful app.

Of course there are bugs and will be because software development isn't linear, plain and easy. Things that work perfectly on 10.10 may not work on 10.9 and so on. Even things that work on an iMac with 10.9 and on a Macbook with 10.9 might work differently and one with problems and the other without.

Again, we try our best and we're now focusing back on the Mac version and I can guarantee that at least 90% of the support emails are replied since I'm not sure if we missed any, if the people didn't got the reply or if the mail never arrived to us.

Best regards
I'm jealous, if i lived on Madeira I'd never get anything done.

Anyway I like the Mac app and will checkout the iPad version.
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