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still not shipped.

glad I got applecare though, with the concerns of the longterm reliability.
Update #3

My replacement imac i5 quad core arrived on Nov 25. It seems to be working fine. Haven't had much time to mess around with it due to Thanksgiving. Who knows what the future holds for it?

Just some responses to various comments in this thread.

The computer flew from Shanghai. Apple did at least send it "next day delivery". It took 3 days to get here from China.

Other than free next day delivery, they didn't "give" me anything.

I did go to FEDEX to pick it up since I was at work when they brought it to my house. The lady at FEDEX put it on a dolly then, despite there being a ramp right by the stairs, started bringing it down the stairs by just bang-banging it down. I said, 'you know, that's a computer'. She replied, 'oh, they pack them really well so this won't hurt it'. I said, "it's my computer and I already had one show up dead so let me just lift the other end of this dolly'. So we carried it down the stairs like that. I know FEDEX and UPS both just slam bang packages around however each worker chooses so I'm sure that incident wasn't the first time this particular package was handled roughly but it makes me wonder if the computers really aren't packed well enough for the reality of how they're transported. I don't know the answer to that.

Good luck to everyone else with shipments and longevity! I very definitely learned to never again buy a first gen anything from Apple since they're attitude of "too bad; they're new; you have to expect that" is guaranteed to tick me off after giving them over $2K of my money.
10 business days have come and gone since the DOA machine went back under RMA and no movement on my replacement.

I did get a mysterious "You have successfully made changes to your order" email yesterday, but logging in as directed in that message shows my old order with no changes - perhaps Apple have updated the phone number on the order as I asked them to on the 14th, but can't be sure if that had already been done.

Has anyone cancelled an order after RMA? How long did it take to get the money back?
Working so far, power button a bit twitchy...

Hope everyone gets their machines in working order.

Received my 27" iMac 2.8 GHz Core i7, 4 GB RAM, 2 TB HD
It's been working pretty well. I did notice that the power button has very little travel and is a bit inconsistent on its activation. Perhaps its the reason for some of the DOA machines. I noticed that the system wouldn't start up completely after a power failure-just once (had to unplug and replug the system and it came right up). Other than that I've been very pleased, system is very fast, great image and runs relatively cool for a quad core machine (less heat than my Powerbook G4).

Using the new remote also. It's not as comfortable as the old remote and does not have 'sure footed" controls. The controls are less defined (flattened directional ring) and more difficult to locate. My experience with the old remote was better.
I called Apple to complain about the delays (and hopefully get a free upgrade ;) ) on the 30th November. But Apple said that my machine had gone to 'prepared for shipping' - wouldn't it be nice if the UK Apple store could reflect this instead of showing NYS? Logging in to the US store did show the order as PFS.

The replacement shipped on the 1st and landed here on the 3rd of December, covering half the world in three days.

It works - hooray!

Until Friday evening when I started to get the screen flickering issue - random bars flashing across the screen and even complete blackouts for half a second at a time.

Undeterred, I followed some advice on this forum to use an SMC controller to increase fan speeds. After doing this, the machine has been perfect. This is my preferred solution to waiting another three weeks for another replacement which may well have the same problem.

Although the machine is in a very cold room and the temperature sensors report that the iMac is running very cool itself, it seems that some screen related component is not being cooled properly. Perhaps this is a build issue like with the old MacBook Pros and the thermal paste problems?

Anyway, I finally have my iMac i7. It is very fast, very quiet and beautiful to look at - now that it works.

For anyone interested, here's the times taken: ordered to UK address at UK online store on 24/10, arrived DOA on the 14/11, RMA on the 15/11, arrived at Apple 19/11, replacement PFS 30/11, shipped 1/12, arrived 4/12.
No word on the actual causes yet? Could all this be related to defective video cards or is it a mechanical problem like a loosened connector or cracked pcb?
Maybe the weight and size of these machines requires a rethinking
of the packing process. I'm just completely astounded by the number
of problems boxes being delivered.

Sorry for all you folks - but maybe Apple's ship has sailed.
My new I7 showed no signs of impact or mishandling. It powered up once, but never again. I'm supposed to get a replacement, but I'm not sure if anything has been corrected. Some kind of announcement would be reassuring.
Maybe the weight and size of these machines requires a rethinking
of the packing process. I'm just completely astounded by the number
of problems boxes being delivered.

Sorry for all you folks - but maybe Apple's ship has sailed.

Must admit I was surprised that mine only had 4 bits of polystyrene to protect it.

Not really shocked they're getting a bit battered in transit. Fair play, they're trying to cut down on packaging to be "environmentally friendly", but it's certainly hurting them.
Well I got my new 27" iMac 2.8 Ghz i7 Friday morning! No signs of damage on the carton. I set it up and and turned it on and transferred files using the Software on it and a firewire 4 Cable with the adapter to 8 that Apple sells, to my flat screen 17" iMac. It worked perfectly! ;)

No cracked screen, HD seems pretty quite, no yellow tinge. Hooked right up with my WiFi home system with no problems! Wireless key board & mouse connected with no problems. (I placed an iSkin on the keyboard, seems to do what it's supposed too.)

Today, I had a meeting that took most of the day, so I didn't get to play much with it! I have noticed my screen blinking a couple of times tonight! I will keep a close eye on that!

Gad, that 27 " screen is big! Of course, I'm enjoying the speed too! :D
I think it was another post on hear that a person posted that the yellow tinge most are getting is actually the imac's speakers interfering with the color on the screen .
There are so many issues with the new iMac that in The Netherlands Apple shops wait till the next production serie in at least 2 weeks from now. There is even a production stop at the moment in China to solve the issues !!!
I have seen numerous people making this claims but not any sources :confused:

Looking at the status of my order it still says shipping 17 december, which is strange if there is a production stop.
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