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macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
Alpine, UT
WOW, that would be a LOT of updating, and that would take more than just one error to 'accidentally' delete it all. It is kind of odd though that it's on the live site. I can see doing this on the dev and waiting until the products are actually announced, but as you said Grimace it is a pretty humdrum boring website, maybe their web guys aren't really that great? Some companies don't have a dev server....

However, should all this ring true, the used L market is gonna go wild, lots of good glass would be quite affordable if that many MkII were announced, or new versions.


macrumors 6502
Aug 15, 2003
Apparently they deleted them while I was browsing.

I was looking for the 50mm 1.8, it was there then I refreshed the page and it was gone. I couldn't get it to show up again. I figured it was some sort of server error. :confused:


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2005
Denver, CO
Well to expand out on this a little bit, people like Amazon appear to have had some pretty low stocks of some of these lenses through out last year, quite often switching to out of stock and sometimes staying that way for a week or two or more at a time, it would not be outof the question for Canon to have been keeping the inventory artificially low so that when this big announcement did come (if it did happen) they would not have much in inventory to clear out and there would be little by the way of deep discounting.

All theory... no idea what is planned but hey if they want to sell some of the existing stock at a better than current rebate discount... i would love to find a home for some of these no longer wanted lenses :)


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
New sensor system in the 1Ds mkIV and new 3D need new glass to resolve higher quality images!

That's my story and I'm stickin to it!


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
Alpine, UT
Canon has recognized this and is looking to fix it

Kind of Link

But seriously, as a web designer, it shouldn't take 2 days. Strange. Kinda wonder if it was an accidental jump the gun....


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Well to expand out on this a little bit, people like Amazon appear to have had some pretty low stocks of some of these lenses through out last year, quite often switching to out of stock and sometimes staying that way for a week or two or more at a time, it would not be outof the question for Canon to have been keeping the inventory artificially low so that when this big announcement did come (if it did happen) they would not have much in inventory to clear out and there would be little by the way of deep discounting.

All theory... no idea what is planned but hey if they want to sell some of the existing stock at a better than current rebate discount... i would love to find a home for some of these no longer wanted lenses :)

All of the Japanese companies cut production due to the weak global economy and the strong Yen. Traditionally, the Yen had been strong against either the Dollar or the Euro or its predecessor/co currencies. The inability to dump stock in the opposite market due to a strong Yen on both sides of the Atlantic hurt them all a lot. Additionally, they all cut staff and that hurt production as well. It probably didn't hurt any other company's beacounter's cases that Nikon over-cut production and it helped to keep their lens prices artificially high during a time when they sold more than they expected to by a fair margin.

I wouldn't read anything more into stock levels than we're moving closer to just-in-time manufacturing. Only the super-telephotos are a wildcard, as some of the elements need a year to cool- so messing with those numbers is only something you'd do if you were transitioning to a design that cut out those particular elements probably no closer than six months to cut-over- and they're generally not the ones that get swapped in a redesign as far as I can tell.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Canon has recognized this and is looking to fix it

Kind of Link

But seriously, as a web designer, it shouldn't take 2 days. Strange. Kinda wonder if it was an accidental jump the gun....

My guess is that if it was a jump on anything, it was a few select updates (not all of them) and some price increases. I hope not though, if there's any hope of Nikon even trying to keep prices in line, it's that Canon keeps selling for less.


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
Alpine, UT
Scott Bourne on Twitter @scottbourne just said that they ARE releasing a slew of new lenses. So it looks like web just got ahead of them. He's a pretty in-the-know guy.

If all the missing lenses are updated they're replacing like half the line. Crazy. Exciting day!!!


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
The new 70-200mm f/2.8L IS Version II was just posted to Canon's site:



macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
While I'm glad Canon sought to improve an already fantastic lens -- I cannot BELIEVE that they would stop including the lens hood! :mad:

The specs page reads Lens Hood ET-87 (not included) - and yes, it is a different hood than the other 70-200mm lenses...

But...the press release on DPR says that the hood is included. Canon, get your $&@! together.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 7, 2003
I think I'll pass. The only real improvements are the decreased minimum focusing distance and the 1-stop improvement in IS. I guess I don't use my 70-200 (which IMO already has excellent image quality on full frame) enough to justify the expense of upgrading.

Significant upgrades to the 24-70mm, on the other hand, might be enough to pry my wallet open ;)

Grimace, be sure to let us know how this new lens performs when you're the first here to get one ;)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 27, 2004
Hmm, not worth upgrading to IMO. Sure the one-stop improvement might be significant, but it doesn't justify the cost. I guess it's made for people who have really shaky hands. :rolleyes:

If there is indeed a new 24-70mm with IS, then I'll consider getting that.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
Grimace, be sure to let us know how this new lens performs when you're the first here to get one ;)

Actually, I think I will pass too. The version it replaces is amazing to me, and I don't think that the marginal improvement in minimum focusing distance or the supposed extra stop would cause me to sell and rebuy -- especially at the cost premium for which the new lens appears to ask.

Conversely, I've never been full satisfied with my 24-70mm so if that was redone, even at a small premium, I'd probably jump on it.


macrumors 65816
Mar 10, 2008
My wife has really gotten into the craft over the last several years. Makes it kinda nice...both of us with the same hobby and as a full time business partner. Our 5 year old son also got a camera from Santa this year.

Point is...we would like to have two 70-200s. I have seriously considered the newer F4is this past year, but have held off for the updated 2.8...originally introduced in 2001. I love mine. I've had it for 6 years now and it's a workhorse. However, it could use some improvements;)

I'd be willing to bet there are other "under the hood" upgrades that have gone into this newly updated piece. Maybe not, but that seems naive. They've had a decade to improve one of their MOST used and owned pro lenses on the market. I've got to imagine they've added some more magic to it than an extra stop in image stabilization...not that that isn't a welcome addition and brings it up to par with the f4 version. If the optics are sharper (as with the f4), I believe it's a winner. Already an awesome lens, but we'll buy the new one, as it's an important enough lens to have redundancy in the kit (and with a wife as a co-shooter:))



macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
My wife has really gotten into the craft over the last several years. Makes it kinda nice...both of us with the same hobby and as a full time business partner. Our 5 year old son also got a camera from Santa this year.
I read your post quickly and I read it as "our 5-year old son got 70-200mm from Santa."

I'd be willing to bet there are other "under the hood" upgrades that have gone into this newly updated piece. Maybe not, but that seems naive.
According to the press release, it sounds like f/2.8L IS USM II is a refresh to catch up to f/4L IS USM.

It is a bit unfortunate that II is slightly heavier and larger than f/2.8L IS USM that it replaces. But it now matches the minimum focus distance and magnification of f/4L siblings, as well as 4-stop IS, faster autofocus, and improved optics to improve resolution and contrast while reducing chromatic aberrations.

And it looks like the US pricing is $1999.


macrumors 601
Jan 15, 2008
Holocene Epoch
EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM II Price?

And it looks like the US pricing is $1999.
I've been trying to suss this out since last night. I would *hope* you're right, but as near as I can tell it's the old version that has an MSRP of US$1999.

According to some of the more active sites, it would seem that this is going to be priced north of three grand (based on the MSRP of this lens in Euros or in Yen). Maybe quite a bit north of three grand. Hard to say until they publish a number (and strange that the US and Canada seem to be the only places they haven't).

I think it would be a huge mistake for Canon to price this any higher than about $100 less than the new Nikon 70-200mm II (despite the Nikon's issue with disappearing focal lengths at minimum focusing distance). Canon is almost always cheaper than Nikon for a comparable lens, and mostly have a wider variety to choose from (e.g. f/1.2L).

As someone elsewhere noted, you can buy a 700D and the new Nikon 70-200mm II together -- today -- for right at $4800. If Canon gets too greedy with the MSRP of their new 70-200 II, I can see that selling a lot of Nikons. Nikon already has the buzz for a better autofocus and cleaner high ISO shots; it would really hurt Canon if Nikon were to start to be considerably less expensive.

John (Canon user since my A-1)


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
If Canon gets too greedy with the MSRP of their new 70-200 II, I can see that selling a lot of Nikons.

I don't see that- Nikon's been doing quite well market-share wise despite generally higher lens prices for a decade or so. That's why the two companies generally don't try to compete head-to-head in terms of price or product- the market so far has been forgiving of differences in either direction, and I'd hazard to guess that weakening either of the two significantly would open the market for the other manufacturers, something that would benefit neither of them.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
This better be a joke or a typo, €3k as a price point for such a lens is way too high. This would be €700 higher than the new Nikkor.

Welcome to the effects of the global meltdown! Isn't the current split between the UK MSRP and the street price about 700 quid? If so, it seems like it's probably going to start out in that range.


macrumors 65816
Mar 10, 2008
"It is a bit unfortunate that II is slightly heavier and larger than f/2.8L IS USM that it replaces. But it now matches the minimum focus distance and magnification of f/4L siblings, as well as 4-stop IS, faster autofocus, and improved optics to improve resolution and contrast while reducing chromatic aberrations.

And it looks like the US pricing is $1999."

All of these improvements, including the price, sound fantastic. I won't be surprised at all though to see the price jump 10-15%. I'd say 50% sounds a bit extreme though ($2999?). In European countries, unfortunately, they seem to have had unexplained premiums to pay over the last couple of years...especially on Japanese electronics.

Oh the world economy goes...I suppose, those of with jobs should be pretty damn thankful...regardless of the price of "toys..."

Plenty without such luck that can't afford to pay the mortgage...forget new glass:(


macrumors 65816
Mar 10, 2008
"I read your post quickly and I read it as "our 5-year old son got 70-200mm from Santa." ain't that good in these parts:) He got the old Canon PowerShot bride's old purse cam.

...ya never know, Tiger started early, right? (Certainly, there are other lessons in life I'll be sure to touch on though;))

Is Canon showing off camera gear at CES? I know, I'm ignorant...never been anywhere close to the show. I've always thought it was more of a Gaming platform and Car Audio, bedroom DJ type of a show. Reading much more about it this week, it seems to be an "All-Encompassing" Electronics and Technology show...HUGE, too! Again, I know, I've been hiding under a rock on this one...just curious this a Big Launch opportunity for Canon each year? Obvioulsy, this could fill in a lot of blanks...

...or is it more of a "Consumer" Electronics show as the name we'll see more of the Elph and Power Shot, CoolPix and iFlip product releases instead of the Pro gear from Canon and Nikon?

just curious



macrumors 6502a
Jul 30, 2009
It's going to be a killer lens. Personally, I'm aiming to get the 70-200mm f/4L USM for around $689.00. I don't have $2,000.00 to throw down yet. :(


macrumors 601
Jan 15, 2008
Holocene Epoch
I'd hazard to guess that weakening either of the two significantly would open the market for the other manufacturers, something that would benefit neither of them.
Maybe for people new to dSLRs.

OTOH, I know Nikon shooters who appreciate the variety of Canon lenses (and availability of rentals), and I know Canon shooters who appreciate the low noise, high ISO shots that you can get from the new Nikons (this includes me :eek:). But I don't personally know any Nikon or Canon shooters who are likely to be tempted away to Oly or Sony or Pentax.

It's going to be a killer lens. Personally, I'm aiming to get the 70-200mm f/4L USM for around $689.00. I don't have $2,000.00 to throw down yet. :(
If you can spring for it, the 70-200mm f/4L IS USM is a much, much better outdoor lens. Smaller than the F2.8 models and sharper than anything comparable. A noticably better lens for not a whole lot more cash than the non-IS f4L you are looking at.
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