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I actually find the iPad display easier on my eyes than my MBP

However the glare on the glass when outdoors is problematic

Still hoping for a non-glare glass option
Haven't the iMacs had this glare issue for some time now? When Apple decide they're right about something, YOU are wrong. The glossy display will stay. Hard cheese.
I'm sorry but I have to ask...why on Earth does one need 6 eReaders (and 2 iPads)? Now if you're including the entire family, forget I asked but your post implies they are all yours.

I do have a family but they are all mine:)

Basically I love gadgets and have enough disposable income to purchase what I want. I also have eight ipods going back to the 3rd gen. My communication receiver collection is even more impressive and I have several plasma screens and two HD projectors.

Lots of men my age (54) in a reasonably high income bracket collect cars, boats. I collect electronic gadgets.
My Kindle 2 is the best reading device I have ever used. However, to hook many more readers, Amazon blew it. If they had priced the kindle in the $100-$150 range, they would have gotten so many more people to buy them. Then, their ebooks sales (which is really what amazon is trying to sell; hence, the Kindle app for the iPad and ipods) would be a great deal higher.

As for comparing the iPad to the Kindle DX, outside reading is vastly superior on the DX. However, with some configuring, the iPad is a really good ereader (not counting outdoor use). Couple that with the myriad things that the ipad can do, and it's no contest.
Personally I think the Kindle DX should be priced at around $250 while the smaller Kindle should be priced at $150.
The DX is too close to the iPad form factor and weight to justify getting one. Sure, it is better outdoors, but indoors, unless you're always in a brightly lit place, it's a pain to always try to position yourself near a light source.

I would buy the 6" Kindle if they made it smaller. Get rid of the thick borders and ugly keyboard, add graphite and the new e-ink display from the DX. Maybe make it thinner and lighter by reducing battery size. Who reads for weeks anyway without a power source?
I do have a family but they are all mine:)

Basically I love gadgets and have enough disposable income to purchase what I want. I also have eight ipods going back to the 3rd gen. My communication receiver collection is even more impressive and I have several plasma screens and two HD projectors.

Lots of men my age (54) in a reasonably high income bracket collect cars, boats. I collect electronic gadgets.

Star56 will you adopt me?
My wife had a Kindle DX until she tried out my iPad. now she also has an iPad. She is an avid reader and I have renewed my love for reading since I got my iPad. I finished a book last night after almost two hours of reading on my iPad. i had no eye strain from reading. I have my iBook settings as Sepia and brightness about 25 - 30%.

I personally hated reading on my wife's Kindle, especially at night.
There's a reason the $189 Kindle is selling well but you don't see many DXs in the wild (there's always one 60-year-old-plus guy sitting in first class reading a DX - but only one).

You're probably right but the only Kindle's I've seen in the wild other than my own are DX's.

For reading I prefer the Kindle 2. For me the fact I can put the Kindle 2 in my pocket is important since I like to take it with me when I walk and when not reading it is nice to be able to put in a pants pocket. Outdoor use during daylight is difficult on the iPad. On the Kindle the sunnier it is the better the screen looks.

Love my iPad for everything else.
My Kindle 2 is the best reading device I have ever used. However, to hook many more readers, Amazon blew it. If they had priced the kindle in the $100-$150 range, they would have gotten so many more people to buy them. Then, their ebooks sales (which is really what amazon is trying to sell; hence, the Kindle app for the iPad and ipods) would be a great deal higher.

As for comparing the iPad to the Kindle DX, outside reading is vastly superior on the DX. However, with some configuring, the iPad is a really good ereader (not counting outdoor use). Couple that with the myriad things that the ipad can do, and it's no contest.

No contest is right.... I agree that pricing it much lower would have helped. But still, I continue buying my books from Amazon since the Kindle app in iPad is quite good. So in the end Amazon still ends up profiting.
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