The largest online reseller of computers in Sweden has a new item called "the new iMac" with a configuration not seen before.
Maybe this is the new iMac comming!!!
APPLE IMAC 24# C2D 3.0 4GB/750 #CONFIG#
Nyhet! Nya iMac med Core 2 Duo-processor
It's priced at 18396 sek
The old iMac with better spec
APPLE IMAC 24# C2D 3.06 4GB/1000 SD GF8800 GS
En kraftfullare iMac. Nu i hastigheter på upp till 3.06 GHz
is priced 17516 sek
There is still no details in configuration, but it clearcly says the new iMac, and it has a higher price than the usual iMacs.
Maybe it's release tomorrow???
Maybe this is the new iMac comming!!!
APPLE IMAC 24# C2D 3.0 4GB/750 #CONFIG#
Nyhet! Nya iMac med Core 2 Duo-processor
It's priced at 18396 sek
The old iMac with better spec
APPLE IMAC 24# C2D 3.06 4GB/1000 SD GF8800 GS
En kraftfullare iMac. Nu i hastigheter på upp till 3.06 GHz
is priced 17516 sek
There is still no details in configuration, but it clearcly says the new iMac, and it has a higher price than the usual iMacs.
Maybe it's release tomorrow???