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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 23, 2009
The largest online reseller of computers in Sweden has a new item called "the new iMac" with a configuration not seen before.

Maybe this is the new iMac comming!!!

APPLE IMAC 24# C2D 3.0 4GB/750 #CONFIG#
Nyhet! Nya iMac med Core 2 Duo-processor
It's priced at 18396 sek

The old iMac with better spec
APPLE IMAC 24# C2D 3.06 4GB/1000 SD GF8800 GS
En kraftfullare iMac. Nu i hastigheter på upp till 3.06 GHz
is priced 17516 sek

There is still no details in configuration, but it clearcly says the new iMac, and it has a higher price than the usual iMacs.

Maybe it's release tomorrow???
So the new iMac is slower, and more expensive, and still dual core? It better have a nice screen. :rolleyes:

Unless the sek has gone belly-up, then maybe the price has just been re-adjusted.
Sill think it's a new one

It's like no earlier configuration, and it still misses a detailed config.
Also it states "the new iMac", and their product number indicates it's as fresh as it could be.

Maybe this is the entry model of the new iMacs, better graphics, better screen etc. etc.
Or it's the top of the line C2 Quad, and it's a special order clocked up to 3.0 GHz. That thing is a few kroner off a Mac Pro dual C2Q 2.8 ... it's really expensive. But the kroner crashing (did it?) or an LED monitor might explain things as well. Unless it's all a mistake.
#CONFIG# looks like a placeholder (template) that their webserver should fill in. Perhaps their database doesn't have all the configuration yet?

I just can't believe that any of the old iMacs would cost that much. There must be something new in it. Unless they are hoping for some real suckers.
OOOh ! I hope this is not just a big mistake from the retail store. In Norway, the biggest computer/hardware seller Elkjøp often sold old Macs for the same price as current models, though everything else they have is usually a good buy, macs aren't.

I really don't understand though, stores doesn't know more than the rest of us. And if big stores are being told from Apple that new Macs are around the corner, one or another would spread that word to the net. I'm sure there's a lot of people on this site that actually are selling Macs and would then know something.

But, I cross my fingers and I hope you are right. I'm tired of waiting....atleast rumors (even how unlikely they are) keeps reminding me that something is going on...since it's toally silence from Apple. Apple must be planning a mega update very soon, or they are hanging behind with their projects and releases - to little is happening.
The price for it in that list is not far off from being the same price as the base configuration mac pro. In the uk store, the mac pro is currently priced at £1712, whilst the top base configuration imac is £1359. upgrade that to the spec on this site and its still only £1516. thats quite a big difference, and if apple are to introduce an imac thats more or less the same price as a mac pro, they better put something dam good in it!
I for one don't buy it. I can't see how any 3ghz dual core can beat 2x 2.8ghz quad cores at roughly the same price. even a better graphics card doesn't justify. i would love to see a new imac tomorrow, but i don't think this is it.
I think that the raise up is because of exchange rates. I looked from Sweden's Apple store and Finland's store and there was ~200€ difference.
Yeah that's what I was gonna say. Can someone contact them and find out what's up with this. It's certainly a really odd mistake if it was one.
Yeah that's what I was gonna say. Can someone contact them and find out what's up with this. It's certainly a really odd mistake if it was one.

He's the only one who can speak Swedish. I know some because it's Finlan's second language and in school we have to learn it (which sucks!).

Ask 'em what the hell is that model
This does indeed look like the new mac!

The only proc I cann find with that speed is E8400. The (presumably) increased bus and memory speeds probably make up for the .06 difference.

#config# does look like missing field in the database. Perhaps the GFX hasn't announced yet.

It says "Beräknad leverans" = expected delivery is 2009-03-09. How about them squirrels!
I will call them tomorrow and ask them

First thing in the morning I will call them and ask what they know.

Probably not going to get a decent answer, more like.. "I don't know.. I don't know more than what you can see on the web".

However, I will report back here... :cool:
First thing in the morning I will call them and ask what they know.

Probably not going to get a decent answer, more like.. "I don't know.. I don't know more than what you can see on the web".

However, I will report back here... :cool:

Thank's man, I really appreciate it. Ask if there is more new models coming :D
I wonder if that would be delivery to them, or to somebody who orders.

Most certainly delivery to the store. For reference, they expect an "ordinary" iMac designated "APPLE IMAC 24# C2D 3.06 4GB/1000 SD GF8800 GS" to be delivered on 2009-03-06.
And if I may say so, that thing looks *really* expensive. The standard config iMac at Apple Store .se with stock specs:

# 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
# 2GB 800MHz DDR2 SDRAM - 2x1GB
# 500GB Serial ATA Drive
# NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS w/512MB GDDR3

goes for 18.555,00 kr inkl. moms - that is *including* tax.

This thing goes for around 23 168,75 kr including tax and shipping:

Varuvärde 22 995,00 kr
Frakt från 173,75 kr
Totalt inkl. moms 23 168,75 kr

This is very close to the price of MacBook Pro 15''. Except you'd probably have difficulty carrying this thing around...
I can't watch this any more. First off, the store isn't a premium reseller, and there for very unlikely to know when the thing hits their stores, and if they'd know under some sort off NDA, they'd be utter f*cking stupid to tell so, Apple has quite the legal department. Second, the comment about a E8400 in an iMac is ridiculous, since it pulls 65W, which is bordering to uber hotnesss for an iMac, and is slower than the current top of the line processor.

I say it's either a typo or something to pull attention from the webzzz or something...
I wonder what #config# means...?. If they have config´ed an imac to their own preference, so you get a bad components in an iMac (maybe they were bored of waiting for an update too :D ). Or if #config# would mean that the specs will be configured once they know for certain the details.

They have to have a reason for putting out a new labeled iMac though, they are a serious and big reseller, and they can´t charge money for something they will not receive, since you actually can pay them the money for this right now if you live in Sweden.

Looking forward to hear a swede call them up tomorrow. I´m curious but skeptic.
APPLE IMAC 24# C2D 3.0 4GB/750 #CONFIG#
Nyhet! Nya iMac med Core 2 Duo-processor
It's priced at 18396 sek
3.0 GHz? Unless they're truncating "3.06" (probably not since they show 2 decimal places on all other models), 3.0 is most likely a 1333 MHz FSB model.

So rather than going for the 65 W 1333FSB quad-cores, Apple/Intel's overclocking the mobile dual-cores (again) to give 1333FSB models? If that's true then I guess the iMac's heat capacity maxes out at 55 W CPUs. I would expect a 3.17/3.33 GHz 55 W dual-core after all this time, though.

Or maybe it's a 2.83 GHz 65 W quad-core overclocked to 3.0 GHz (same TDP, higher price) and the site reported it as a dual-core for some reason.

I'm hoping for the latter.
I would expect a 3.17/3.33 GHz 55 W dual-core after all this time, though.
Or maybe it's a 2.83 GHz 65 W quad-core overclocked to 3.0 GHz (same TDP, higher price) and the site reported it as a dual-core for some reason.

I'm hoping for the latter.

I'm hoping for your idea of a 3 GHz 1333 FSB model. This wouldn't be that much more heat, meaning they'd have changed the cooling for another reason: graphics :D.
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