Your links on price comparrisons linked one to the 17" white iMac, and the other to a 20". I did read your post - perhaps better than you did.
The mid-range white iMac was $1500 with a 2.16 Ghz processor, and it could be upgrade to a 2.33 Ghz processor for $250, resulting in a price of $1750. The mid-range alum iMac was 2.4 Ghz for $1500 base price. You are spinning it pretty hard: from my perspective, its a $250 price drop. From yours, the price stayed the same (and they now threw in a $250 upgrade for the same price, which you conveniently ignore). Either way, Apple made the offering more compelling for the customer. That's not greed, it's good business, and for Apple iMac sales have skyrocketed in the 3 quarters since they made the move.
Linky linky:
Man, either you are new to this Apple stuff or just missing the point.
Its natural (for Apple at least) that when they update their computers they add more stuff in it like faster CPUs, GPUs, more HD space, more RAM, and when moving from one design to another they also add new features, like iSight camera or backlit keyboards. Without making something worse than before.
All this for the same or (sometimes) lower price.
But sadly, when moving from plastic white iMac design to alu/black they replaced a very good 20" display in the mid-range model with a crap cheap TN panel in the same mid-range 20" model and priced them the same. I can understand why they used this display in the low-end (1200$) 20" iMac, but cant why they used the same cheap panel in their mid-range solution.
Oh, and your point about CPUs is plain wrong. Prices go down on CPUs so for the price you could get a CPU in 2006 you could get a much faster CPU in 2007. If it wasnt like this, we'd still be stuck with 20 MHz CPUs from ancient times, with modern CPUs costing thousands of dollars.
BTW, I gave you the links to prove there was no price decrease in low-end and mid-range iMacs when moving from white core 2 duo to alu/black core 2 duo.
So, if you still insist on your point then answer: why did Apple improve the configuration of 24" iMac in every aspect, yet still decreased the price by 200$?