You'll have to excuse me as I only received the lens on Tuesday and have not had chance for more than a few low light shots indoors, but the click nature of the aperture ring feels mechanical. Phrehdd would probably know better than me whether it is mechanical rather than electronic. To me it feels mechanical.
Just one thing to remember. When you look at the Fuji lens roadmap, this is one of the earliest lenses produced and is still in full support, with its 6th iteration of firmware update.
Sorry I can't be of more help. Will have a better idea in 3 weeks when I get chance for some real use.
As for the manual focus the split screen in that EVF is outstanding. They have also made improvements in focus peaking as well which is nice.
We have just ordered the SD UHS II card as well, which I'm looking forward to using as I prefer RAW & JPEG combined shooting which does cause some buffering in the X-E1. At 240mbs, from what I've seen in review videos, the write is instantaneous. A really good addition, though the cards aren't cheap.
I am awaiting the lens tests on the 16-50 2,8 and the 50-140 2,8. I also noticed that it appears that there is a tripod mount on the 50-140. That is a real plus for me. My guess the price is going to bring some chagrin to many of us but that's just the way things go.