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macrumors 65816
Jan 14, 2008
SAME!!! This is so sad, My new $15K 16-core super machine 2019 MP is just sitting there unused, and I'm finding myself working off my old 2013 6-Core....

It is sad Adobe hasn't taken advantage of the new Mac Pro, time to switch to FCPX if you want to see noticeable improvement !
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Blair Paulsen

macrumors regular
Jun 22, 2016
San Diego, CA USA
It would appear that Adobe is milking their flagship apps with impunity. Why spend money on coding resources when most of your clientele will stay in your subscription model anyway. Plus, if you're on Windows with lots of CUDA cores aboard, the brute force can overcome some of the pain...


macrumors newbie
Feb 5, 2015
Hello. I purchased a brand new Mac Pro (Specs Below). Of course it came pre-loaded with Catalina. I’m working in Adobe Premiere 2019 (Not 2020 for obvious reasons). And noticing very poor performance issues. Timeline is choppy, slow exports, etc etc etc. I have also been monitoring the GPU usage in iStats monitor. On my other 2013 Mac pro (in Sierra) The GPU usage levels go up and down based on my work (as it should). The GPU in the new system just slowly builds and builds... and even when I close out the premiere software it stays built at a hight level (Photo attached) although never going over 50%. But since it never decreases in amount used. this leads me to believe that Premiere isn’t really doing anything at all with the GPU, and the usage of the GPU is arbitrary to the work. Operating in Open CL, Metal won’t even play stuff back. Anybody in a similar situation? Is this just a game of catch up Adobe is playing with the new Mac Pro and they are writing code to use the new system? Do I need to downgrade OS, is it an OS issue (Although downgrading to Mojave on a system shipped with Catalina is a whooooooole other thing)? Any tips? Thoughts?

I understand your frustration. Same thing for me... This is totally unacceptable from Adobe.
My computer is a MacPro 6.1 with AMD FirePro 500 with 64GB RAM running on macOS High Sierra. Since I updated Premiere from 2018 to 2019 everything is now super slow. It's like running on an 2005 computer!!!! Exports take a long time to do. The timeline is a hell to edit on a big project...very laggy and unresponsive. Even an audio stereo export from the timeline is now very long to execute (from 1 minute to 8 minutes now for a 60 minutes length project). I also have a lot of visual glitches and problematic rendering. Older versions of Premiere also had problems, but never like the 2019 version. And the 2020 version was just as awful. TOTALY DISAPOINTING!!!, I cannot continue like this, I will change to Resolve and hope.

Sorry for my bad English. French spoken person!
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macrumors regular
Jul 30, 2019
Resurrecting this thread - I still use Premiere and I can see it's not utilizing my GPUs at all (Radeon 6900 XT + 5700 XT MPX)


macrumors regular
Jul 30, 2019
Switch to Resolve. I did it back in March 2020 an never looked back!
I keep hearing this from everyone I know that does video. what's the learning curve like for those of us who have been solid Premiere for so long?


macrumors 68040
Nov 15, 2012
I keep hearing this from everyone I know that does video. what's the learning curve like for those of us who have been solid Premiere for so long?
I've been with Premiere forever, but trust me, the learning curve is super smooth. All you need to do is to invest maybe a few hours to port all your shortcuts over to make it behave the same way like premiere does (for example to trim the end point of a layer or so.)
What I did was I paid for this course (it was one back at the time and only 99$)
just to get over the initial irritation. Even though I will say it wasnt as IN DEPTH as I wouldve liked, it was enough to get the ball rolling in my case, and he explains everything pretty clearly. It definitely helped. I then went along and modified my shortcuts along the way. (He also does have some free trainings, maybe try those first.)

Just a few things that are really unique and superior to Premiere in Resolve:
-First and foremost the performance, it's just insane. FCP X level so to say.
-The cut page, it's become my favorite feature, hand in hand with the speed editor keyboard, because you can just scroll through ALL your footage with ease in one timeline and it make going back into the source footage just soooo fast. Of course you can do the same in Premiere by throwing all footage in one timeline and having that open parallel to your main edit, but it's just realized so much more smoothly in Resolve.
-RETIMING CURVES, once you get the hang of these, you just can not go back to Premiere. It's insane how easy and smart those are in comparison.
-color management: You can import files from different cameras into a project and have resolve color manage all of them, like it converts the log files straight to a clean Rec 709, and it just works so much better than in Premiere.
-the ability to color correct right away or hand over to a colorist without the need for any conforming or onlining.

Three things that still work better in Premiere:
-The auto transcribe feature sometimes forces me to go back
-nesting timelines for social media format re-editing (dropping a 16x9 timeline into a 4x5 sequence and reframing it just DOESNT work in Resolve, it's broken right now. Resolve crops the 16x9 sequence left and right so you can't reframe it. Craziest bug ever).
- batch exporting by selecting several timelines and hitting export, or any sort of background rendering doesnt exist in Resolve.
- For some bizarre reason it's not possible to hold "alt" and swap clips around the timeline like it is in Premiere. This annoys the living hell out of me.

But the advantages just way outweigh the downsides I would say. Especially since you can see at what crazy pace they keep updating and adding features, it just keeps getting better with every release.

Oh and if you should be worried about after effects collaboration, you can always export an XML and import that into Premiere and then copy paste clips to after effects from there without hickups.

I would also say that learning Resolve just will make you a more professional post production person in general, as you will learn a lot about potential hickups later down the chain.


macrumors 6502
Jun 15, 2015
Northern VA
I would also say that learning Resolve just will make you a more professional post production person in general, as you will learn a lot about potential hickups later down the chain.
I told you we had better cookies over here. You finally believed me.
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