I'm considering buying one of the new iMacs but I'm in doubt about the glossy displays.
Unfortunately a MacPro is beyond the budget.
Any experience of using the new glossy iMacs for graphics?
Thanks for the comments.
The 24in does look spectacular, but when I looked at in the shop it was facing a window, doubling as a mirror for customers.
I'd be using it at home, so I can place it in a darker position.
RebootD said:One last thing though if you have no choice but to have the iMac facing a large window you will have issues with reflections no matter how bright you make your screen.
But you're going to have trouble with perceiving accurate colour in such conditions regardless, but to be fair, this is a problem that affects all screens, makes you wonder how we managed with CRT's for all those years really.![]()
Does the glare really make a difference for graphics work when it's being the norm for decades before LCDs came out?
The glossyness is overrated. Unless you work in a really bright room you will rarely notice reflections. Its not nearly as big a deal as the TN panel in the 20" imac, that will genuinely screw your work up. I dont know why people make such a fuss over the glossy screens when youre stuck with a TN panel.
I'm doing graphics (pixel and photoshop) on my unibody MB with no problems.
I won't sugar coat it, anything 'black' will reflect your face/room/window/lamp unless the room itself is pitch black
Glossy 24" iMac can be used for graphics with a caveat: it depends upon where you place it. If a window is behind or on either side of you, daylight glare is most distracting. With a solid wall behind you in a dim room, you have a better chance. If glare cannot be avoided you can add an anti-glare film or hook up a second monitor. Film may affect color fidelity. Invest in calibration hardware/software.
Afterwords if you don't mind the gloss make sure you get the cheapest 24in model because the screens are much higher quality. My 20in is a very cheap TN panel and if you make a solid gray background you can clearly tell the top is darker than the bottom making it look like a gradient. (More light is hitting the bottom 1/3rd than the top)
I have worked on a new generation iMac 24" and even in a room with significant lighting, the screen is very viewable, even in daylight. As long as you don't have the bright sun directly shining on the screen you really have nothing to worry about with the glossy screen. It looks beautiful, and you get deeper contrast with the glossy screen which in turn gives you a better impression of what you are working on.
Why so many people have this big hang up over glossy screens?