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zurv said:
We'll Irecently got rid of our PC workhorse since it was going to be replaced by a mac. Somehow I have gotten by in the last month on my Dell 2.4 Ghz 1.25GB Ram laptop. But I cant take it anymore (I know what you mean by lost time).

I also use Photoshop, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Flash, Word.
I could always do the whole running windows on the mac, running the apps.

I wonder what the speed would be comparable to on a maxed out Imac.

If you are happy using those apps in windows on the mac then they will be very fast - however, if you were going to use them on hte imac then they are very sluggish for intensive use.
zurv said:
After I posted I started looking at apple refurbs. Some of them seem like a very good deal. I am thinking about getting a refurbed G5 2.0Ghz for about $1700 and a 23" Display. Later I can upgade the system and keep the monitor.
Or I could get a refurbed Quad 2.5 for about $2700. How does the Dual G5 2.0 handle Adobe Apps?

The dual 2GHz Power Mac G5 should be able to handle Adobe Apps without a problem. If you want a super-fast computer that will last you a long time, then go with the Power Mac G5 Quad. If you just want a new computer to hold you over until Adobe Apps are universal, then I say go with the dual 2GHz Power Mac G5.

zurv said:
What do you guys think of that?? How long do you think G5's will be supported by both Apple and Software manufactureres? I would hate to buy a G5 and then have all new software not support my G5.

The PowerPC based Macs will be supported for many years to come. There is no way Apple is going to simply pull the plug on the vast majority of their customers who happen to be using PowerPC based Macs. :)

Heck, just look how long Apple supported Classic.
What is the difference, say between a 2GHz 32 bit processor and a 2Ghz 64 bit processor in terms of speed?

Is the iMac core duo 64 bit?

Wouldn't a dual 64 bit G5 processor with a clock speed of 2 Ghz be faster than a 32 bit 2Ghz core duo intel processor?

I would rather get the G5. It can run all applications, and OSX at full speed reliably, and it is a lot more upgradable.
dextertangocci said:
What is the difference, say between a 2GHz 32 bit processor and a 2Ghz 64 bit processor in terms of speed?

Is the iMac core duo 64 bit?

Wouldn't a dual 64 bit G5 processor with a clock speed of 2 Ghz be faster than a 32 bit 2Ghz core duo intel processor?

I would rather get the G5. It can run all applications, and OSX at full speed reliably, and it is a lot more upgradable.

As far as I know the Imacs are 32 Bit. That is one reason they have not put them in the Power macs yet, they are waiting for the new processor.

Guys I think I am going to spend 2k on........ a PC laptop. I need a new computer very badly, and my laptop needs to be replaced. Currently I need to keep a PC around. In a few months after the new Power PC's are relased ill buy one of those.

What do you think? A PC Due with 2GB of ram should do the trick. I am looking at the Acer TravelMate TM8204WLMi Notebook. The motherboard and processor and graphics card are identical to that in the new Mac Book Pro's.
zap2 said:
Any reason not to go MacBook Pro?

Same hardware, but the macbook pro is more expensive and cant even run the apps I need. So I would have to run windows on it anyways. Why not just go with a PC?

Also I feel that I need both in my life, and in the future im sure I can run MacOS on it since the parts are almost 100% identical.

Same MB, Same Processor, Same graphics.
Its also carbon fiber :) And comes with 2GB of ram compared to 1GB with the macbook pro.

Macbook pro 15" is $2500 with 1GB of ram

Acer 15" is $1900 with 2GB of ram.

With the macbook I would need to purchase a XP license aswell, and even then have some limited funciality in Windows.
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