Lord Blackadder said:A very good idea, too! The benchamrks I've read (mostly dealing with Halo and UT2K4) seem to show that the 5200 is roughly equal to the 9600 on paper but on the Mac the 9600 does better rendering, and the drivers are simply better all round.
NVIDIA made a lot of better cards contemporary with the 5200 but for whatever reason Apple never chose to implement any of the other GeForce5xxx cards.
Heat is the enemy of tight spaces. The 5200 was quite good as a low power, low heat chipset and low performance was a by product. nVidia is still great at producing top end cards but anywhere else, they shouldn't bother. ATI seems to have implemented a good range of equipment and Apple cares enough about the drivers to make sure that they work well. Supposedly, on Windows, the ATI drivers are even getting better.