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just the macworld conference just finish and if imac is close to released they would have released in the conference on the 6th Jan or talk about it and tell us about the changes..

Except the whole point of them LEAVING the conference was to allow them to set their own release schedule.

...inside news is imac wont be coming out very soon as apple have released their notebooks just little while ago and as a financial point of view its not good time to released any more product..

Thanks, iMacmatician. Did you set aside an hour to read my first huge post and second bit on tape backups? What did you think about my Blu-ray rationale?
Read them both, I'm a fast reader.

I guess I agree somewhat on your Blu-ray rationale. If Blu-ray is going to be really "big" in the future, then it makes sense that Apple adopts it. I agree with the high cost too. Not to mention that external hard drives are quite cheap.

IMHO the iMac will disappear. It's never been anything more than a Macbook in a bigger enclosure. Now that the MacBook/Pro and the 24" screen are available the iMac is redundant. Glad I didn't buy one.
That costs more.

there will no imac update very soon as last update was in April 2008 and it will be in mid of this year now
So a 1~1.5-year wait before an update? Unlikely if you ask me.

at this point i think 3.06 imac is fantastic machine with 4 gb ram nvidia video card for games, video editing and other hard core work you want to do.
It's not the specs as much as it is the price.

PS.. just generally speaking.. whats wrong with current models anyway that user are can;t go to sleep to get their hands on new imac?
The high possibility that waiting a month or two can give us a model that is better for the same price or cheaper for similar specs.
IMHO, the future is smaller, portable, virtual computing. The iMac is going to go out with a whimper! Why are the "towers" from other manufacturers that have incredible computing power so cheap and getting cheaper? It's a dying model of computing. The iMac can't hold a candle to many of them, is incredibly more expensive, and will die!
IMHO, the future is smaller, portable, virtual computing. The iMac is going to go out with a whimper! Why are the "towers" from other manufacturers that have incredible computing power so cheap and getting cheaper? It's a dying model of computing. The iMac can't hold a candle to many of them, is incredibly more expensive, and will die!
So does the future also mean poor keyboard, poor screen positioning and glare, slow touchpad cursor movement, constant charging (with non removeable battery) and all with a huntched over posture?

If so count me out.
apparently new iMacs are set to be realeased in febuary with new specs but same design. I hope so. What do you guys think?

Apparently? What/who is your sourse?

No matter what everyone always says its always gonna be next month.. doesnt come in November, it'll be December.. not december, January at Macworld, Not January, itll be february, no one knows but lets hope its this month or Feb or im giving up

Great post! Your post made me laugh. I predict the release will occur sometime after today's date! LOL :) Seriously though I am guessing the release for new MACS will happen after March 28th, 2009.

My "source" (actually guess) comes from the link from page about buying a Mini. There is a link located below the Mini picture: "Learn how to get iLife '09 for your new Mac."

iLife Update Program
"iLife '09, a significant upgrade to Apple's award-winning suite of digital lifestyle applications, features major new versions of iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand and includes iWeb and iDVD.
If you buy a qualifying Mac between January 6, 2009, and March 28, 2009, and it does not include iLife '09, you're eligible to receive iLife '09 for just $9.95 plus tax."

I hope my prediction wins me a Free Mac Mini!!! :apple: Oh how I could dream!!!
My "source" (actually guess) comes from the link from page about buying a Mini. There is a link located below the Mini picture: "Learn how to get iLife '09 for your new Mac."

iLife Update Program
"iLife '09, a significant upgrade to Apple's award-winning suite of digital lifestyle applications, features major new versions of iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand and includes iWeb and iDVD.
If you buy a qualifying Mac between January 6, 2009, and March 28, 2009, and it does not include iLife '09, you're eligible to receive iLife '09 for just $9.95 plus tax."

I hope my prediction wins me a Free Mac Mini!!! :apple: Oh how I could dream!!!

Just to fan the flames...what if they already have the new iMacs ready to go for a launch on the 25th anniversary and some of them don't have iLife '09 on them, but all production runs since MacWorld should be shipped well before March 28th?
So does the future also mean poor keyboard, poor screen positioning and glare, slow touchpad cursor movement, constant charging (with non removeable battery) and all with a huntched over posture?

If so count me out.

1) Only if you are a masochist.
2) Think 10 (even 5 years) years ahead. Voice control, faster chips (or some other form), small local storage needs, virtual screens, etc
3) I'll bet "dollars to donuts" Apple and the others are looking ahead and not sticking with the format "that saved Apple". That was visionary thinking then but they have to continue that and they have better minds than mine to do it but I am looking forward to the next level.
I'm sure they coming soon. John Lewis (Leading UK department store) have no stock of the Mac Pro and iMac (both 20" and 24"). It seems odd to me that such a big retailer wouldn't have any stock.
I'm sure they coming soon. John Lewis (Leading UK department store) have no stock of the Mac Pro and iMac (both 20" and 24"). It seems odd to me that such a big retailer wouldn't have any stock.

Those retailers are always falling in and out of stock of all kinds of things, including Apple products, it's called being a retailer :x
No, they dont. They did perfectly fine before the latest and greatest was released.

Not even games have been pushing the limits of todays latest and greatest hardware.

I disagree. With each new computer I get, it is solely to do things I could do not on the old machine.

Faster CPUs, more RAM capacity, boot camp. All of these things have a massive impact on CG work.
When does iLife ship?

We don't know, but the 20th is looking good, apparently.

Also, if the new iMac and Mac Mini are to be released simultaneously with iLife, assuming that iLife is to be released on the 20th, then tomorrow we should see the press invitations for the conference on the 20th.

Just saying. I don't believe it will happen. :p:(
We don't know, but the 20th is looking good, apparently.

Also, if the new iMac and Mac Mini are to be released simultaneously with iLife, assuming that iLife is to be released on the 20th, then tomorrow we should see the press invitations for the conference on the 20th.

Just saying. I don't believe it will happen. :p:(

Some have mentioned that the 27th is the anniversary of the Mac, which would be perfect for a Desktop Mac-centric event.

Tallest Skil: You're pretty knowledgeable about the Intel Chips, are there any Quad-Core chips that can go in the iMac that are currently shipping.
Also, if the new iMac and Mac Mini are to be released simultaneously with iLife, assuming that iLife is to be released on the 20th, then tomorrow we should see the press invitations for the conference on the 20th.
Or maybe on the 20th, we'll see the invitations for the conference on the 27th. :D

Or maybe Apple will throw us a curveball and release said invites on the 15th or 22nd, like they did with the October 14 event. :p
I just hope it does happen either on the 20th, 27th, or Feb 3rd that would be awesome!!! If they were going to have an event I think they should have it on it on the 27th since that is the Mac anniversary isn't it? event or no event hopefully it happens very soon.
hello all

I haven't typed anything in the forum for a while... :p I'm also waiting for the new iMac for uni! (most unis begin in Feb below the equator)

I can just imagine someone in Apple is reading this thread and ROFLing his head off especially if they are not going to release new iMacs in Feburary.

Anyway. I went to an Apple store a few days ago, asked the Apple guy whether he knew new iMacs are coming. He responded quite generously telling me that it might only be in June as Apple usually does it then. Well, that's what he says, somewhat unreliable but you won't be disappointed if Apple doesn't release the iMac in Feb.
Anyway. I went to an Apple store a few days ago, asked the Apple guy whether he knew new iMacs are coming. He responded quite generously telling me that it might only be in June as Apple usually does it then. Well, that's what he says, somewhat unreliable but you won't be disappointed if Apple doesn't release the iMac in Feb.

Yeah, the people in the Apple Store know no more than we do. He's an idiot. Apple won't wait until WWDC to update.
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