I want itunes extras to play on my apple tv... I have yet to watch the extras for Karate Kid and Iron Man II...
I would like to chime in on the video stuttering with HD content (when buffer is full) issue, post 4.2.
From the material I have tested, it appears the issue has been fixed for me.
This is only a short term assessment as I have only had time to test 2 sets of source material that were giving me trouble prior to applying the 4.2 update.
Also, the subtitle issue on 720p material appears to have been fixed as well.
2. Watched/Unwatched now works correctly automatically.
6. Videos in iPhoto now show up on the Apple TV.
Found a few more improvements. Video playlists now continue to the next one when played instead of returning you back to the main menu. Also song and artist information are now updated from Internet Radio streams. The About screen now shows the wifi channel, BSSID, and the output resolution to the TV. (The new Apple TV now allows for 480p output as well with the update for SDTVs and HDTVs that cannot handle 720p.)