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macrumors 68010
Oct 1, 2008
Tampa, FL
S3 user here. Convert from 4S. LOVE IT. But I am a tinkerer and have jelly bean on there already. Makes a huge difference to the OS. Hardware though, this thing is beast. Only thing is the camera is okay compared to 4S.. well quality and speed are great, but in lower light the 4S kills it. Anyway, looking forward to see what the ip5 has to offer, but I'm hanging onto this S3. Plus I'm on unlimited data and with 4G LTE I'm using a lot... 5GB with 2 weeks left on the cycle haha =D


macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2007
The Galaxy S3. Imo the new iPhone won't manage to top it.

Or...wait for the new Nexus, which is apparently going to be made by Samsung so we may get a Nexus quite similar to the S3.


macrumors 65816
Jan 25, 2011
Wellington, New Zealand
having played with an S3 i can say that the new iPhone, if it does turn out to be a slightly elongated 4S like it appears, just doesn't cut it anymore.

Retina screen is ok, but to my eyes the Samsung Galaxy S2 and S3 screens look far brighter, and colour rich than the iPhone 4S screen, blacks look blacker, colours look brighter and crisper on the Galaxy Screens... that's before you get to the phone feeling better in my hand because its nicely curved and large enough to just sit in my hand.

the iPhone (the 1st gen one) blew the competition (which was Blackberrys, Windows CE mobiles and Symbian Mobiles) out of the water in usability and interface, now, the android phones have caught up, and offer a wider range of phones to suit all hands, usually for free.

The iPhone is, with every iteration, feeling more and more like the "old" phone in the room to me now, no innovation except in adding features by software update (that are then withheld from the older devices purely to force people to upgrade).

Apple need to expand the line, offer people more screen sizes for a start, and, offer the phones at a price that lets the networks offer it for near free, like the android phones (they make enough money of the App store to use it to subsedize the phone) If i can go and pay £32 a month for a Samsung Galaxy S3 with a one of cost of £29 for the phone, or £40 a month for an iPhone + £300+ for the phone, i know which one im going with.

I doubt Apple will expand their line - they're going to have entry, middle and high end - and gradually push down the high end to mid and mid to low with each refresh cycle that goes by. End of the day this has been Apple's policy for years ever since Steve Jobs returned in 1997 - slim down the product line to 2-3 core products and chuck out the rest. They've done the same thing with the iPad; the iPad 2 is the new entry level and the iPad 3 is the high end then the iPad 2 will be obsolete, the iPad 3 will become entry level with the iPad 4 becoming the new high end - rinse and repeat.

Samsung has done one thing right that HTC ignores - they're providing a good piece of synchronisation software for Mac OS X users rather than doing what HTC has done and basically ignored us (Mac users). We maybe small in number but we're vocal advocates when we find a product that does the job well - something that HTC needs to take into account when catering for particular markets. As for the future, their Samsung Series 9 Ultra laptops are very nice and assuming we see a few updates from Microsoft being released shortly, there is something Apple needs to realise - even the most devout fans have a limit as to how long they're shafted by Apple before they say "enough is enough" and look for greener pastures.

The battery is super easy to replace on the 4 and 4S.

Which invalidates your warranty - sorry but the battery should be a replaceable component just as one expects to be able to upgrade memory in a laptop or replace an ink cartridge in a printer without losing ones warranty in the process.

If you Want a phone that will be supported get an IPhone
Want the bigger screen and next to no manufacture support get the S3

The IPhone has way better support and you can get the Apple care plus that will give you 2 years of warranty and accidental replacements.

Apples OS upgrade (on release day)
Samsungs damaged replacement policy is simple (BUY a New Phone)
Samsungs OS Upgrade path wait months after release or (Buy new phone)

One might have a point a few years ago but both iOS and Android are at a point of maturity where the 'need' to upgrade really isn't there any more. Android 4.0.4 is rock solid, stable and the additional features provided by Jelly Bean are nice but they aren't critical features. The browser for example is unbundled and you can now upgrade those separately, Google is also moving to make more of the operating system upgradable external of having to upgrade the whole operating system - the point is coming right now where you have iOS and following Apples schedule or you can have Android and upgrade parts of the OS as you see fit.

Yeah, it is so horrible! With it's 4.8" screen, NFC, LTE, LED notifications, customizable OS.. Who would release such a device??

Yes, what a horrible proposition - I guess I'll just have to suffer through it and take one for the team :D

Dr McKay

macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2010
Any one have and S3 and not like the screen? Is it big to put into pockets?

If will fit into most pockets. Unless of course you adore wearing children's skinny jeans.

Heck my Nexus 7 fits in my Jeans pocket, my work trousers pocket, my friends jean pocket. :D


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2007
Was a 4S user, now switched to galaxy SIII.
I'll be waiting for Jelly bean

But I'm going back to iPhone probably..... (one of them will be my business phone)
Will do so when Jailbreak comes in!

The S3 is a great phone..... but there are just something that just DOESN'T work as well as the iPhone.
Sure MAPS is great... but for stuff like Audio integration (I use Beats Tour... it sucks in S3, can't even use the volume rocker, and whenever I have "earphones connected", sometimes I have to unplug it to answer a call, coz the other party can't hear me when I'm using earphones)
Cut/Copy/Paste just doesn't do it for me with S3...
Also the keyboard... Swiftkey is great, but no Chinese/Emoji integration

As I said, one of the phones will be a business phone....... I'm thinking it'll be the Samsung one, while i keep everything personal with the iPhone.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 8, 2012
wait and see what the iPhone 5 looks like and what features will be introduced with it, the S3 has a sleek design ,big design if you ever used an Android device and can tolerate it you might be more than happy, I've always been an iPhone guy love the iOS , user friendly , smooth, no troubles used an Android device for 2 days and sold it lol just couldn't do it


macrumors 68040
Nov 6, 2008
With the amount of money I’ve spent in iOS apps – I can’t afford moving away from iOS.


macrumors 68000
Jan 9, 2011
In front of uranus
The battery is super easy to replace on the 4 and 4S.

So, you are saying anyone can do it without any instructions? The battery can be replaced without any tools? The batte y can be replaced within seconds by a 2 year old? You won't invalidate your warranty? It is impossible to mess up reinstalling the case?

Your definition of super easy seems a bit skewed. I'd like to see you replace your battery on a video. Put your money where your mouth is. Let's all see how super easy looks.
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